The non elected globalist banking Dictator of Canada.
120th governor of the Bank of England from 2013 to 2020.
King Charles is going to have me pull the head off of Canada, like a chicken,
let it be bathed in it's own financial bloodbath, pluck off all the resources,
and fry Canadians up in the pan, for finger lickin' good globalism eh.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Below in quotes you will read of the hatred of President Donald Trump, Americans and America, being generated in Canada. It is worse than Tehran and Pyongyang combined on a rabid day.
The reality is that Castro Trudeau fled to London to meet with King Charles where a plot appears to have been hatched to have MI6 and French intelligence steer Canada into a break up. The Quebecious being the children they are, are already demanding to be part of Europe in joining Quebec to France.
Of course the rest of Canada is going to be more joined in the Paris London scheme and the reality follows.
You remember Macron of France stating that Europe would be placed under the French nuclear weapon umbrella? There is more to this than Paris putting itself into jeopardy as Macron and France have zero intention of putting themselves into the nuclear crosshairs.
France is considering extending its nuclear umbrella to Europe. But ...
What this is about is Paris and London placing their nuclear arsenals inside their new extension in the New World in NUCLEAR COLONIALISM.
Paris and London, both plan to place weapons into English Canada and French Quebec to begin firing at Russia. How do you feel about nuclear weapon exchanges occurring on the American border in the north?
The French and English, have been fucking around against America in Ukraine, fucking around in Gaza against America and now they are fucking around in Canada against America, and this time they are bringing the nuclear world war into North America, because they could not sucker President Trump to fighting Russia, but they sure suckers those fumducker Canadian English and Quebecios.
You can read the intrigue which is in the below reporting which the Lame Cherry quotes from on the ground It is imperative that President Donald Trump sign an Executive Order to enforce the Monroe Doctrine that NO CANADIAN land will be seized by England or France, that no European weapons will be placed there, that the Monroe Doctrine will stand, and that the United States in order to protect the New World, will begin the process to annex Canada by right of eminent domain, as the Canadian critters have proven they are beyond the ability to reason or make a sound political decision that will not bring nuclear war into North America.
Canada has NO ELECTED LEADER. It is time for America to save America as President Trump said he would.
Apparently Trudeau is supposed to officially step down today (no really this time!) and Mark Carney, his banker friend, is expected to win the nomination to succeed to him at the head of the liberal party. Technically, he’s not going to be Prime Minister until the Governor of Canada, representing Great Britain, officially blesses him on behalf of Charles, which is expected to happen tomorrow or Tuesday. This means that Canada will be leaderless for a few days, which apparently terrifies everyone up there, as it’s everywhere on their televisions. News flash Canada, you’ve been leaderless for years now and you’re irrelevant either way. Ater any new person becomes the Prime Minister, they always have to present a budget to parliament and have all parties agree on it to prevent new elections to be declared. This time, obviously, there will be a disagreement and elections are going to take place in April. The thing is, that Carney guy has been selected by Trudeau to sit on his cabinet and has not been elected by the voters, so he cannot participate in parliament. Hilariously, he will have to sit in the guest rafters, way up there, while someone else introduces his proposed budget. What a clown show, a Prime Minister who is not even allowed to speak, unbelievable.
The other issue that has been raised about Carney, which of course Quebecois make the most noise about, is that he does not speak French. It is a law that both English and French are official languages in Canada, therefore the PM must speak both. Of course there are levels of mastery of languages and this guy mangles French just enough to get by, but not enough to gives coherent speeches in, as he is practically unintelligible. He looks like an odd choice from Liberals then, but since they are going all out of the “Evil Trump and his tariffs just wants to make Canada the 51st state” angle, they are betting on that guy being an “International Banker” (he does not appear to be a Bulanite himself, but he is up to his eyebrows in Goldman Sachs and hilariously has strong New York ties) to convince Canadians that he will be able to handle Trump and make him go away.
It’s hard to have sympathy for Canadians with the 51st state they bristle so much about. Like you mentioned in the blog, Trudeau even went to beg Charles in England to talk to the world so Canada would be taken seriously, but good ol’ Chuck did not do squat. They are so butthurt at the USA that now there is some movement where Quebec wants to form a country with France, because that would make “more sense”. In what world? Quebecois drink tea in the afternoon, have English breakfasts, eat roast beef and have an English style parliament, there’s practically nothing French in the province at all, except of course that language they are so crazy about. Besides, France would sneer at the “retarded cousin”. The media in Quebec is trying to pass Macron as the savior of the world, spending trillions of dollars to protect Europe against Russia by using the nuclear shield, not that the average Quebecois really understands what that means. In Canada, Trump is also accused of apparently “stirring trouble in the Middle East”, as they are preparing to pin any conflict that erupts in Europe/Asia on him. People who really know what is going on cannot facepalm enough.
With all the misinformation that is going in the Canadian media, the Liberal party has everyone scared that they will lose their jobs and all their pollical adds on TV state that utter destruction of the country will ensue if any other party than theirs is elected. They are dooming hard and sadly, it seems that Canadians are buying it, at least some of them. Trump is painted as the devil trying to eliminate the country and its inhabitants, no less. Of course, as we know very well during our last elections, polls can be made to say anything, but the media is now saying that despite all the crazy stuff going on, the liberals will again win the election in April with this drab banker who does not even speak French. That is propaganda at its highest. Of course Quebec will be in the fun place they deserve, having to vote for their precious Liberals even if their leader is a filthy English speaker. I predict a lot will stay home. In the polls for the federal election, they are also trying to show that the neo-democrat party and the Quebec party are also losing lots of votes and that they are basically being cannibalized by the Liberals, because they are trying to prevent votes wasted in fringe parties that are at the advantage of the Conservatives. Tv claims that “no one likes Polievre” and that he cannot get elected, painting him as a Trump duplicate and again doing fearmongering, claiming that he will “sell” the country to the USA. If only Canada was that lucky, they would have a chance at a real leader, that guy is so very center he straddles the Equator.
It is past the point of Canadians standing up and flying thee American Flag. It is the time for America to plan the Flag of a Constitutional People on Canada, and save America from foreign intrigue.
The New Dictator declared war on America, inside of America in 2019 AD in the year of our Lord, just as the plot to steal the election from President Donald Trump was being initiated.
On August 23, 2019, Carney delivered a speech at the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City's 2019 annual Jackson Hole Economic Symposium entitled "The Growing Challenges for Monetary Policy in the current International Monetary and Financial System". Carney said that the "widespread use of the US dollar"—the dominant currency pricing—"in trade invoicing, in place of the currency of either the producer or the importer", has had a "destablilizing" effect on the global economy, according to Reuters
Nuff Said