Thursday, March 13, 2025

From the Ides of March to April Fools


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

While the data is raw, the steps are in process in Europe, that in the next month, Europe will seize all private saving's assets to generate a war economy.

President Trump is in the process of creating Fortress America, but it is like trying to get out of the way of a car about to hit you.

The reason Ukraine is so nuts, is due to what is coming to Europe and this is the London and Paris idea of what is this war on Russia.

I will add some information which I conducted in Inquiring. I believe the matrix is saying that Germany's new regime will collapse, at the end of June to July. This is by design and linked to this madness in Europe. It is then that the Board will be able to center on a stabilizing group for the security of Europe. Have not asked in awhile, but know that is what was the focus.

The President is not going to link to Europe. The arms flow to Ukraine has one purpose and that is to buy time in slowing Russia down as Russia is smashing the already shattered Ukrainian army.

Out of this boil and bubble toil and trouble will emerge what is the necessity.

Hal Turner is always harping about preparations. I would suggest that everyone and most cities will allow a few chickens in the backyard, is to get some baby chick hens. The production birds will lay almost an egg a day, so a few hens as in 4 will probably feed people and do not make noise like roosters would. Keep them safe from coons and dogs, and put them into a dog kennel at night and you have your daily bread. Yes cracked corn, whatever bugs they eat and table scraps.

We are in process and tonight is the blood moon at 1 am central.

Nuff Said

