How do these things work as they don't seem to be plugged in to charge the battery?
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I never go on the dinosaur media sites, unless it is some search engine surf that brings me to something like Newsweek which reeks of woke Trump derangement. What I desire for you to look at are these links.
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Do you see what I see?
Look at the comments. A world publication..........and they can not master 100 comments to a story?
Newsweek is dead. Newsweek is Newsweed.
When that Vatican boy, Matt Walsh or whatever that 410 home defender with a gun was spewing on Red State or whatever that shit was, he was listing millions of visitors. I told you that was bullshit in it it was all the CIA bait click in how funds were paid to the inner sanctum of propaganda. I know what my numbers are. There was this fed fuzz prick who kept harping about my visitor standing on the tally sheet of the internet and I knew who was on the site in the elite were stealing my stuff so my concentration was magnified by talk radio. The point in this was, I knew my numbers were being suppressed, but I also knew that no one was getting a million hits on some Goddamn stupid shit that some unshaven troll was posting.
I knew when that other worthless shit who wrote that Clinton ghost book and was "blogging" how Goddamn horrid he was that no one was on that page. Blogging is a talent which the popular girl has, and 99.999% of the world population do not have what it takes to be a blogger. It is a niche and I get my Gift from the Holy Ghost to carry the message out there. What the point of this is, when the real numbers appear, no one is getting the numbers people say they are, except me as my numbers are real, depending on which bot feed I check as even on Google they suppress what is on this site. The point being, that you have Newsweed, a major funded publication of the CIA and no one is reading that shit. The Mockingbird is DEAD.
There are such shit writers out there now that one cringes in how college they are in flat brain. They are a waste of time. GENS are like 3 second bursts of information, reflecting Thiel and Musk. That is how the hybrid mind works and communicates. No one wastes time in reading endless words to get the point that one sentence will suffice.
If sites last, and this myriad of shit writers, it means somehow you are still funding this stuff for the Climate Control Trolls who write things to condition you. 63 of you bot post on Newsweed and who knows how many of them are AI.
Nuff Said
Fuzzbox Voodoo - YouTube