As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I have not made a habit of posting policy successes, but do this again to remind the non donors that by God' Grace I was Inspired to write the Donald Trump timeline. I promised God to not interfere with His Last Days, but that does not mean I have not been steamrolling, shifting and maneuvering time lines.
While it is a matter of potAtoe to poTAToe, my Philistia was in Libya and the New Philistia is in some other sand pit. The point is the idea was placed, it was pondered and now it is manifesting for the life of the Philistines and most important for the Lame Cherry, the lives of Prostestant American Christians. America can not be at Armageddon when America is building fortress America.
The U.S. and Israel have proposed a plan to officials in Sudan, Somalia and Somaliland: resettling Palestinians from Gaza in these African regions.
What was once dismissed as a fringe idea of Israel’s ultranationalists has now been embraced by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has hailed it as a "bold vision."
U.S. and Israeli officials, speaking anonymously, confirmed backdoor discussions with Sudan, Somalia and Somaliland.
This is a good deal for the Philistines. The only people who do not want it are the food peddlers and lords of war who get money out of this Gaza thing. The Philistines produce one commodity in eggs and sperm. The Jew does not produce babies. Put the Philistines into the sands, let them fuck as they do, and through natural selection the Philistines will have a return population by 2050 as the Jew population collapses as American Jewry is to busy with their 30 pieces to migrate to the state of Tel Aviv as Prime Minister Begin begged Jews to return to the occupied lands and produce babies.
I suppose I'm a whispered thought from God into the Administration as a number of things have appeared which were whispered here. Not paid, not a job title, no contact, no connection, but by God the job gets done here. I'm not to be offended or pissed off and awe is the correct word by definition, you can look that up.
America needs to get out of this conflict situation, to secure Canada, Central America, Greenland and fortress up, in being at peace with the world which will blow up. America must under President Trump NOT be Woody Wilson or Frank Roosevelt. America MUST BE George Washington and Calvin Coolidge in being prosperous, secure and at peace in the world. I can not promise that the metro dictatorships will be wiped from America, but I will attempt to keep the Christian places from being obliterated. You are either with me or for Armageddon. I will be the peacemaker and the blood of billions is on your answer list.
See one educates the Bulan boys and they pass spending bills and become educated to wonderful visions that they do not get from their messiah.
Nuff Said
Jesus Is Just Alright with Me (2007 Remaster) - YouTube