Please, please, with God all things are possible
Trump's MAGA Policies Are Widely Popular
New Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll Shows
As another exclusive in matter anti matter.
People around the world are in delight over President Donald Trump emancipating the world from global slavery. The polling is overwhelming for the President and it is such a blessing to have a leader who is honest and can be trusted, because President Trump thinks with "peace" first and not bomb everything to hell like Bush, Clinton, Obama and Biden.
This is the way America once was in President William McKinley and President Ronald Reagan. America thought in diplomatic terms and not in destruction to accomplish a good, not for America alone, but thee America which part of a world which it was stuck with.
Putin backs Trump’s proposal for US, China
To Cut defense spending in HALF
I am in serious negotiations with Russian President Vladimir Putin not only about ending the war, but also about major economic agreements that are planned to be concluded between the US and Russia. The negotiations are going very well!
All of this is possible with the President guiding public opinion in how to save America, which is what the American public desires, but has been lied to for years, that they thought it was not possible. Americans are gaining a supreme trust in President Trump.
The other day I was in the grocery and a little blonde gal was studying egg prices thoughtfully. In my usual way I quipped, "Have to take a loan out for those". She smiled and agreed, but as we talked she said before leaving, "Things are getting better," with a contented smile. That is the President Donald Trump smile on American's faces.
President Vladimir Putin is being rewarded and Russia should be rewarded for not launching nuclear missile at the West in all Russia has been assaulted by. That trust is in President Donald Trump. Yes the Russian assistants still have to get in some digs, but the Russians have earned it and should vent as they have been horribly abused for decades. President Putin has been magnanimous and generous. Trust is being restored between Russia and America, and as President Theodore Roosevelt dictated, "America should have healthy competition with other nations for prosperity, as this keeps wars from starting". That is interaction and Russia and America are again interacting. I hope sincerely that the Russian Saiga firearms start flooding into America with affordable ammunition.
It is a beautiful thing when an honest American is President of thee American People, for the beauty extends overseas to other honest leaders who move then to build upon that relationship so all of us have a safer and more prosperous world.
Trump said it’s in the best interest of the U.S., Europe, Ukraine, and Russia to “stop the killing now.”
“My administration is making a decisive break with the foreign policy values of the past administration, and frankly, the past,” he said. “I ran against a very foolish foreign policy establishment, and their recklessness has led to the death of many, many people. Under our administration, we’re forging a new path that promotes peace around the world.”
The Lame Cherry prays for the health, strength and security of President Donald Trump and President Vladimir Putin to forge this everlasting RusAmera Pax. For when the leading Protestant Christians nations of this world are secure with each other and at peace, we will not be shoved over the edge into Armageddon to fight against Christ there.
May God's will be done for the sons of Jacob and the sons of Japheth.
Nuff Said