As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I desire to share something which was written in 1863 by Professor Mahan of West Point to Richard Cobden, the English liberal on the unfriendly course of Great Britain to America. Never forget that Abraham Lincoln knew England was always the enemy of the United States.
In the letter the Professor explains something of the genuine nature of Abraham Lincoln in why the masses adhered to him and trusted him.
"Mr. Lincoln's greatest defect is that his heart too often controls his head. Jefferson Davis has many excellent individual characteristics, but his heart, in all public matters, never disturbs his brain. The are both representative men; the one kindly and genial, even in official station, never troubling himself with etiquette or dignification, speaking and writing often without deliberation, and without a care as to how grammarians may dissent what he utters, or what he salons may pass upon taste. Napoleon I, was, we know, very sensitive as to what was said about him in the salons of Faubourg St. Germain.
Abraham Lincoln has no such anxieties. He has no dynasty to found, no unstable seat that totters at a mot pour vire, or a sarcasm
Abraham Lincoln, one of the people, instinctively feels this. Sprung from the people, and not one of a class, he feels that his words, however quaint or even uncouth to polite ears, will reach the popular heart.
Jefferson Davis suffers no thought or word to escape him, which is not duly weighed, suffers no man to trench on his official dignity, is respected, admired, extolled by his own class; but except by some few friends, not loved. Nature found him an imperial despot. He must be that or nothing.
What one of his generals loves him? Not one, not one. And yet he has warm friends, perhaps in the North, the most so, as they have never been brought into collision with him.. Does Lee love him, does Beauregard, does Bragg, does even Joe Johnstone? Not one, and more than one of these it is said, hate him bitterly."
When I read this, I thought of President Donald Trump. What Professor Mahen calls the "popular heat" is what the American People and now a moving world population are blooming into an affection for. The birth pangs of Trump45 were the death camp butchers in his maternity ward, who sought to abort his Presidency. The child though somehow survived and in that death camp of January 6th, his trust was abandoned as like Christ, the disciples were hunted down for four years, but this necessity of Donald Trump was not a miraculous birth, but a miraculous resurrection at Butler Pennsylvania. The aborted President, arose from a stage, covered in his own blood, and entered into the light from the birth canal, as a President with a Mission from God to save America. America has produced only four Executives with such a calling in the most perilous times, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Ronald Reagan and now Donald Trump is the chosen one.
President Trump does not speak with words to the heart. His heart is now one of action and by the fruit in the labor of Donald Trump, his people know him as the man who could not tell a lie, honest Abe, a Shining City on a Hill, where the Truth has emancipated all Americans and is emancipating those on the world stage.
What we have with President Donald Trump is genuine. The people recognize him by his voice and they have taken him to their hearts again.
President Donald Trump is thee Man of thee American Age.
Nuff Said