Saturday, March 1, 2025

Zellinskyy Brought Gay Porn?


I brought my personal fag porn collection that the English liked
and the Americans still did not like me.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was on the site Kommersant which is a legitimate news site, and in threading through the photos of the dwarf Zellinskyy at the White House, I came across this one with Zellinskyy's eyes looking like he was ready to cum in his shorts. It is a bizarre photo, and then I noticed half naked men in the pictures.
I have no idea who these half naked men are, whether some prisoners that Zellinskyy photographed to pull at the heartstrings of the President or what, but .........there are deviants who get off on really odd sex things like amputees, to holocaust chicks, to "Look at these horrid pictures of male prisoners, just do not pay attention to the erection in my pants and my heavy breathing".

I mean when Benjamin Netanyahu comes to the White House for support, he doesn't bring along dead Jew pictures to show around in that Gaza thing. When the Russians met with Secretary Marco Rubio in Saudi Arabia, Secretary Lavarov was not showing selfies of himself with captured Russians half naked.

There simply is a disconnect in what is normal or civilized and what is this Zellinskyy. Seriously, this is a Jew, that is what Zellinskyy is, and President Trump and Vice President Vance bitch slapped this Jew and mopped the floor with him and no one is screaming anti semitism, not even the Jews are bringing that up. This dwarf is so odd that even Jews are repulsed by him. It makes one wonder now why he wears that dark 1000 uniform set as it probably hides cum stains and not even with all the money he and the wife have embezzled, could afford to replace 1000 dollar cum stained suits every day.

When I listen to Zellinskyy, it is like I'm listening to a bad vampire movie. How the hell anyone in public, even in Ukraine, does not comprehend you can't speak like Draculas retarded half wit brother and be taken seriously, is the same guy who brings pictures to a meeting trying to manipulate Americans, which look like gay porn, as the dwarf has a little dwarf erection hoping or not hoping someone notices it.

Thee best and only solution in this is for America to demand for the People of Ukraine immediate elections. For this dictator to not be allowed to run and put forward someone who is not going to start a war to get America nuked and likes Russians to not start that war.

Until there is a legitimate leader in Ukraine, the United States has no interest to have anything to do with this dwarf and his porn stash.

Nuff Said

Oh one more thing. I noticed in the entourage of the dwarf a rather hot looking, large comforting breasts, blonde in the delegation. Well rounded, flat butt, good posture, don't know if she is a cum dump for the dwarf or what, but how about making her President of what is left of Ukraine?

Here this is a blow up.

If she promises not to start a world war, the Russians like her, and she doesn't bring gay porn to meetings, install her as the Kiev Czarina as we are all past the shelf life of this dwarf Zellinskyy.

Oh one more thing, if she is fluting Zellinskyy's skin bone, the deal is off, as I just can not get on board a woman who would do a dwarf as that is like brining prison gay porn to a meeting and getting an erection.
