We became concerned that even if a meeting between Presidents Trump and Zelenskyycould occur it would not go well, and I discussed with Embassy colleagues whether we shouldstop seeking a meeting altogether. While a White House visit was critical to the Zelenskyyadministration, a visit that failed to send a clear and strong signal of support likely would beworse for President Zelenskyy than no visit at all.
*That translates as Russophobia as a policy by the US Embassy in Kiev.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Not that long ago, this popular girl examined the seriousness of the Russian Federation over diplomatic peace with the United States as advented by President Donald Trump. In that research, I happened upon the horse faced diplomat who runs the US Embassy in Moscow and her Charge d' Affairs in Stephanie Holmes.
As the article published, I decided to picture search the pretty Mrs. Holmes and that is when something popped up in a Heavy article which caught my attention. Mrs. Holmes of Russia is married to a Mr. David Holmes who was front and center as US Embassy official in Ukraine, in stoking evidenced against President Trump45 for that frame up of an impeachment which was unleashed along with Russiagate to stop MAGA.
What the Lame Cherry desires to examine, now that the world saw what a complete gutter thug Vladimir Zellinskyy is, in disrespecting the President, American People, American Government in that White House meeting where the dwarf trashed President Vladimir Putin in an attempt to stop the American Russian peace accords, in the opening statement which David Holmes swore to before Congress for the impeachment of President Trump.
I wonder of the intelligence connections of people, I wonder in why people in Moscow who were overseeing the genocide of Russians in Crimea by Ukraine, and Kiev terrorism and murder of Russians, inside Russia, are still in position under Trump47. I wonder why David Holes is the Charge d'Affairs of Hungary, considering what he did to Trump45 in the crucial and sensitive position in Hungary, and President Orban as the opening statement of Mr. Holmes in hindsight is biased, dishonest and it makes one ponder why David Holmes was representing Kiev more than the American Government.
I have no idea what the marriage situation is of the Holme's but I doubt they commute from Budapest and Moscow every night to sleep in marital beds.
Saturday, March 1, 2025
As one can read from the opening quote, Mr. Holmes was focused on what would benefit Ukraine in a meeting with President Donald Trump, not what would benefit America or President Trump. Embassy officials are not on location to represent foreign governments to enhance them. They are supposed to represent American interests.
This brings us to the next quote where Mr. Holmes is upset that his pet projects to advance Ukraine were not discussed, but instead President Trump spoke of Crowdstrike, but Mr. Holmes discounts this. In review of the facts, Crowdstrike was the cyber protector of Hillary Clinton and lied and had to retract that Russia hacked the DNC where Seth Rich was leaking information to Wikileaks, over the corruption of Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton. Mr. Rich was murdered over this, and the case is still not solved.
Again, Crowdstrike was a legitimate criminal attack upon America and should have been raised, as much as the cover up of Hunter Biden, a sex deviant, was the Biden family bag man for Kiev bribes to this family where Joe Biden sold access to the Obama White House.
This "supposed connection" is real. Mr. Holmes though provided false testimony to Congress when he stated as such.
instead raised theBiden/Burisma investigation and referred to the theory about Crowdstrike, and its supposedconnection to Ukraine and the 2016 election.
The long history of what took place in Ukraine and what President Trump45 inherited from that criminal oligarchy is contained below. What is the testimony of Mr. Holmes below is an insight that the Department of State, operating in Ukraine was promoting Ukraine, not representing the United States, was actively meddling in Russian American relations and was against Trump45.
In the testimony below, Mr. Holmes provides misleading information concerning the first "war" in Ukraine in blaming Russia, when Russia struck to protect it's people in Donbass and it's interests as Ukraine was hostile. Furthermore, the US Embassy in Kiev was openly hostile to the Citizens of Crimea, voting to join the Russian Republic which was their inherent right. A career diplomat against people voting for their self determination, sums up David Holmes and what was taking place in the US Embassy there.
If one remembers 2016 AD in the year of our Lord, there was a political witch hunt unleashed in the Obama Clinton forces over the money that Trump advisor Paul Manafort was legally investing in America for Ukraine. For that, the deep state had Mr. Manafort and his wife in their bed clothes in the dark dawn being taken into custody by the FBI in that long nightmare of the abuse of power in America.
Ukraine was not some bed of roses of purity. It was overflowing with world criminals who were engaged in bribing Americans, and more to the point, Americans who were traitors in seeing what kind of money they could extract from Ukraine. Again, while Mr. Holmes was in Ukraine in his utopia, we now know for certain that NATO was there building up a murderous defense, for Russia to be goaded into attacking Ukraine, as Ukraine was in the process of genociding all the Russians in Donbass. This was part of a process to break Russia into sections, which would war against each other and the interests that Mr. Holmes represents as he is not representing Donald Trump or America, would then loot Russia again to it's extermination.
Meet you on the other side.
Meet you on the other side.
