Friday, March 7, 2025

Europe Can Not Live On A Peace Dividend


Goodbye Macron, may your ashes fertilize French vineyards after
your war obliterates all of you warmongers.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

When the despot of France issued a proclamation in a speech that Europe could not live on peace, it was thee most damning thing against European monarchs without crowns ever spewed. Instead of the Biblical of BLESSED ARE THE PEACEMAKERS FOR THEY SHALL INHERIT THE EARTH, Macron and the elite spit on Jesus, for the Bible records a time in beating swords into ploughs, and people will have plenty.

In viewing all of this, the United States under President Donald Trump, must proclaim that there will not be any NATO Article 5 in any US support of a war against Russia by Europe. The United States must get out of NATO and only maintain embassy presences in non aggressive nations like Austria, Hungary, Serbia and Italy. The United States must shut down all of their bases in Europe, because when this Great European War erupts, Russia must have full access to blow the Europeans to hell, to end this quickly and not have some woke fucking green suit from the Pentagon shooting back.

America can not expose it's troops to the advent of nuclear fall out or death. Europe is appearing as a wasteland, and the Lame Cherry fears that Moscow will be not overwhelming, but graduated in it's response. That will mean an escalation where tank columns will move and we will be in the Bavarian Seer realm of America spraying death to kill the Russian advance in Europe, which will then set off a revolution in Russia and the it will mean Russian nuclear submarines will launch into America, making it scorched earth.

Why France Decided to Lead an 'Axis of Evil’
Aimed at the East

Macron has delivered a speech to the nation that
makes it clear that Europe wants to continue the
war against Russia.

Either the United States topples the new government of Germany and assists in rising a Autro German Hungarian Reich with a leader who is at peace with Russia and not hating America, or America must get out of Europe or it will be shoved into another world war.

I have told TL many times, "You can't get into trouble at midnight at a bar, if you are at home at midnight in bed".

America can not get involved in another European world war if not there and if detached from it all.

It would be better if Russia obliterated the antagonists of Europe, and in the new governments which arise that America would then rebuild for trade and prosperity. It would be best in the short term for a German led Europe, not bent on war with Russia and hating America, appear to stabilize the situation and America to get the hell out, as what will follow will be a conflict of the Europeans and Kings of the East again.

Europeans lust for war for money for their socialism. America has not interest in protecting that or funding it. Europeans should be involved in peaceful industry and production which is what the people there want.

America needs to get the hell out of this shit hole before America is scorched.

Nuff Said
