Monday, February 10, 2025

The American Russian Secret Peace Deal


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The wife is hot. We are going to make her a prostitute at Trump Resorts Moscow. Any Russian who gets a hole in one, gets to tap that.

The children are not. We are sending them as Jews to Israel to beef up the population as Jews don't have babies. I want to send all the invaders of America to Israel too as Jewish converts to increase the population as Jews don't have babies.

Dwarf babies are better than no babies. I will use them as war fodder anyway.

Oy vey, Frank, you got lots of goddamn beaners! I can kill them all in war and you still got beaners coming out of your ass. They don't fill your collection plate, the padres don't want to fuck them, so pony up as this is the peace deal man!

We also get Obama to shine my shoes, one of Biden's kidneys, the underwear the FBI stole from Melania Trump's drawer and a golf cart, it is really a great deal!

Nuff Said
