Saturday, March 15, 2025

French Toast

“Zelensky sent a letter to the president. He apologized for that whole incident that happened in the Oval Office,” Witkoff stated. “I think that it was an important step and there’s been a lot of discussion between our teams and the Ukrainians and the Europeans who are relevant to this discussion as well.”

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I can not speak for President Donald Trump, because I'm not an Elon Musk buddy, nor does the Board send me courier messages in beer steins. All I have are the voices and the Inspiration working things out and in that the popular girl is intrepid over the uneasiness I feel, based upon what has been published in the media.

So based on that, I believe I can predict the future in what is being plotted against the President, as the European monarchs without crowns base this on the one weakness the President has in the Golden Age. The Europeans will move and manipulate what is taking place in that Golden Age projection and what Vice President JD Vance told Speaker Ziongelical in the State of the Union, that a Trump Reckoning is coming on the enemies of America. This threat filled the MI6 British press and in this Tavistock rope a dope, the Europeans know President Trump wants to save America, wants peace and is going to avenge himself and America. When one knows the direction and purpose, one can lay traps for the person. The Lame Cherry promises you that London and Paris are fucking around against the United States in Ukraine, in Gaza and in Canada, worse than all the enemies of America in the world combined.

According to lip reading expert Jeremy Freeman, Vance privately said: "Yes it is, a full reckoning, and long overdue." Vance could also be overheard telling Johnson 

Everything the Europeans are engaged in, in end result is known. Macron of France blurted our for some reason that Europe could not live on a Peace Dividend, meaning Europe is going to war. It does not matter what President Donald Trump says or does, even with peace in Russia. Europe is going to war with Russia. PERIOD, and everything Donald Trump as President is engaged in, is going to be disrupted by London and Paris as completely as the era of President Abraham Lincoln.

What each of you my children and brats had better come to terms with is there is going to be a war in Europe. This is why the Lame Cherry keeps pressing the tine line for the United States to get so far away from this that they do not get drawn in as in the past two world wars, instigated by London, Paris and Warsaw.

Vladimir Putin's next 'massacre' targets revealed as ex-NATO chief warns of 'inevitable' war

That is this popular girl's angst in President Trump, who I believe does not want those worthless minerals in Ukraine for development, as it would cost a fortune and who knows if they are even there, are only a piece on this board, that Mr. Trump wants, so that the Europeans or Russians do not get them. This is about an American Golden Age, and having resources no one else can develop, as you gain control over Russian rare earth and then develop you resources in Greenland is monopoly control. China will be embargoed and strangled. You can not build a Golden Age, if you do not hold all the goodies for that age.

My concern though is the President is like in a movie scene, standing around outside his limo, waiting for the deal, and the entire area is being surrounded by the dust clouds of war which is about to detonate. I fully believe the President is aware of the intrigue, but waiting for minerals in Ukraine that Kiev already sold to London, and working leverage on Kiev in letting Russia blow the hell out of them, while threatening Russia that the sanctions do not come off until peace is arrived at, is not exactly Teddy Roosevelt getting blankets in his home for the Japanese and Russian ambassadors staying with him to end the Russo Japanese War.

Russia must have peace which is genuine for her security. The Europeans do not want peace at all and anything they agree to is not worth the paper it is written on.


Trump not only wants the minerals agreement, but also to see a change in Zelensky’s attitude toward peace talks, including a willingness to make concessions such as giving up territory to Russia in order to stop the fighting, the broadcaster relayed on Sunday, citing a member of the administration and another American official.

What we have going on now, is the same lying which the Minsk Accords were in duping Russia, so Ukraine could arm to destroy Russia by the globalists. This time America is being lied to and Russia is not going to agree to anything this time, unless it is bound in writing. Russia has had enough of Bush family "word of honor" which was nothing but lies to Moscow.

Russia, however, has said repeatedly that it won’t accept a temporary ceasefire with Ukraine, insisting that the conflict must be settled through reliable, legally binding agreements that would eliminate its root causes.

I have invested a great deal of groundwork here to lay out the reality of the situation, and now come to what is giving me angst about the future. The enemies of the United States have always been in London and Paris with their Bulan bankers, who control the Federal Reserve. There was a reason after the broken meeting in the White House between Ukraine and America where the dwarf ran right to the British and the French.

I will give you the short version in this. Previously New York banking sold out America to the British and French for two world wars, and had two accomplices in Woody Wilson and Frank Roosevelt to exterminate the German Lutherans. The same culprits are at work again in this current situation.

Yes there is the Board's game play over Berlin and the Obama shift to confront the Peking Girls, so this is not in a vacuum, but the focus here is what are London and Paris thinking or plotting?

