Monday, March 3, 2025

King Charles hands Canada to America


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

My much loved Canadian children, even if only one of you had donated with a lovely Scottish name, you should probably be gaining an ally and good repose with the Lame Cherry as your Crown has tossed you to the wilderness, in the Prime Minister of England has refused to deny the United States it's Monroe Doctrine Right to annex all of Canada.

Yes my little children of Canada, you should be like my pet Mexicans, who smile at me in the Brier Patch, and go out of the way to sweep snow out of my path, lest my feet touches a flake of snow, for they know having the Lame Cherry as an ally, keeps them from being carted off to oblivion and  their nice sports cars in my garage, leaving them with nothing.

Yes my little children, forget that repulsive song you sing as an anthem, forget that silly leaf flag, forget that "eh", forget that name you have been called, for your destiny has always been to try to become something Americans would accept with a grimace, instead of sweeping you away to oblivion in deporting all of you to oblivionland.

It should be a message that HAARP has been turned on you silly children. Quebec, with those Quebecoius Vaticanites and that silly Justin Trudeau who flew off to England to suck penis, a real penis sucker of that Stamer who you follow like dogs and that Zellinskyy whose penis is so small that a straw is large, is not going to save you. You .........I should come up for a name as I refuse to degrade you any longer in tht C*nadian word, as it is so disgusting, my little children, I just can not degrade you, as like livestock, you just favor that animal, which is like a gnome on your lawn, because it takes up space and is not more green grass to mow down.

I digress, but you will be Americans.

Starmer provokes diplomatic row by refusing to back Canada ...

4 days ago ... A diplomatic row has exploded after Sir Keir Starmer declined to back Canada against Donald Trump's ambitions to turn it into the 51st state of ...

Tensions Rise, Tariff Escalates Against Canada, Mexico - YouTube

4 days ago ... During a joint press conference with UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer, US President Donald Trump abruptly cut him off, saying, "That's enough, ...

Yes HAARP has buried that horrid state of Ontario, Quebec, Prince Ed and yes, Nova Scotia. Please do not thing since I still have relatives in New Scotland that I'm going to cut you any slack, as I have monitored all of you, and you are quite complacent, in not enough of you are signing the American anthem, or putting Old Glory over your homes like the blood of lambs sprinkled by Moses on the door posts to save those children of Israel. I'm afraid my children we are just going to have to deport allot of you, and Americans will take your things for vacation retreats, most of you homes will be bulldozed as they are not good enough for American Saxons, but you would be in them if you had simply bent the knee of your superiors and started joining America in petitions, before it became the reality of King Charles abandoning you.

Woe to the Canadian who has occupied American lands, and allowed the murder of Louis Riel, the savior of Manitoba and the Mettis Peoples.

Your King has used you as fodder. Your Trudeau has been shit upon by 10 Downing. Yes you are silly children who will be looked upon as the orphans you are. How can America trust you with guns and rights when you are so sloven as brats to not even comprehend you are nothing at all. Should not when the Normans wasted you in two world wars, been education enough, that you are expendable as primates? Should not you have gotten the message when that Harry and that quadroon fled Canada, as the bastard stable boy could not stand you, as a Nigger was more appealing than a Canadian to Harry the horse boy? I love you my children, but you are like lumps of cow turds in the garden. You are just in the way and need to be tilled in to have any good come from you.

Yes thank God the end of Canada is near. No more useless land and people in North America. Like dogs Americans will train you to some sort of service, instead of just shitting on the lawn and licking your asses. Yes you thought you were of worth to the Normans, but you are not, you are just dogs licking your butts and jacking off on some human leg.

So go do Canadian things like killing harp seal pups, saying "eh", and biling tea in the kettle, as soon you will be trained with the rod and perhaps the more trainable of you will become like the beloved William Shatner, who gave up shitting in Canada long ago, as he saw how zoo animal it was and became a glorious American, while you contented yourself in that kids in a hall thing in your red green colours.

God's bye Canada, good riddance, may enough of you become Americans to people the pasture of President Donald Trump's land.

I have not made my mind up yet on the epitaph of your name. For now I will just call you, "those critters"......perhaps that is what I will name you as critters, "critters", yes I sort of like that. Chiggars for the Mexican and critters for those things formerly known as canadians. It is quite a title rise from canadian to critters, I do hope that American generosity is not misplaced in those critters up north.

Nuff Said

