Monday, March 3, 2025

Naked Aggression Against America Can Not Stand!


George W Bush accidentally admits Iraq war was ‘unjustified and brutal’ in gaffe | George Bush | The Guardian

Former president makes slip when speaking at his presidential library in Dallas on Wednesday

The other 9/11: George H.W. Bush's 1990 New World Order speech

America and the world must stand up to aggression — and we will. And one thing more: In the pursuit of these goals, America will not be intimidated. ... Get smart opinions on the

America, too bad on my London swindle of no mines for you.

How about body parts of Christian Slavs. I can get you a good deal

on hearts by the pound. Baby blood all goes to the Clintons, and the

skin to the English for boner extensions, but how about a nice pile

of hearts, livers and kidneys?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

You perhaps have not noticed that the silence is deafening from Bush, Clinton and Obama over "their" Kiev Nazi who engaged in criminal racketeering against the Government of the United States in colluding with Great Britain, France and Poland.

Insurrection is at the very top in America.

The Lame Cherry has pondered this, and these acts of naked aggression can not stand from foreigners of London, Paris, Berlin and Amsterdam. They are in outright war with America, and via NATO in troops being sent into Ukraine which Russia can not condone, is deliberately making the United States a target for world war. For this reason, the Lame Cherry publishes a white paper on appropriate actions by the Government of these United States in response.

At present, the United States Army is on maneuvers in Poland in a rotation with their  heavy mechanized army. The President should order their recall immediately as a confirmation to the Russian Federation that the United States is no longer a part of this intrigue for the genocide of Russia.

American tank columns should then be ordered, as they have full right in NATO to move West, and into Germany. With the economic collapse of Germany due to Obama green rapine, perhaps Germany may require some stabilization, and if not, the United States can not be clairvoyant if the Germans of the AfD who have been banned from representation in Berlin, along with other Germans in rising up to install a new Government by, for and of the German People of the Right.

Of course the German military and police state would be ordered to not interfere with the American columns moving through Germany and America of course would offer full protection to these German emancipating themselves from the police state of the anti German.

Once Berlin was in the hands of American and Russian loyalist, the Germans would move with the United States into Austria to emancipate those peoples, and return Chancellor Sebastian Kurz to power in peaceful relations with America and Russia in the Motherland.

Once Greater Germany was stabilized in a few days, the American columns would move to France, where of course again, the United States could not be clairvoyant if the French Right, equally banned from governance in Paris, rose up and welcomed the Americans who would be liberators of France again.
Of course as this was taking place, the German military would in their own maneuvers, enter into the Lowlands and secure Antwerp and Amsterdam ports, and of course the peoples there would perhaps rally as they have and hang their monarchs without crowns and become allies of the United States again.

As the embarkation point for the American columns, now with the German, Austrian, French and Lowland armies, would move to the Chunnel and the ports of Antwerp and Amsterdam. The United States would once again not be clairvoyant as to what the Patriots of the Isles would do, but America would assure the peoples of Scotland and Wales that if they exercised their liberties, along with the shadow Government of England, forming a Constitutional Republic, freed as Cromwell freed England from monarchy tyrants, headed by a President in Lawrence Fox and a Speaker of the House in Liz Truss, the Irish would join in with sticks and stones and liberate Ireland from the communist anti Christs who have put those people into a prison of their own nation.

Of course if America was attacked, along with the supporting columns, the United States would unleash the full fury of American firepower on such enemies, the type who tried to genocide the United States in a war in Ukraine with Russia. Again what the President of England did in perhaps hanging that Stamer is what the English would do, as it would save a trial in the United States. The Tower of London would be a good keep until the current monarch of intrigue perishes from cancer and after that, only a figurehead, residing in some apartment would be deemed a keeper of an extinct crown.

This though is the genesis of  this, in relating to the start of this, in the high crime against the United States in that dwarf Zellinskyy of Kiev, having already sold mineral rights to Stamer of England, and then moving to sell the same mines to President Donald Trump is international racketeering. Stamer knew as did King Charles of this fraud against America, with the intent of nuclear genocide against the United States in this act of war. Therefore Attorney General Pam Bondi should indict this dwarf Zellinskyy, this Manny Macron of Paris, King Charles of his palaces, this Prime Minister in Stamer, all facing racketeering charges and crimes against humanity against the United States.

Naked aggression inside the United States in silent betrayal of America for her enemies can not be allowed no more than this direct terror attacking on America by Paris, London and other associated parties.

As the Lame Cherry has stated, it is within the rights of a NATO member in America, to move it's columns back into the United States, and it is not some mind reading gift America possesses to know what the European Peoples who are Patriots rise up with to liberate themselves from the dungeons of France, Germany, Belgium, Denmark, Netherlands, England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

This European treachery can not stand. It must be responded with a ruthlessness which wipes it out forever to Jesus coming back.

Nuff Said

*Canadians be aware. You have been given a generous offer by the United States to join the Union. Your Ottawa regime plotted in spying on President Trump for Russiagate intelligence. Your Ottawa regime provided Peking with Wuhan killer virus. Your Ottawa regime joined with Paris, London and Kiev in this act of war against the United States. You do not want American columns moving to their bases, as it is better to become Citizens with full rights, instead of accomplices to the genocide of thee American People. You do not want this Saxon Race aroused in passions for Justice.

Kosovo Honours Bill Clinton for NATO Intervention in 1999 War | Balkan Insight

Former US President Bill Clinton was awarded Kosovo’s Order of Freedom by President Hashim Thaci after he arrived in Pristina to commemorate the 20th anniversary of NATO

The Obama Administration Wrecked Libya for a Generation

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Clinton on Qaddafi: "We came, we saw, he died" - CBS News

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton shared a laugh with a television news reporter moments after hearing deposed Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi had been killed. "We came, we

Nuff Said
