As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
While I do not believe that Zellinskyy deliberately is spreading the measles outbreaks in the United States as Yiochi Shimatsu is stating, I do believe he is on the correct spread corridor is the United States Air Force bases in America, having been to Ukraine, are transporting troops back into America, thus they are the carriers of the virus.
The answer, from this one-time military brat, is as follows: the common feature of those seven infected states are the airfields used by the US Air Force for airlifting military personnel and cargo back and forth from overseas missions around the globe. The armed forces connection between the seven states is a classic link, sort of like the card game of seven card stud, won - in this case - by Texas. So, next, to align all the cards in the opposite direction - back to the dealer - where do all the players land? Ukraine. USAF planes from those seven air bases have only one common destination. What does Ukraine have to do with measles?
I do not know which measles this is. I do not have much interest in this as I have had all 3 varieties. In fact, I might have had the German measles twice as my mum was so tired in carrying me around when I got well, that she put me down on our iceberg floors, as the old man was so fat that we didn't need heat in the house, and crawling around on the floor, I had a relapse, so I'm double charged for that strain. I realize most of you reading this have only had vaccines, so I'm a rarity in being an actually natural immune person.
In any case, the Lame Cherry knows that war is hell and war spreads disease. Frank Roosevelt and his murderous English bombers spread typhus in Europe, which was blamed on the Germans in the holocaust of the Jews dying, but it was American, English and Russian bombers who did the holocaust as the Nazi's wanted Jews alive as a work force.
In knowing that, the Lame Cherry, now that Europe in London, Paris, Warsaw and Berlin has declared war on the United States, America should enforce an international quarantine on Ukraine to stop the spread of plague. Nothing coming in and out of Ukraine will be allowed entry into the United States, nor any nation with peoples entering and exiting Ukraine will be allowed trade nor travel into America. That will shut down those Goddamn Normans of England and starve them out. They can't rule the world if they are all in shit hole Europe. America can seize all those carriers and fly them back to American bases in England and Germany, and let them deal with hundreds of thousands of deportees now on their soil. Be a nice way to seize cargoes and not pay for them either in a balance of trade...........hell seizing money in transactions would be legitimate as we all know how dangerous germs are on electronic money swipes out of London and Paris.
So that is the reality. Ukraine is a hotbed of plague and America caught it. Granted Obama and Biden sunk a bunch of bioweapon labs into Ukraine in criminal acts, but that is not the cause of this.........just karma in the germs sent out are now coming back.
Every thing is useful and this quarantine of Europe is what is in order. Of course Hungary, Serbia and any other nation not siding with Kiev is going to be somehow not on the no travel list, but that is one of the miracles of the Golden Age of Trump.
The Europeans have struck at the United States. Time to start striking back to collapse their monarchs without crowns regimes.
Nuff Said