As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Lame Cherry engages here in private conversation. The reason there are not comments, is so trolling regime paid agents to idiots can not hijack the information and shout people out and down.
What is going to be discussed here is "anti semitism" as it is surfacing in America.
I will of course surprise and confuse many of you in what you read here, because I do not allow narratives to be hijacked as they have been.
Do I agree that student protests should be shut down for protesting the state of Tel Aviv over Gaza holocaust? Yes the Lame Cherry does, when it is defined by foreigners coming into America trying to embroil America into their fight. The era of George Washington to John Adams was rife with French provocateurs' trying to make the United States into a proxy instrument of war against England. The French were spreading "citizen" as the word to use and was swaying America into conflict which was not in American national interests.
On this definite point, foreign students do not need to be protesting on campuses. I was repulsed by American students raising hell on college campuses in the Vietnam War. While the Lame Cherry agrees with the message in the above photo of Orthodox Jews protesting the regime in Tel Avi, it does not belong on college campuses nor do tents.
If there is an issue like this, it should be handled in lecturers from both sides, for everyone to hear and decide as individuals. In stating that, it was completely out of bounds when Ben Shapiro was on a campus spewing hate about killing Philistine babies or something. That is not a discussion of an issue, which is at the core of this, and is being shoved aside as Tel Aviv does not want people focusing on the reality of should Tel Aviv be in control of lands which they seized, and should the kinds of mass murder Tel Aviv is involved in, be a policy the United States should be funding. That is what should be debated in Congress and is not due to influence. When there is debate in Congress, people are not raising hell in colleges, feeling they have to be heard.
In stating all of the above clearly, none of that is anti semite, because it is about the context of policies which America is involved with, with a Jewish military state operation. Free speech is a Right to all Americans, and every American has the Right to say what they believe on any subject. It is obvious that stating the turning of Gaza into rubble is not civilized warfare, no more than the seizing of their lands and offshore natural gas fields.
In this, President Trump as has Jared Kushner in the Abraham Accords have attempted to negotiate an American policy through the mass murder of Tel Aviv policy. Jared Kushner was absolutely correct in his diplomacy to save life and bring peace. Now that there is nothing left in Gaza, and Tel Aviv is not going to behave civilized, President Trump is correct in the only solution to this is to provide reparations to the Philistines and get them away from what Tel Aviv is destroying. So I support President Trump in what is an impossible situation now. That does not make me a Zionist no more than an anti semite, it makes me a realist that you can't own a pit bull pack, and then not expect it to eat your face off and your kid for keeping it in your yard. The Philistines have to be tucked away somewhere away from harm as Jews are harmful to Philistines. The Philistines have tried war, and war does not work. They tried terrorism before that. They tried war with Jordan, Egyptian and Syrian sponsors and that did not work either. Their own lives somewhere in peace is the only solution and that is the only solution, because Tel Aviv is not going to stop until it gets that natural gas to sell to Europe for money and has this messianic state all wailing around a wall for a messiah to appear to affirm being mass murderers are kosher.
A Zionist Jew named Amy Reissner recently emailed me and stated that the Noahide Laws are real.
One of the hallmarks of Judaism is the Torah given to the Jewish people. Jewish people who are Torah observant live by the covenant and try to perform the 614 commandments. We were given the Torah to bring G-D’s light to the world.
The Noahide laws, which include the 10 commandments are for people not of the Jewish faith. Not sure where you get your beliefs from but Jesus was Jewish and he was not and is not the messiah. Once meshiach comes, the Divine light of peace and holiness and salvation will arrive on Earth.
(Source: Personal email sent to Brian Shilhavy as Editor of Health Impact News.)
Do I believe with the above Jewish messianic statement? Not in the least. My Faith in the Son of God is Jesus is that Person and fulfilled all the Laws of Moses and has brought to the world the Grace of the Gospel of a Kingdom of God which is brought through the Holy Spirit to all peoples of Faith. The Congregation of Christ is Spirit not of flesh. While this is not dealt with in the above Jewess propaganda of Noahide Law of the Old Testament which does include the 10 Commandments which Jesus fulfilled, but the Talmud or Babylonian discussion of what is Jewish law has infused itself into what is Jewry. The Noahide Laws are the basis of a moral life, but in the Old Testament, ISRAELITES and this is always not mentioned as Judah was 1 tribe in 13 sons of inheritance from Jacob, had a penalty of stoning people to death for a number of things. While Christ kept capital punishment as dispensed by the State, the Noahide Laws advocated for dragging people before Jesus in a mob, and then when the elders agreed, people were crushed to death by a mob with thrown rocks.
Jesus several times had a mob attempt to stone him or kill him who were Jews. That was not the Gospel of Christ from the Father of Light, in Jesus when having a woman accused of adultery for stoning, instead wrote the 10 Commandments in the dirt and told the mob, "Any of you who is without breaking these Commandments, go ahead and cast the first stone".
