Perhaps she should paint her costume on as cut off veins cause clots.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I have no idea what a Rachel Blevins is, besides a skirt selling her looks and her puppy to a bunch of jackoff commandos as she does Texas sized ideas of this fringe media entourage of guests whoring for attention.
It was this quote though by Journalist Blevins which dismisses her.
Patrick Henningsen, a journalist and geopolitical analyst, noted that by cutting off intelligence sharing, the Trump Admin is showing it is serious about bringing the war to an end, and doesn’t want to give Zelensky (or any of the right-wing, neo-Nazis he’s surrounding by) ammunition to try to provoke Russia with a false flag attack.
If all she is going to do is repeat Mockingbird Jewish propaganda points from the holocaust for cover, pull the string Barbie Doll, she is just another parrot of the problem.
As this blog has explained this, it will again, because the children of the GENS, are pumping information so fast they never think.
Right Wing Neo Nazi.
OK, how about a Protestant Christian New Satanist.
That can not exist in a house divided.
As the Lame Cherry has taught against this propaganda smearing people on the Right, a NAZI, stands for NATIONAL SOCIALISM. Gee a socialist is a LEFT WING ideology. So a right wing, left wing Nazi can not exist. Nazis are ALL left wing. There is not a right wing in them. This is like that Goddamn Tim Russert twisting Ronald Reagan Blue States to Red States as Commie Red was costing democrats elections as people associated RED with Pinko traitor. So Russert in the money pimp he was for the CIA and his entourage on the fraud right, all changed the colours.
The American Right was branded as Nazi's deliberately by the American communist and their allies in the Jewish left wing media to smear Conservatives. The reason this propaganda works is because the trained chimps are to lazy to peal the banana, and just repeat those catch phrases, instead of being responsible and stopping the smearing of Americans.
Now why Rachel Blevins is smearing Americans, that is something I could care less about as they are a vast sea of pull the string Barbie Dolls. I care about the Truth and by posting the Truth, it exposes how uninformed Ms. Blevins is. As she is that uninformed on a simple thing, what else is she spewing that is the same misinformation and how much of what she is spewing is the CIA Mockingbird talking points, keeping the gulag conditioning in process.
She had better market it in cashing in, because the lines on her neck show she is not aging well and when Kamala did the face injections, that had a shelf life of 9 months and now she looks like some horror movie, and jackoff commandos do not subscribe to freak shows on substack.
One last thing, I think she meant "SURROUNDED BY" not "SURROUNDING BY". I have my reasons for grammar pollution. I doubt Ms. Blevins has thought that far ahead.
Nuff Said