Tuesday, February 11, 2025

The Meaning of the Election of President Donald Trump


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The value of the wisdom of past Americans who went through what we are experiencing is thee only path which this American People can trust to take. Below I copied a quote of a military Veteran who was on furlough in Chicago and was asked if the military backed the President. His answer is the wisdom of the ages and it speaks to this Goddamn RESISTANCE which is Obama hiding behind, like BLM and ANTIFA that overthrew the 2020 elections in a Donald Trump victory provided by the voters of America.
Resistance is a cover word for treason, treachery and insurrection to overthrow the legitimate Government of the United States. America had a front row seat in Trump45 in the FBI weaponized, the military weaponized, the press weaponized, the Congress and Judiciary weaponized against President Donald Trump. Resistance is REBELLION and there is no place in the Constitution for this high crime.

I desire you to read the following paragraph and pay attention to the sentences in bold type for they define what this is ALL about. It defines that President Donald Trump and his Administration is going to have to ferret out, root out, to the last vestige of this anti American cancerous disease.

Why, of course they do. We all re enlisted to see this thing through, and Old Abe must re enlist  too. He mustered us in and we'll be damned if he shan't stay where he is until he has mustered us out. We'll never give up until every rebel acknowledges he is the Constitutional President.  When they got beat at the election they kicked out the traces and swore they would not submit to a black Republican President. but by hell they have got to. We will show them that elections in this country have got to stand. Old Abe must stay in the White House until every rebel climbs down and agrees to obey the laws of his country. I don't give a cuss for this country if the beaten side has the right to bolt after an election; it would not be fit to live in.

Elections have absolute consequences. The winner governs while the losers are afforded only ONE option and that is to voice their vote in Congress and in debate, and for the individual to voice their ideas by whatever street corner or media they choose.

What we have heard are instructions of government employees, embedding, disrupting, not carrying out the orders of the Government. That is treason. That is insurrection. That sabotage is a criminal action to thwart elections, to thwart the will of the majority, to overthrow the Government.

Every single one of these insurrectionists must be prosecuted or so penalized that they will not for a generation ever dare to attempt this attack on America again. That is what General William Sherman stated had to be done to the rebellion of the South. Representative Thadeus Stevens of Pennsylvania advocated the Government extermination of the Southern leadership which drove forward this attack upon the Constitution. President Donald Trump spoke of the need of fear. Fear is a necessary element. The fear of the Lord is a requirement and that fear is to hate all evil. The fear in America which must be driven by Government penalty to so terrorize these criminals into submission, absolute submission to the Rule of Law by the United States Constitution, second only to the Rule of Law by God in Heaven.

This country as we have witnessed is not fit to live in, when you have an Obama horde weaponizing to extinction Americans, replacing Americans with foreign invaders and hunting down Americans for being Americans. Americans have been murdered in Ashli Babbitt and Roseanne Boyland to name the first two murdered political enemies of the Obama Bush state.

Have you heard one of these politicians from Bush43, Clinton, Obama or Biden disavowing any of this genocide against Christian America, an American founded under God, indivisible? No their weapon is to divide America and end America.

President Donald Trump and his every appointee this time is going to have to crush, remove and so obliterate these insurrectionists that they are wiped out forever. They are criminals and the State has been authorized the Authority to in times of insurrection and invasion to protect the People from a poisonous thought, of exterminating the healthy political organ for the diseased.

If President Donald Trump does not do this, this time, and if Vice President JD Vance does not continue on even when satan moves the hearts of minions to a misplaced compassion, which will allow this terminal manifesto to re infect a moral trusting people, who should have by a jury hung the callers for compassion by the neck until dead like the original insurrectionists.

We'll never give up until every rebel acknowledges he is the Constitutional PresidentWe will show them that elections in this country have got to stand, if the beaten side has the right to bolt after an election; it would not be fit to live in.

Nuff Said
