Sunday, March 16, 2025

Put the Lime in the Coffee Nut


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

My old man was a fat glutton who had gout. I remember him whining about it, and telling me to "get the gun La'me and shoot me". I always obeyed him and told him later after he recovered that I almost did it. He said sheepishly, "I might have changed my mind".

Missed opportunities.

In that, his doctor ordered him to stop drinking coffee, so  all we heard about was Po
stum, a barley coffee.

With the high prices for coffee which is nothing but a caffeine addiction, I thought I would share a few realities.

I dug and dried dandelion root, baked then and honestly when I ground them, you could not tell the difference in the smell. You see coffee is BURNED CARBON. That is the flavor. Burn something and it tastes like coffee.

Burdock, another weed is a coffee substitute.

Cereal grains like wheat, rye and barley, mix in some molasses and you got coffee.

Just thought I would tell you what the cereal giants did in World War to make coffee for Americans, without the spike of energy which is what the coffee addict does the rush for.

Global coffee trade nears paralysis due to
sharp rise in bean prices

Kick the Caffeine and Grow Your Own Coffee Substitutes!

Dec 29, 2021 ... Grains such as rye and barley can be roasted and ground like wheat to make a coffee substitute. Just follow the skillet roasting method, and ...

Natural Coffee Jar – Postum Beverage

Postum is an all natural instant coffee alternative made of clean ingredients: roastedwheat , wheat bran, molasses and wheat starch.

Imitation Coffee - 15th Century Wheat Berry "Coffee" - Reddit

Feb 9, 2016 ... You can get substitute coffee in places like Croatia. It's quite ... Best Medium Roast Coffee Beans. Top Posts ...

Nuff Said
