Monday, March 10, 2025

The Truth Must Be Made Public


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In reports magnifying the facts that Thomas Crooks who is the blamed shooter at Butler PA had people working with him, is a reality which for the safety of all Government officials, must be made known in what the FBI covered up and has not released yet to the public.

We know a white van was towed away by law enforcement. The owner has disappeared. That owner was in a business which was shipping CIA weapons to South America. That owner was known to have been a MERC in Zellinskyy's Ukraine genocide of Russians.

The Lame Cherry has speculated that this is the person who was dead on the roof and was stated to be Thomas Crooks.

We know that law enforcement on scene had problems locating "Crooks" that he seemed to appear and disappear as two people. In the vender lane, he was recorded and yet he was reported by the buildings where the sniping took place at the same time.

So yes there were others involved.

Recent investigations suggest that Crooks may not have acted alone, and concerns have been raised about the FBI’s handling of the case.

Private investigator Doug Hagmann, who has been examining the incident, believes Crooks had accomplices.

Hagmann’s team conducted a geofencing analysis of electronic devices present at the rally, identifying several devices that did not belong to attendees or known personnel.

This data suggests the presence of individuals who may have been coordinating with Crooks.

Hagmann stated, “The digital footprints indicate a level of coordination that Crooks couldn’t have managed alone.”

Despite these findings, the FBI has been criticized for its limited disclosure of information related to the case.

What the Lame Cherry is nauseated by is this all seems to be like 9 11, in compartmentalized law enforcement playing gotcha and budget numbers, like with the numbers of Islamic terrorists at large in America, who are monitored, but kept on a leash as monitoring them gives people jobs, but when they get loose as on 9 11 or in Thomas Crooks case, very bad things happen.

It is evident by the phone tracked to an FBI office location in DC Chinatown, that someone in the FBI was running some kind of sting, like Eric Holder was running on North Korea in the Boston Bombing, but the North Koreans outwitted Holder, who had to frame some Chechens to cover up the disaster. That is what this all indicates in the FBI and other groups knew far too much about Butler and someone who knew like with JFK that they could get away with things, set loose an operation, and the FBI leadership shit tacks when they found out that the shooter was being paid by the FBI, along with these other assets on location.

ex Director Christopher Wray was absolutely head up the ass, not a legal term, but when he kept repeating the talking point that Candidate Trump was not struck by a bullet when everyone knew it was, exposed him as being part of a major cover up which he knew what had taken place. When the FBI Deputy the next day refuted Wray in stating that the FBI knew it was a bullet, it was an eye rolling part of a continuous Robert Mueller and John Ashcroft group who were on the heals of Hillary Clinton burning up kids in Waco, bombs going off in OKC which were missiles in the basement, shooting Vickie Weaver in her home holding a baby, which became the Obama trolls posting for the mass murder of the Bundy People which ended up in an FBI team starting a shooting spree which got LaVoy Finnicum murdered. The death count continues on in the murder of Ashli Babbitt set up by her handlers. Roseanne Boyland murdered by police at the US Capitol. This was all OUTLAW USA and continues on. We have law enforcement in America on the federal level who market violence to get budgets, raises and power in keeping these criminals at large to farm them. In the worst scandals of America, it erupts as in Butler PA and then this entire criminal enterprise goes into protective mode and nothing happens again in another cover up as people retire with fat retirement benefits and Americans rot in the grave.

It appears that China was being set up by Bidencon to take the fall for Butler. Remember the New York Post reported a dead Chinese shooter on a roof which all disappeared from Mockingbird pressure from the regime. Other bad actors with an agenda sent in their own teams and the FBI ended up washing away the evidence and burning up bodies, because the nation would have erupted again if the Truth came out that the FBI was shepherding an operation which SHOULD HAVE BEEN SHUT DOWN IMMEDIATELY when a person running for the presidency was the target, but it was left to manifest as allot of this FBI of Obama did not want a Donald Trump back in office. That is what this appears to have been the case in the FBI had another "oh shit" moment as the evidence disappeared and apparently people in Congress were told to shut up and not talk about things anymore.

So we have silence and this Goddamned lawlessness is still there in operations shepherding some big name crime for promotions and budget increases, and another one will lose track of their terrorists or have the deep state piggyback onto an event and something really bad will happen again, throwing America into upheaval again.

America is ready for the President to invoke the Insurrection Act. America is ready for the Government to release the reports in who was doing what and for those stooges to be brought to court.

It is time.

Nuff Said

