Wednesday, March 12, 2025

the dumbfuck russian

another dumbfuck Russian

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Hal Turner featured this social media poster and Turner and others are voicing the refrain of how powerful Russia is and America must be humiliated. Read this and the Lame Cherry will explain a bit of this.

In his OP-ED, Nolan writes:

Washington Blinks First: Baby Steps in Moscow, But Russia Holds All the Cards

Trump’s envoy Steve Witkoff heading to Moscow isn’t a negotiation, not yet. It’s a reality check. The empire knows it’s losing, but it needs to stage-manage the retreat, to make its inevitable defeat look like a strategic recalibration instead of a humiliating collapse.

Because let’s be honest: Moscow won this war before it even started. NATO is depleted, Ukraine is a graveyard, the EU is bankrupt, and the BRICS+ bloc is expanding by the minute. The global chessboard is shifting from unipolar fantasy to multipolar reality. But Washington can’t afford to admit this outright, not to its vassals, not to its media, and certainly not to the American public already seething over another imperial disaster.

So, what’s the play? Face-saving. The US needs a way to exit Ukraine without looking like it’s being kicked out. They’ll demand meaningless “concessions” from Moscow to save political face. But Russia doesn’t need to give them anything. This war ends on Russia’s terms, on the battlefield, not at the negotiating table.

We’ve seen this script before:
 • Vietnam, 1975: The US loses but pretends it was a “noble cause.”
 • Afghanistan, 2021: The US loses, but Biden blames Trump.
 • Ukraine, 2024-2025: The US loses, but Zelensky gets the knife in the back.

And NATO? The great “defensive alliance” that couldn’t even defend its own ammo stockpiles? This is their Suez Crisis moment, an irreversible turning point where the entire world sees Western power for what it really is: a declining empire trying to control the future with outdated threats.

Meanwhile, Russia has all the time in the world. It’s militarily, economically, and diplomatically stronger than ever. The Kremlin isn’t rushing for a less than perfect peace, it’s waiting for reality to sink in. Because when the US comes crawling for a real deal, they won’t be dictating terms.

This isn’t about negotiations. This is about Washington slowly accepting that it lost.

And when the smoke clears, the multipolar world moves forward to the next battle.

The above Nolan is a moron. What he thinks he sees is what this operation was intended for Russia to think. Do you not think for a moment that the Nuland's behind this had thought of, "What if we lose?" I'm not waiting for your answer as the answer is absolutely yes. The group behind this had all the scenarios looped and what is taking place now is a known quantity.

What the Lame Cherry again explains is, the United States is not beat. I call your attention to a bizarre photo confirmation "leaked" by the Pentagon of a US Navy ship, shooting off it's mammoth lasers. Wow America confirmed it has huge lasers. Now why would it do that? To inform Peking and Russia, that America has a weapon that moves at the speed of light and their hypersonics move only at 10 times the speed of sound. The Russian doomsday weapon is not invincible nor is Russia.

If Moscow mistakes and I mean MISTAKES President Trump's magnanimous overtures to make up for their dead in shutting down US bases and cutting off supplies to Ukraine for weakness like the above troll, they are going to find out what war is.

I have stated that the United States should make peace at any cost, to get out of this, because the way America wins this is in economics. If those fuckhead British and French would stop fucking things up for America in their tantrums, it would help immensely to get this out of hot war and into coin war. Russia is now hedging like that bastard Brezhnev always did in dragging negotiations out.

There was an article in the Bulgarian military about how US technicians had to recalibrate F 16 radars and weapons to shoot down Russian things.  Translate that as Bidencon NEVER gave Ukraine the full access to US systems. What this means is if the Kremlin jacks around in this, that President Trump is going to make Russia bleed like it never dreamed. Russian systems are not going to work. Russian systems are not going to penetrate Ukraine. Russian systems will not protect Russian lines and piles of Russians are going to die, just like when President Trump allowed Russia to pound the shit out of Ukraine to make Kiev come to peace terms, President Trump is going to pound the shit out of Russians to teach them with the fist to the face, the only thing a belligerent Russian comprehends.

I would hope that Moscow would settle for it's advances, Chinamen as peacekeepers, a peace treaty in writing which is guaranteed, and not have this escalate to nuclear war again, as this is where this is going in Russia will be destabilized by this war if President Trump unleashes on this front and Russia in losing and driven out of Ukraine, will again threaten nuclear weapons.

The Lame Cherry had hoped for maturity in the Russians, as they have been quite diplomatic, but with a misplaced confidence, they are trying to be difficult in another pound of flesh.

For the United States, Europe has one purpose in this, and that is eat up Russian resources if it comes to war. Russia can take Europe, but Russia can not hold Europe. Russia will die as a military power in Europe and shatter itself.

A Trump Golden Age is that much more golden with a destroyed Europe and a shattered Russia to supply these problem brats. 47 is being humane as is the Board in this for the Germans.

This popular girl stated that she could have broken the Russian army and done so with snipers. The United States has robotic sniper platforms. You do the math as I have did previously. 1 sniper system killing a Russian every 2 minutes, is 30 dead Russians an hour. That is 720 in 24 hours.

At 72,000 troops to keep the numbers round, it would take 3 months for one sniper platform to kill that many Russians. The Russians have around 150,000 troops in the Ukraine area.

Put 100 platforms to work, and the numbers reveal that you could kill half the Russian army in 24 hours and wipe it out in 2 days. All with a fucking bullet, no nukes, no missiles, just a bullet.

I can do the same thing with tanks in drones with RPG's as much as helicopters and yes combat aircraft. 

I can be a plague to any military on this planet and wipe it out.

Russia has been toyed with by the United States just as Moscow was allowed to toy with Ukraine. It is Russia which is facing jeopardy, not the United States, as the scenario would shatter the Russian military, weaken Putin, and Putin would then have to react to invade Europe, where Russia would die, because the point is conventional forces response to not aggravate a nuclear response.

I greatly admire Vladimir Putin. I admire his choices in his advisors in being some of the best in the world, but the Russian response now is from a Cold War, and not a Hot War. The Kremlin fossils could fuck around for time as there was not a conflict to bite them in the ass. I know the projections in this. Russia will be on the defensive in the west and as China grows hungry and cold, China will move into Russia to demand food and supplies to survive. Russia will be pinned down and will face a war with China's billions and all they will have left is nuclear warfare.

Mr. Putin needs to drop this hot potato of Ukraine before he gets burned, just as the United States needs to make peace to leave Russia intact, for ventures in the east with China.

By God's Grace I write time lines. Russia has three problems. England which is perpetual. The Jews which are always waiting, and China the terminal cancer. The United States is not Russia's problem, unless Russia creates it as a problem by not making peace.

the original dumbfuck Russian who bled Russia to collapse by his Warsaw Pac

Nuff Said
