Wednesday, March 12, 2025

COSPLAY European World Warriors


US ‘to cease all future military exercises in Europe’

Nato countries could be forced to plan manoeuvres without US as Trump continues pivot away from bloc

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry applauds and lauds President Donald Trump in his rapid distancing from the monarchs without crowns of Europe as their war rhetoric (War in 2 years as Russia is supposed to wait around until Europe builds an army.) makes the United States a target, and more to the point, America can not trust this treacherous lot as no one knows if on some maneuvers, Paris will launch a nuke into Russia from the war games and Russia will reply with a nuke on American Soldiers there.

The best situation is to end all contact points and show Russia that the United States is only interested in peace through strength.

I had no idea until I did a search, how the Zelliskyy soldier boy virus had infected these warmongers. Marcon of France put on some kind of homosexual  fashion boy uniform. That faggot Kier Stamer of England joined in the Zellinskyy gay parade in putting on some kind of uniform too, with apparently British commanders wear visible red and white feathers on their heads so snipers can blow their heads off.

Napoleon the 4th of Fashion Show France

Twatator Zelllinskyy of the Kosher Korps Kiev

Field Marshal Fag Stamer of the Royal Turkey Feather Guards

The reality is permeating the American defense structure in how dangerous England, France, Poland, Denmark, Belgium and the current regime in Germany is, to making America a nuclear war target. There is zero benefit in having troops in these people's nations, if they are nuked by Russia as nukes do not stop as US base fences in radioactivity.

The only alliances that matter are the US, UK and France because they have nuclear weapons. But given the fact that they are threatening World War III with Russia, that benefit is lost and becomes a risk, a threat to US national security.

– Pine said on the Dialogue Works channel.

If a nuclear war breaks out, the US territory will also be attacked. Thus, Trump is opposing himself to Europe, trying to establish partnership relations with Russia. At the same time, the US leader doubts the military and allied capabilities of the members of the Western bloc.

The biggest problem with NATO is, I know the guys, they are my friends, but if the US has problems and we turn to them, do you think they will come to protect us? I don't think so... I see NATO as potentially good, but we need to think hard about NATO, very unfair things are happening. Before I came, we were paying almost 100% for defense, and they cheat us in trade.

– Donald Trump noted.

What would perhaps be thee only solution, would be to pull US troops South into Italy in an announced graduated redeployment out of Europe within 1 year, to provide the reality of a European economic collapse, America not being the 99% of NATO, so NATO will end and as the regimes of NATO collapse, European Rightists will be elected to super majority power and come to terms in peace with Russia and America, and no need to waste money on swords and Europe could go back to hammers and hoes to profit by.

For strategic purposes, the United States should focus on a new base in Morocco which would hold the Mediterranean and get America completely out of Europe and England. Forward base structures would include the massive base in Saudi Arabia and Iraq for the European theater. There is absolutely no reason to have America exposed to warfare with Russia by remaining in Europe.

The United States must separate from this COSPLAY Euro Warriors of World War. The strategy has changed from the jet age to the hypersonic age.

Russia will not invade Europe or the Mideast, unless the COSPLAY begins assassinating Russians or puts nukes on the Russian border. None of that is in American interests as the Europeans have never played well with each other or anyone in their 2000 year history of murdering each other.

All of this is an Obama pivot to the Asian theater and Secretary Hegseth is being attacked for his stance in noting that China, Islam and the American Pinko are a threat, which indeed they are.

Defense Secretary Hegseth Wants To
Overthrow China’s Government

If peace with Russia is reached, that solves 90% of American problems in foreign policy. Islam is being fragmented and allied with in key points, Tel Aviv is the cancer on Islam. As for China, China has a dying population. China has no resources. China was built by Jewish New York money to cause this situation we are pivoting to, and China stupidly bought gold, and used all it's money to build a Navy and Air Force which is already dinosaur compared to Star Wars.

China will break up. It is a matter of managing that break up, so Alaska is not invaded and nuclear bombs do not detonate in America. In this Australia and Japan must be the center bases of this containment. China is a bloated copy of England in it needs sea trade to supply itself. China without the sea dies, and China with inflated resource costs dies, when engaged with the coming Trump economy.

Russia recognizes the coming reality and is positioning itself with America, to put Europe on a leash and Russia sees that a China fragmented is not a threat to Russia any longer, with Russia having it's own sphere with peaceful trade with America.

The live grenade now is Europe, Western Europe must be overthrown, and that solves the retards of the Slavic Europe problem. This is historical. Poland is the French and English pivot point. All three must be dealt with to protect the United States from nuclear war.

Nuff Said
