Friday, March 14, 2025

The Jew Keeper


Yes we will be our brother's keepers, we will be the Jewish Keepers
of the vanquished hordes of the Middle East for the messiah to reward us.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It appears that the nurturing vision of Mom Marian Adelson, benefactor and guide of the Trump Administration is bearing the fruit of her magnanimous womb, in Tel Aviv having ploughed the ground of the Middle East, now is being afforded the probability of not being conqueror, but protector of the peoples there.

There is political action now generating for Tel Aviv to set up a Druse State inside of Syria. Bravo!!! What a lovely democratic reality for the Druse. We are hearing diplomatic talk of normalized relations with Lebanon. Wonderful! The Alawites who are suffering their own holocaust from this Turkish Tel Aviv overthrow of President Assad are appealing also to Tel Aviv to be their protector. Marvelous!!!

The Jew needs some good public relations as the ADL in America is antagonizing everyone, Zellinskyy is Kiev is hated around the world and Tel Aviv slaughtering babies in Gaza did not do the brand any good.

As the Lame Cherry wrote Mom Miriam needs to be an advocate for these assaulted peoples, and now the door is open with her virtuous generosity.  The next step in this is Gaza, those Philistines.

Newsweek had this actually thoughtful article. I do not know how that got in there, but it was a review of how military force can be used to kill Hamas, the government that George W. Bush installed in elections after Gulf War II.

Apparenlty the gist of this article is the Jews were actually holding back in Gaza. I know with like 500,000 dead, Gaza a pile of rubble, and babies shot in the head, you would think this is not holding back, but Tel Aviv, according to this article, and now the stage is set that Tel Aviv can blow the hell out of Hamas, once it gets the Philistines out of the way who are still alive.

In that, the Lame Cherry urges Mom Miriam to become involved in this as she is a woman of caring. As Syria is just kind of being carved up in Jews got Golan, Druse get their property, Alawites get protection, so why not just carve out some chunk of land for the Philistines and have the Muslim rich oil producers build like a Las Vegas of Islam for them in the open spaces until Gaza was built up to be a resort in the President Trump vision. Philistine families would get a nice home, courtyard, room for a pet, and a garden, and how this all would be funded is, the natural gas fields off Gaza would give them a 10% dividend, and we all could have peace.

The Jew Keeper sounds a whole lot better than the Jew Nazi Holocaust Exterminator. Would it not be better for Bibi Netanyahu to give the keys to Jerusalem in saying, "Hey messiah guy, here are the keys, and look at what I been doing in, I'm daddy to the Druse, Alawites, Philistines, just like King David was ruler of all the people he put up on the wind column for his greater nation.

I still like the idea of the Germans as a mediator in this, as they are going to get the natural gas. The Jews are the administrator and protector and America would be the contractor as the Muslim oil would be in financiers.

It all is really kosher in none of this is our American problem and Mom Miriam can rebrand Jews as virtuous and the Jews want all this land, and extermination is not something we can abide, and the Arabs and Africans do not want the Philistines sojourning there, so as Syria is just kind of there, the answer is to build a city, New Philisitia, out in Syria, where people can have the promise the right of return once the Gaza resort is built.

That should make everyone happy, and the Jews can twist it so that the resort never is really completed, so the Philistines would have their happy homes in their metro and forget about it in having those nice gas checks coming in from Europe all the time.

This all can work out with the Jew Keeper. King David had to keep his sheep of Gaza, Moab, Jordan, Syria and whatever else in the pen for tribute, so Bibi Netanyahu can do the same as daddy to them all now. Our Mom Miriam can be mummy to them and everyone will be happy as they can be in the Mideast.

Philanthropists Miriam Adelson is seen in her efforts to free hostages

Mar 2, 2025 ... Their immense wealth, their influence over both Israel and the US, and—perhaps most of all—their endless support for Benjamin Netanyahu made ...

Nuff Said