So in this no one is advancing are we going to start stoning people to death for sex outside of marriage or being branded for hating Jews? Or are we just going to have Jews hunting people down, pressuring their employers to fire them, having an e mob lynch them, so these people so branded die on the streets as they can not work so they have no home or food to eat?
Christ taught in the Gospel the forgiveness of sins, that there were Spiritual Laws and Societal Laws and each had a different punishment reality.
The reality is the modern Jew is Ukrainian by bloodline. Most of the Jews either died in slavery after rebelling against Rome or converted to Christ's Gospel. "Jews" were Judah, Levi and Benjamin in Esther's time. Esther was a Benjamanite, not a Jew.
This Jewess is incorrect in her statement that "we" were given the Torah to bring God's Light to the world. What God did on the Mount in the 10 Commandments and further Inspired Laws by the Holy Ghost was a education process of teaching by repetition the weakness of humans to be disciplined to moral behavior as a practice. There is no Light in food laws. They were common sense in you don't eat pork as pigs carry allot of diseases that people would contract, back in the day, including worms.
The Law teaches people to Love God and to Care for others, to hate evil which is the opposite of God. When Jesus appeared you had Jews who were thinking that washing their hands got them saved when their thoughts were evil. There were Jews who thought there was not even a resurrection and those were the teachers in the Sanhedrin.
The fact is that the Northern Kingdom of Israel and the Southern Kingdom of Judah were both divorced by God, because they failed at the instruction in morality. Jews were told by the Prophet Jeremiah, Inspired by the Holy Ghost to free their slaves to save them from Babylon. The rich people did that and shortly had seized the people back and made them slaves. When Babylon leveled Jerusalem it was because God divorced Jews for being immoral and failing the Law.
The Law was sealed by the Holy Ghost with Abraham, but it was sealed by the blood of bulls and rams. It was for the flesh and it proved that people could not save themselves. The modern Jews have no comprehension of what this messiah is for and how He instills this Peace, Holiness (set apart) and Salvation, because none of the Jews want it on God's terms. The reason Christ or the Messiah came was that God alone as Creator is thee Only One who is perfect and able to fulfill the requirements of the Law and paying the penalty of the Law in death. People failed, the Christ prevailed in providing the one offering to redeem all who believe.
I have no intention of making this a Protestant Christian / Jewish debate, but it is of necessity that in the statements of those who are Noahide in proclamations and demanding this anti semite penalty to punish people they condemn, that they have little to no comprehension of what they are speaking about, in a reflection of Nicodemus coming to Christ and asking what it was to be born again.
The short of this is, all law comes from God, but there is societal or civil law and religious law. When anyone starts making penalties in society for what is religious law, like stoning to death someone for being anti semitic, that has crossed a Constitutional violation of establishing a religion over the people.
As this blog has written of, Tel Aviv is currently manifesting a messianic craze that believes it must engage in anti human acts in order of a messiah they want to appear. Nowhere in the Old Testament does it teach anything like that. The teacher Schneersen is the source who stated Prime Minister Netanyahu would hand the keys of Jerusalem over to the messiah after these violent acts are completed. The Lame Cherry pointed out that God is not to be condescended to in needing someone to hand Him keys to what He already owns. That is one of the problems with Jewry in they are in this echo chamber where they arrive at this brainwashed conclusions and spew things about keys to Jerusalem and no one has the sense to point out that God does not need to be invited anywhere.
I have come to the conclusion in this current Jews on rampage, and that is someone is giving them the rope to hang themselves. They are so obnoxious and overblown now, demanding removal of Rights to Americans that there will be a backlash from this, and this minority of what is not 1% of the world population are going to have the 99% employ the same final solution penalties they are now dispensing with American bombs and American courts with internet lynch mobs.
Do I believe in Zion? Absolutely. Zion is the sacred location where Jesus will rule all nations from. I believe in Greater Israel, because Americans are Manasseh of Joseph and along with the Reuben French, lived across the Jordan on the West Bank and were the first tribes taken captive. Much of northern and western Israel is American and French and the Faithful will reside there, that is what the Bible teaches.
I have been tempted so many times to reveal all that I am, but I refrain, even though it would be the brick shit house falling on this entire subject and those engaged in this Christophobe assault upon Americans, by my purpose in Spirit in God being here and by my DNA bloodlines. I am a real Israelite. I am no convert, just as Jesus and the Galileans were known by sight from the Jews as Jesus was the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, but Royal Priesthood and Prophet comes from the Priesthood, not the Scepter.
So in short in all of this, information, is my suspicions that someone is allowing this arrogant Jewish aristocracy to so alienate the public, that they will be retaliated against and unseated where it matters in their banking monopoly. The cover of the holocaust has no standing anymore after what Kiev and Tel Aviv engaged in. This maelstrom has always been self inflicted. Every time bad things happen in Jerusalem is because the people calling themselves of God, have not behaved with world powers like Babylon, Greece or Rome. That end will come again, and I suspect that Gotham will be rubble in this too and in the public court of America.
