Thursday, February 27, 2025

The Lincoln Rifles


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In 2016 AD in the year of our Lord, this popular girl posted a number of undertakings to secure America, but he did none of them.

I doubt that as everything was by design that we are in the situation which was intended, that any further advice would ever be undertaken as the group which is anointing our President, does not want any more competition than Adolf Hitler wanted the Brown Shirts dearly departed and opted for the German Army to throw in with.

Abraham Lincoln though was no Adolf Hitler in he took things serious.

What Abraham Lincoln undertook as President with some loyal Kentuckians and Ohioans, was to hold Kentucky in the Union. The method suggested to him as Abraham Lincoln took suggestions well, was to provide rifles to his loyal Americans, 10,000 of them to the home guard.

Ronald Reagan liked handing out guns too to his people.

Just loyalists to Abraham Lincoln like Beckenridge and some other guy who with military background volunteered to save the Union in the border states

How NRA's true believers converted a marksmanship group into a ...

Jan 12, 2013 ... He wanted to roll back gun laws, even the ones that restricted the sale of machine guns. He believed that gun-control laws threatened basic ...

Lincoln Guns - Kentucky Historical Society

Lincoln Guns ... In spring of 1861, Union officer & Kentuckian William Nelson was alarmed at the lack of weapons available to arm the state's loyal citizen ...