London and Paris are setting up the United States on two fronts, one seen and one which will appear. They want the United States anchored economically in Ukraine with those minerals, so that they can start assassinating Russians, drop some bombs on American contractors, goad America to provide security and blame Russia for dropping bombs on America to start this war. That is why this popular girl does not want America in any body part in that despicable land of treachery as America has a target on her.

If the United States is in Ukraine, or is not in Ukraine, there is a phase of this which will return to the previous world wars in the Balkan Gambit. London and Paris, in a likely scenario of putting the Germans in their security orbit as the main target of extermination by Russia, will begin assassination campaigns in the Balkans, to infuriate Moscow over being betrayed again by these European monarchs without crowns, and Russia will deem with an understanding of peace with America, or if as the Bavarians seers have stated, "America will be tied up in America with problems of their own", Russia will invade Europe to protect her allies and to push the security zone to Western Europe, and topple the regimes there in war.

It must be remembered that Europe does not have jack shit to fight Russia. They might be able to hold at Prague, but will be shattered there and fall back to the West with Russia rolling with it's columns taking territory.

OK now the thought should come to you in, "You have a pimple ass faggot duo in Macron and Stamer, in fatty flesh weaklings, so why are they so insane to be poking a 2000 pound Russian Bear who will slaughter them? There is the rub in this and the Lame Cherry will provide the answer.

We know that Bush fam, Clintons and Obama with Jewish bankers in New York funded the Chinese miracle to cripple the Western People of independent wealth. We know that Russia was assisted in their new technology to advance Russia to a threat status. Yes the American despot with their European monarchs with crowns built this war scenario in making Eurasia on par with America and outstripping Europe.
Stay with me now as I have written of this previously. The Untied States does not show the world it's advanced weapons. America has weapons 50 years ahead of Russian hypersonics. You will notice the Pentagon suddenly appeared with photographs an American warship with working lasers. Ah yes, the speed of light weapon which neutralizes the Russian hypersonic weapons of sound.

This is the only conclusion in this. The Europeans are not insane nor mad. They know America has advanced weapons, and they are going to pick this war with Russia, get slaughtered and know with pressure from the Jewish banker and media, and their agents in America that Americans will be goaded to enter the war to "save Europe", which means war with Russia.

 In the seers, they explain some green powder, a sort of hybrid nuclear chem synthetic biological weapon that kills everything will be spread over Europe in a Texas sized swath to stop Russia. In time, Russia retaliates with it's nuclear submarines and scorches most of America.

In understanding that future, no America would want that, so what must be put into the time line is for America to not ever get guilted into another Eurasian War. America can not have Donald Trump or JD Vance ever contemplating to save Europe. It must be hands off completely.

There is another phase of this out of London and Paris, which was exclusively broken by the Lame Cherry, it is the phase two of this, in London and Paris will "acquire" Canada before America does, and London and Paris will place nuclear missiles into Quebec and English Canada, and they will fight their nuclear war from Canada on the American border, to force the United States to defend herself with her high tech weapons.

So you see, London and Paris have this worked out to set these tripwires that if America avoids one, then another appears in their flank in the Balkans and if that fails, then it will appear in America's front yard as the Canadians are a stupid critter on the level of the extinct species who thought roaring saber tooth tigers were something to go out and look at.

The United States needs some plain and frank discussions, based in, "We both know we are playing this game to win and our trust must be verified, but while we are working our peaceful move forward, we have Europe and China, both trying to get us into war for their advantage. We need a non public agreement to never get into war with each other and before either of us move on anything, to sit down and discuss with the other, if there is a better way to proceed. We look out for our own interests, but by God if we don't look out for each other, these culprits are going to do heinous things again to try to get us into war".

President Lincoln and Secretary of State Seward had a number of secret understandings with the Czar. Russian Navy and diplomats which the public never knew of, but London and Paris anticipated and had them in a state of anxiety.

I would suggest that a written agreement of security read something like, "The United States will not be in Eastern Europe, if Russia stays out of Eastern Europe and does not deploy forces. If Russia is attacked by Europe, the United States will not come to the aid of Europe. Russia agrees though to not attack Eastern Europe, but will strike the Western enemies in Europe who are behind this intrigue. Russia will be allowed this defense to the point of not occupation, nor obliteration of these states. Russian limits are to crush those regimes, so that with American assistance, compatible right wing governments who will make peace with Russia and not be intriguers against America will be elected to those governments".

This policy would be of immense benefit to  the United States in Russia eliminating the phobes who have been making war against America and Russia for the past almost 200 years.

Failure to find accord with Russia will mean a nuclear war in an end of civilization. The problem in this are London and Paris with their conduits in New York finance and the solution to this will only come with God's blessing from Moscow and Washington City.

Nuff Said