Americans get into trouble when associating with all of this. The person who would be called anti semite in Dr. David Duke was on Rense and he stated the first thing that President Vladimir Putin did when he came to power was to purge the Jewish communist control of the party in Russia. General Michael Flynn came out and fingered Jewess Victoria Nuland as part of the group who conducted the Butler assassination of Candidate Trump. No definition yet if General Flynn is an anti semite. President Abraham Lincoln did not seem to be an anti semite as he sojourned with the Rothschild agent, Jew, August Belmont, but the same London banking faction stoked the Civil War aided the John Wilkes Booth group. John Kennedy was not known to be an anti semite, but because he would not sell uranium to Tel Aviv had his head blown off in Dallas Texas, whereupon uranium disappeared from America and ended up in the Jewish bomb.
We have not had any writings to educate on us if it was anti semite to not give Jews the atomic bomb, or if it is Victoria Nuland in a Kaganite communist Jewish faction in America, like the neocons of Bill Kristol and hedgefund nation rapist Paul Singer who engage in things of political necessity, against a candidate like Donald Trump who is not known to be an anti semite.
It would seem that the Ziongelicals of America who worship Jews have not differentiated if they worship a Victoria Nuland the same as a Benjamin Netanyahu. There are many questions in all of this, but the one thing the Lame Cherry is certain of is that I will never deny Jesus the Christ as the Son of God as thee Messiah. I do not have to fight Jesus battles for Him as He will accomplish that at Armageddon, perhaps the Jews will have their own messiah then having appeared as Jews fight at Armageddon too, I believe it is recorded somewhere.
I know for certain in what Jews call their writings that the first time the name Jew is used in the Bible is in II Kings chapter 16. In this King Ahaz of Judah, loots the Temple in Jerusalem, to bribe the Assyrian king, to come and destroy the King of Syria and the King of Israel, in the Jews are going to war against the Israelites of the Northern Kingdom.
So Ahaz sent messengers to Tiglathpileser king of Assyria, saying, I am thy servant and thy son: come up, and save me out of the hand of the king of Syria, and out of the hand of the king of Israel, which rise up against me.
Most people do not know that fact. The Jews slaughtered with the Assyrians (modern Germans) their enemies the Syrians and the Israelites.
When Ahaz went to Damascus to celebrate with the Assyrians at their altar, he admired the altar there so much he had one built and put into the Temple, and ordered the chief priest that his altar would be used by Ahaz to "inquire by".
and the brasen altar shall be for me to inquire by.
That would be II Kings 16:15
So this murdering Israelites by Jews, using empire power, has been going on for sometime, even if things like Jews were divorced by God, Jews were desolating the Temple, Jews were in league with satanic empires and Jews were murdering Israelites, all before the epitaph of anti semite became the new lynch word. I don't know if someone like David Duke will be crucified like Jesus under Noahide Law or some Mike Flynn will be stoned to death under Noahide law like Saint Stephen, as we are just in the criminal definition phase and the sentencing part is not yet in vogue, unless one looks at Tel Aviv or Kiev, and then you see lots of American bombs obliterating Christians, their Churches, Muslims........well anything that is not Jewish as that is the law in Kiev and Tel Aviv.
So much yet to come to educate all of us which we do not know, but as I stated, I do know that I will never deny Jesus as the Son of God, my Savior and Redeemer and Messiah.
In closing, if Benjamin Netanyahu is going to hand the keys to Jerusalem to the messiah, then according to the Prophets this messiah of the Jews must have been born in Bethlehem as the Scriptures predict in the past 30 years or so. The Prophets also define in Isaiah, something that seems to have escaped the teacher Schneersen and the Jewess above, as much as Benjamin Netanyahu, because just as it predicted the messiah would be born in Bethlehem and a great slaughter of Jewish children in this area would take place (has not happened in the past 30 years) that this messiah they are looking for is going to die for the Jews sins.
He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare his generation? for he was cut off out of the land of the living: for the transgression of my people was he stricken.
And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death; because he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth.
That is the Prophet Isaiah, Inspired by the Holy Ghost, speaking of this messiah in chapter 58. Quite plainly that he was someone in prison, and executed and dies. As no one in the state of Tel Aviv has risen from the dead, it would mean in Jewry that this messiah will be state executed after Netanyahu hands over the keys to Jerusalem.
It specifically states in Isaiah that Jews are sinners and that their messiah is executed for their Jewish sins.
Maybe Jews should explain how a dead guy is going to bring in a forever Rule and Divine Light from the grave, instead of repeating the Barbie Doll charge on a pulled string of anti semitism. That is always the problem in the echo chamber of the Torah and Tanakh in someone asks one question and the echo is silent as it does not have the answer to the fiction they are engaged in.
Nuff Said