Yes it is a tank, but you are supposed to die for me America.
The US national security advisor also noted that, following the argument, the Ukrainian envoy to Washington and Zelensky’s aides “practically in tears” begged to continue with the talks but Zelensky continued to argue because he got used to Washington’s unconditional support.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
In the study of the dwarf Vladimir Zellinskyy theater at the White House, I do not think that President Trump's advisor in Mike Walz for some reason has the full picture of what took place. I do not think the women in the focus of this ruse, are aware of what took place. We know from the grinning Zellinskyy running to the grinning arms of British Prime Minister Stamer at 10 Downing, followed a coup of Europeans declaring war on Russia, that all of this was known to Zellinskyy and these conspirators. Namely Zellinskyy sold the British the mineral rights he was baiting America with to sell to the United States. Stamer knew London had purchased those rights when he tried to play President Trump with that cock massage letter from King Charles who was in on this too.
I was interested in the women that Zellinskyy surrounded himself with in the Oval Office. The one below is the Deputy Prime Minister, I think she was the babe with the large comforting breasts. She is an Atlantacist, and more to the point a woman on the edge as her husband for some reason during the war was out screwing around in a combat zone and got killed. This is a forensic mind that wants revenge on Russia.
Walz has stated more than once that the Ukrainian skirts were bawling and begging for the meeting with America to continue. They were unaware of their dictators subterfuge with London. They based everything on their survival on continued American support.
Olha Stefanishyna - Wikipedia
The charges this frump makes is that President Vladimir Putin is a genocidal dictator who is recreating an empire. One could state the same about Zellinskyy, a Bulan boy of Khazar in trying to recreate the Khazarian empire centered in Ukraine, and genocidal is a charge fitting for Zellinskyy as he slaughtered 1 million Christian Slavs in Ukraine, and the reason Russia entered Ukraine was to save Russians there from Zellinskyy genocide in ethnic cleansing of all Russians.
“Putin has been very open about what his goals are,” she said. “Of course, he wants to destroy Ukraine. But he also threatens Poland, the Baltic states and pretty much everyone else in Europe. He threatens anyone who calls him what he is—a genocidal dictator who is recreating an empire. If God forbid we fall, then the next country he attacks is going to be NATO territory.”
What I'm not going to rehash is who did what in this as it is irrelevant in this American quest for peace. What is relevant is the Ambassador's charge of Mr. Putin recreating an empire, and why two women are so deluded that both arein blind to the atrocities of Kiev in Zellinskyy and deluded in thinking they can still win the war against Russia "if they just have more weapons".
Let us return to history, to two leaders who were center stage in Europe in Adolf Hitler of Germany and Joe Stalin of the Soviet Union.
We know the costs of Adolf Hitler in deaths and money for world war. We know the costs in deaths and money in Joe Stalin in the Cold War. I will not include the Holdomor famine which killed millions of Ukraines as that prior to Hilter, to world war, to cold war, to international involvement.
Hero Charles Lindbergh stated and was nullified by President Frank Roosevelt, the facts that Hitler did not really believe all the rhetoric he stated. Lindbergh astutely stated that the Nazi were left wing radicals, but in the process of time they would mellow as the zealotry burned out.
So leaving Germany to pick off lesser states, without England spreading world war using Poland, would have resulted in the German Reich, spreading east and either expending itself in driving the communists beyond the Urals or a victory against the East by there not being war with the West.
Germany would have become a contender not to America, but to England and that is what this genocide of German Lutherans was instigated by London for. Germany would not have been any worse than the Soviet Union in repression and never would have threatened the United States. Germany would have been no different than the Roman empire for Europe and that empire is still celebrated.
We all know the existing history of the Soviet Union and Joe Stalin. There never was a utopia. It stagnated and collapsed on itself in much too much wasted billions from America in propping up European socialists and a war which never happened. The fact is that the Soviets had better tanks, more troops and could have taken Europe. It never did.
So the reality in hindsight is that Adolf Hitler was evil, but yet the entire world devolved into National Socialism which is what the Nazi is. The Soviet Union collapsed under it's own futility of communal misery.
So let us examine the charge by the Ukrainian frumper skirt that Vladimir Putin is going to re establish an empire. He is not going to destroy Ukraine as Ukraine was always a part of mother Russia, so it has only been a Russian identity.
What of these other nations mentioned.
Poland? In 1863 AD in the year of our Lord, Russia had finally eclipsed Poland as Poland had dominated Russia before. Poland has always been a more "trading ownership", which includes the Baltic States, which swapped between primarily Russia and Germany for most of the modern era. These states only became "independent" as pawns. Poland appeared when London and Paris implemented the genocide of the Prussians. The Baltic States were figments of Joe Stalin's Bloc as much as the illusion of being freed from the Soviet Union.