In early May, Mr. Giuliani publicly alleged that Mr. Zelenskyy was “surrounded byenemies of the [U.S. President],” and cancelled a visit to Ukraine. Shortly thereafter, welearned that Vice President Pence no longer planned to lead the Presidential Delegation to theinauguration. The White House then whittled down an initial proposed list for the officialPresidential Delegation to the inauguration from over a dozen individuals to just five: SecretaryPerry as its head, Special Representative for Ukraine Negotiations Kurt Volker representing theState Department, National Security Council Director Alex Vindman representing the WhiteHouse, temporary acting Charge d’Affaires Joseph Pennington representing the Embassy, andAmbassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland. While Ambassador Sondland’s mandateas Ambassador accredited to the European Union did not cover individual member states, letalone non-member countries like Ukraine, he made clear that he had direct and frequent accessto President Trump and Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney, and portrayed himself as the conduit tothe President and Mr. Mulvaney for the group. Secretary Perry, Ambassador Sondland, andAmbassador Volker later styled themselves the “Three Amigos,” and made clear they wouldtake the lead on coordinating our policy and engagement with the Zelenskyy Administration.Around the same time, I became aware that Mr. Giuliani, a private lawyer, was taking adirect role in Ukrainian diplomacy. On April 25, Ivan Bakanov, who was Mr. Zelenskyy’schildhood friend and campaign chair, and was ultimately appointed head of the SecurityServices of Ukraine, indicated to me privately he had been contacted by “someone named
p. 5
5Giuliani who said he was an advisor to the Vice President.” I reported Mr. Bakanov’s messageto Deputy Assistant Secretary of State George Kent. Over the following months, it becameapparent that Mr. Giuliani was having a direct influence on the foreign policy agenda that theThree Amigos were executing on the ground in Ukraine. In fact, at one point during apreliminary meeting of the inauguration Delegation, someone wondered aloud about why Mr.Giuliani was so active in the media with respect to Ukraine. My recollection is that AmbassadorSondland stated, “Dammit Rudy. Every time Rudy gets involved he goes and f---s everythingup.”The inauguration took place on May 20, and I took notes in the delegation’s meetingwith President Zelenskyy. During the meeting, Secretary Perry passed President Zelenskyy a listthat Perry described as “people he trusts.” Secretary Perry told President Zelenskyy that hecould seek advice from the people on this list on issues of energy sector reform, which was thetopic of subsequent meetings between Secretary Perry and key Ukrainian energy-sectorcontacts. Embassy personnel were excluded from these later meetings by Secretary Perry’sstaff.On May 23, Ambassador Volker, Ambassador Sondland, Secretary Perry, and SenatorRon Johnson (who had also attended the inauguration, though not in the official delegation)returned to the United States and briefed President Trump. On May 29, President Trumpsigned a congratulatory letter to President Zelenskyy, which included an invitation to visit theWhite House at an unspecified date.It is important to understand that a White House visit was critical to PresidentZelenskyy. President Zelenskyy needed to show U.S. support at the highest levels in order todemonstrate to Russian President Putin that he had U.S. backing, as well as to advance hisambitious anti-corruption reforms at home. President Zelenskyy’s team immediately beganpressing to set a date for the visit. President Zelenskyy and senior members of his team madeclear they wanted President Zelenskyy’s first overseas trip to be to Washington to send a strongsignal of American support, and requested a call with President Trump as soon as possible. Weat the Embassy also believed that a meeting was critical to the success of President Zelenskyy’sadministration and its reform agenda, and we worked hard to get it arranged.When President Zelenskyy’s team did not receive a confirmed date for a White Housevisit, they made alternative plans for President Zelenskyy’s first overseas trip to be to Brusselsinstead, in part to attend an American Independence Day event that Ambassador Sondlandhosted on June 4. Ambassador Sondland hosted a dinner in President Zelenskyy’s honorfollowing the reception, which included President Zelenskyy, Jared Kushner, SecretaryPompeo’s counselor Ulrich Brechbuhl, senior European Union officials, and comedian Jay Leno,among others
This ends with the conclusion by Mr. Holmes before Congress, where he lauds the Victoria Nuland overthrow of Ukraine's Government for the Zellinskyy fiction. Zellinskyy was a complete fraud in he never intended to reform the Government nor do away with corruption. He was a stooge of London, Paris and Berlin, to make war on Russia and we know in hindsight that while Mr. Holmes was so watchful of Ukraine, that what was really taking place was Chancellor Angela Merkel in the Minsk Accords suckering Russia for time, to unleash this war on Russia to destroy that nation. The Russophobe Mr. Holmes, so observant and clairvoyant of calls he said he overheard from President Trump, seems to have missed all of the above deception and duplicity. In fact, he missed the reality of the psychotic mind of Vladimir Zellinskyy, from his drug addiction, his sexual deviancy, his looting Ukraine of billions for personal graft and yes, the dwarf's embracing of Nazis who were murdering Russians and locking Christians in Churches and burning them down.
Yes the revolution which Mr. Holmes is infatuated with in Ukraine was a coup by Obama's Victoria Nuland and he missed it all, and in hindsight that miss cost Ukraine 1 million of her people in this war for hegemony as the US State Department sat on it's ass representing these criminal thugs over America.
I would like to take a moment now to turn back to Ukraine. Today marks exactly sixyears since throngs of pro-Western Ukrainians spontaneously gathered on Kyiv’s IndependenceSquare to launch what became known as the Revolution of Dignity. While the protests began inopposition to a turn toward Russia and away from the West, they expanded over three monthsto reject the entire corrupt, repressive system that had been sustained by Russian influence inthe country. Those events were followed by Russia’s occupation of Ukraine’s Crimeanpeninsula and invasion of Ukraine’s eastern Donbas region
In reading that testimony, the consternation in this is, why is not Secretary of State Marco Rubio running his own DOGE, as the US State Department is it's own fiefdom and it coddles criminals and shows up to impeachment hearings against Americans.
This is what David Holmes did in Ukraine. What is he doing in Hungary as lone US ally? How can Russia trust anything in the US Embassy in Moscow, knowing there are people there yet who were making excuses for Kiev terrorism and murder against Russians, including President Vladimir Putin.
Nuff Said