Monday, March 3, 2025

The Russians Have Gotten the Message and President Trump must Reaffirm for Russian Peace


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

While I know there are conversations, productive conversations between President Donald Trump and President Vladimir Putin on all issues, because they surface in examples of President Trump asking President Putin to negotiate a nuclear peace settlement in the Mideast, my concerns are the intrigue operating in the United States and in Europe, who are actively operational at some phase of some murderous attacks on America and Russia to foment a war between the two innocents.

The below is from Hal Turner's website and the fact is, that President Putin would not be conveying a threat such as this, if he does not have the intelligence backing up what he is focused on in some NATO nation or countries declaring war on Russia.

This must be understood that there is a trigger in NATO in Article 5 which would pull the United States into a war with Russia if a NATO nation was attacked. I realize that President Trump has noted that America is not going to activate on some pretense, meaning being set up.

All the same, ZeroHedge is reporting that for Trump's big state of the union message, that after pausing arms to Ukraine.........that little dwarf is going to sign a deal for the minerals in Ukraine with America. AGAIN, as Zellinskyy signed a deal with London on January 17th, how the hell is he able now to sign a deal with America?

I do not like things not being explained with the known facts. I would be much less anxious about all of this if President Trump said, "We have a deal on mineral rights in Ukraine. There will be NO US PRESENCE IN UKRAINE. America is the CEO and we will lease these rights for development to Germany and other peaceful interests and the funds would help rebuild Ukraine, to which America would sell power stations, heavy machinery and use technology, but no American presence. We seek a similar deal with Russia."

I do not get an inkling of this happening. All I note is fixation on this costly deal, making American vulnerable to world war, and now President Putin is coming forward to state that Europe and NATO parties are stating they want war with Russia.

If a NATO EU country declares war on Russia, everyone must know that our reaction will be lightning fast, and if we feel a threat to us, our reaction will be destructive.

For the first time we have heard an explanation of Russian activities in Ukraine, that Russia has restrained itself because Ukraine was Russian and Russians were there. Mr. Putin states that war in Europe will not be restrained, it will be scorched earth.

I would that President Trump was not focused on this costly Ukraine mineral deal which has England already owning those minerals, and instead in public, in this State of the Union, to reaffirm what he told Zellinskyy:

The United States is not for Ukraine. The United States is not for Russia. We also are not against either Ukraine or Russia. We are for the United States and will be fair to both parties as America desires peace for all.
(I would the President would add this promise.)
The Russian President today warned Europe not to declare war on Russia in some of the member NATO states. The United States affirms this and America will not be drawn in by subterfuge in conflict with Russia.  If NATO members instigate or expand their activities to threaten Russia, then it is Russia's right to neutralize that threat in self defense. America is not going to die for European wars ever again. This does not give carte blanche to the Russian Federation, no more than it gives carte blanche to these European plotters who have once again attempted to disrupt peace in Eastern and Western Europe.

Let us be frank, Russia has never untied it's right arm in Ukraine, nor closed it's right hand to a fist. One Russian division surpasses everything in NATO when the United States is excluded. Germany, France and England have paper tiger militaries. The English can not even float a Navy or deploy tanks.  The French die well enough and the Germans are telling the world they need a draft as they do not have an army.

President Trump needs to reassure the Russian public, and more to the point, speak to the European Right in supporting them and not supporting the regimes which have put them all into dungeons of exile from government, and have one agenda which is to have America die for their crownless monarchs, as the volk are vaporized in their own lands from a war none of them want.

This State of the Union is not for announcement on mineral deals that England already has rights to. This State of the Union is about crushing the insurrection in America and the insurrection against America in Europe, both of which have Russia promising to wipe out parts of Europe engaged in this genocide against Russians.

President Trump has not yet realized that thee American People do not want this mineral deal, do not care about the stolen 350 billion, because the HATE Vladimir Zellinskky and Ukrainians for what they have done in lying and trying to get Americans vaporized. This is a paper that is worthless Mr. President as the only thing Americans want is to be out of Ukraine and as far away from Europe as possible. Anchoring America in Ukraine is not what the public majority wants at all.

For personal prestige Mr. President, good for you, that you have this deal you desired. Americans want America out of this sphere and until you arrive at a plan like leasing those rights out to Europeans to recoup that 350 billion, Americans are not going to ever support this and are going in a direction you are not heading. That is not Abraham Lincoln politics.

The President of the Russian Federation gave a speech today and the content indicates Russia knows something very wrong is going on; something that indicates Russia is going to be attacked in a way that causes . . . the end.

Putin officially warned the West what a war with Russia would look like.

Below is the machine-translated text of President Putin's speech.  

"Dear colleagues, media, journalists, and guests.

Good afternoon!

Today, again, in the European Union and NATO member states, there are calls for a "war against Russia.".

Today, unfortunately or not, we can say again that history always repeats itself. Always!

The views of our colleagues from Europe and NATO on Russia never change; they are always ready to destroy Russia, everything Russian, and ready to occupy Russia; their goal never changes.

Hatred against Russia has always remained in the veins of some of our colleagues and countries ruling the EU and NATO.

Dear colleagues, Today we hear again that Russia is an aggressor, and the truth is that Russia has never been an aggressor and has always defended itself throughout history.

That's a fact!

Dear colleagues from Europe and NATO, Russia never starts a war; Russia always stops wars. You start wars, and the goal is always to destroy Russia.

Russia has never threatened countries, has never threatened the security of the world, but we like to say, "The snake bites the most when it dies."

You created fascism, always everywhere, and in Ukraine, wars are your work, and Russia will always defend its country and its people. No matter what it costs, no matter how many losses we suffer, we have always defended our country and its people; we will always continue to do so.

As you know, we have proven ourselves many times in our history as a country with spirit.

And today you are shouting again, "Victory over Russia."

Dear colleagues, I assure you that Russia will not fall; it may be torn apart, but never destroyed.

If a NATO EU country declares war on Russia, everyone must know that our reaction will be lightning fast, and if we feel a threat to us, our reaction will be destructive.

Today, Russia has all kinds of weapons in the current history of the world, I emphasize. (I add: you have no idea.)

You have not seen anything from Russia and its possibilities in Ukraine because Ukraine is our historical country, and there are Russians in Ukraine, and we are saving them, and this is not a war but a military operation. (True)

On the other hand, it will not be like in Ukrainethat is what you need to know.

As for whether we are ready to negotiate for peace, we have always been ready to negotiate, but no one wanted to negotiate with us.

Of course, Russia has no friends among NATO and European leaders, because Russia is a strong, huge country, which is exactly what your NATO and European colleagues do not want.

But accept it!

No matter how much you repeat that one day Russia will be defeated... I believe in God, and God is with us. The world may end earlier, but Russia will not fall.

We do not need a world without Russia.

Unlike you, I know very well what a country and people are, and therefore I will always fight for my country and people.

Are you ready to accept this, as you wish? Are you ready to start a war against Russia again? But we are also ready.

And today's war against Russia would be an absolute apocalypse.

I advise our colleagues from Europe and NATO to work for the good of the world, not for the destruction of the world.

Thank you! "

Nuff Said
