As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Jeff Rense always ponders about Canada becoming America and by Inspiration by the Holy Ghost I have solved all of this to keep the American Flag with 50 states. It is simple in Mexico just becomes what it was in Greater Texas. There is then in Canada, Greater Alaska, Greater Washington, Greater Montana, Greater Dakota, Greater Minnesota and Greater Maine.
Solves everything in it is American law and governance in Greater America as this is all about Make America Great Again, so the answer is Make America Greater Again all thanks to 47.
Now that 47 was duped by the British with Kiev into that rare earth deal, as the scoundrels now plot in the sewers of Europe having duped 47 into mining and going to back the British war making machine in Ukraine, we can not just sit on our asses as world war is being instigated. It is imperative for America to crush the English and take back the trillions the Normans have looted from America in the Fed and aid, and the blood of Abraham Lincoln and 500,000 dead Civil War Americans demands reparations.
There is a reality in what the Lame Cherry sees now in the projections. Obama Biden gave Ukraine billions in weapons. Half of them are in the dope cartels in Mexico. These Sinola is the CIA cartel, so they are armed with the same weapons the US military has, because Kiev laundered them to Mexico.......a really stupid deal in Ukraine minerals in America pays for them, and Ukraine pocketed the billions in sales to Mexican terrorists with bombs to blow up Americans.
That seems the idea in Mexico will have a cartel war with America. The cartels will be useful in killing off the Mexican white Spanish rulers and Jew, and America can sweep in for security, wipe out the cartels and get Mexico the way Putin got Crimea.
I see this as win win, and the piece of cheese that Donald Trump got for Ukraine mining is not so humiliating in projecting that America will get Mexico and Canada, and the Lame Cherry is confident once 47 figures out he was duped by London and Paris that he will retaliate and have the English and French living in the gutters, eating their own poop.
So that is the insight in now this all works out. I say overthrow Germany for Kurz and the AfD and turn Ukraine over to the Germans to eat Russian bombs, and America can skim the profits and not get into a nuclear world war.
A wonderful chocolate looking cake can be made out of shit if you mould it a bit and bake it long enough.
Nuff Said