As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Like most of you, I'm having a struggle of a time in the satanic attacks as it is like the reversals of David John Oates on the dwarf Zellinskyy, talking about demons and satan, because you can just see the evil in this mass murderer as this type of human is spreading the force of that evil into this world.
So in the Latter Days, we get HAARP demon weather weaponized against us, innocent things perish, bad things crop up in manifestations of hateful people against us, and the non donors continue on thinking none of this is going to come due in their stealing from God here.
That is why, while I do not get a thrill out of the ANTIGOV being kicked out by DOGE, I did delight in the Pater Pope having a rough night as he clings to this world, as demons try and drag this pedo to hell who hates Jesus the Son of God. This false prophet in Reverse Speech talks about raping little boys. He is evil to the core and real Catholics detest him as the destroyer of their religion.
You got to think of the avenging in this though in Frank has been raping little boy butts, and here is strapped into a bed, a hose down his throat to breathe, kidneys failing, he is pinned down and dying, and her come the demons gnashing at him like in Ghost, and he can't get away. They are there as he has no repentance and will not call on the Name of Jesus the Christ to save him.
Pope Said To Have Spent All Night Screaming
At Demons Trying To Drag Him To Hell...
Exorcist reveals the chilling cases that ‘prove'
the Devil is real
So this time, this kind of avenging by God in all my misery, delighted me. This is to the bone and to the core and is a lesson to all to fulfill the Law of God to hate evil, to Care for others in need, and to trust like all Protestant Christians, ONLY in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, to deliver now and to save us when He comes for us.
My evil godfather died in the hospital and TL and I laughed as he said he saw Jesus..........his family thought that wonderful, but we both thought, Jesus was coming for someone else and ignored the evil godfather. That did not quite soak into that fat dolt.
Last time I "saw" him was in the cemetery. It was an internal feeling of a big dumb dense idiot who could not comprehend what was going on as like an off color blob hovered in malevolence over his grave of ashes. Never had a repeat, so perhaps the demons caught up with him, but it said allot in he never was with his fat ass family who are going to hell to, just his ashes as that is all that was left.
God's Will be accomplished as there is no protection for the collection forces of the satanic for evil people.
Nuff Said