Pomerania, Dalmatia, Transylvania, are but examples of nations that Ukraine does not justify, no more than Prussia, as not just threatened but genocided for real in they disappeared. The world did not end with their disappearing. In that, as this blog has assessed from years ago, Russia does not have the resources nor the population to occupy what was the Soviet Union. It could defeat Europe, but it does not have the troops or the population to hold and absorb those lands, not in the Mideast, not in the East, not in the West. Russia would be consumed in the effort.
So how is that a threat as the charge is Vladimir Putin threatens other peoples, especially those who charge he is genocidal dictator. There is not one people on this planet who have been genocided by Vladimir Putin. In their fight with Chechnya, it was brutal, but Chechnya remains and Chechnya is fighting willingly against Ukraine.
Vladimir Putin was elected President of Russia, he is not a dictator. He is legitimate, Zellinskyy is not. I'm not writing this as a Putin apology, but as an insight into the women around the dictator of Ukraine. They have meddled in US elections. They are deluded what Kiev did to Russia to bring about the events and the very charges they make against Russia, their regime is guilty of.
What would happen if Moscow restored it's "empire" in the nations mentioned of Ukraine, Poland and the Balkans? Nothing really. Chechnya is an example. Crimea is an example. The people there live in peace, vote in elections and no one is dying. Not one thing would change in the world with Russian control of these nations in what the world would notice as these shit holes produce nothing, and what Ukraine produced in wheat and some mining, lined the pockets of the oligarchs.
Like it or not, the world would be a better place if Ukraine disappeared to what it was, a land which belonged to Poland, Hungary, Romania and Russia. Allot of people do not have nations, the Kurds, the Philistines, Obama's tribe and there is no great tragedy in that.
Ukraine was about defeating Russia to divide up Russia by the feudal few. There was nothing about democracy or Ukraine in any of this. That is the reality and what this Zellinskyy has produced and gathered around him in the deluded, who conclude that the British can start wars, endanger all of us with nuclear war extermination, for London banking while these Ukrainians think the world is expendable for them is not righteous nor sane. There is never a pause to think of American children not having their needs met, because Ukraine has bombs in the billions and is selling half that arsenal to Mexican drug lords to murder Mexican kids and murder American kids on drug addiction. It is always these Ukrainians wanting to have Americans die so they can have an existence, not as a people, but as some means to an end for global bankers.
For the reality, the United States as this blog has concluded, should dump Ukraine into the Russian lap. If London wants to die for Kiev, then let London die, as it will be good for the world. If Russian wants Ukraine, then they can deal with those murderous people as typified by these deluded Zellinskyy women, as it will collapse Russia in trying to handle that belligerant people and in trying to develop whatever resources are in Ukraine. It is a fact that Ukraine has NO infrastructure to handle mining and processing of anything. It would cost billions to build electrical plants, the lines, the transportation, the refinement facilities. People talk about a trillion dollars in Ukraine in it's resources, when all is said and done, it will cost most of that to set up the infrastructure and industry.
The last place the United States belongs is in Ukraine. It is a money pit. It is a place that London and Kiev would cross the Dan River, start assassinating the Russian leadership and bring the war to the United States for a nuclear war. Ukrainians are Slavic thugs. They are backwards. Zellinskyy is the model in he sounds like Dracula's retarded brother who bites statues instead of people and keeps breaking his fangs off.
This Walz keeps focusing on the tears of the skirts with Zellinskyy. Perhaps that is why London had them there as they knew some sap would focus on that and keep whining about it for a deal with Ukraine. There is no deal with Ukraine which would benefit America. It only costs money and it only exposes America to treachery of London and Kiev for world war.
The end result is Russia can restore it's empire, if it could. Russia's population is degrading. It will not be able to hold the land to the end of the century. Russia is being replaced by breeding Muslims. There is not any way to counteract natural processes of populations. If Jesus does not return, most of these horrid peoples will die out to nothing, starting with the English in 100 years. Ukraine will not be noted any more than any other now forgotten Aztec or Hittite race.
It is time for America to close the book on Ukraine with a peace treaty with Russia. If London starts another war, let Russia obliterate Europe and a race of survivors will become allies of America and Russia. America's future is the Trump Golden Age, and it is the era to let Ukraine go the natural selection like the dinosaurs.
Ukrainian women do not cry for Americans. They cry for themselves as empathy for other peoples is absent from their national psychopathy.
- Lame Cherry
Nuff Said