Monday, March 3, 2025

Trump's Golden Age where the Sun Never Sets


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There are few people who understand the historical depths of the close alliance between Russia and the United States which literally protected America from peril in the European and New York finance instigated insurrection which caused the American Civil War.

In the above photo, are American war heroes and Plainsmen, General George A. Custer and Colonel William Buffalo Bill Cody, and between them is his Imperial Highness Grande Duke Alexis of Russia.

Now what brought about this post Civil War adventure? The following are entirely information which you have no idea of. The source is the work of Carl Sandberg in Lincoln at War, and this is the real history of Russia and America.

When the Civil War was instigated, the British under Lord Palmerston as Prime Minister were looking for a way to get America involved in a second battle front with England, in order to protect the Southern Confederacy in breaking off from the United States. Palmerston at one point had an army read, and naval ships ready to sail to press this war. The war front would be in the north from the treacherous Canadians.

To join the South in this Emperor Napoleon of France, who had installed a regent in Maximillian in Mexico, was to open a third battle front against the United States out of Mexico. These two heinous European powers meant to Balkanize the United States to servitude in debt and divided lands.

While this process was being engaged in, President Abraham Lincoln was experiencing not the greatest diplomatic exchanges with Russia. The Russians were quite aware though of the stakes involved in America, as they had just suffered a Crimean War from the brutal intrigue of the English.

It was in this backdrop that the Czar pledged fidelity  to America, a fidelity of full support. As the British and French fleets were in thee American sphere, soon two Russian fleets appeared, one anchored in New York harbor and the other in San Francisco Bay. When people started questioning what the Russians were anchored all winter in American waters for, the Russians assured those asking that it was with complete peaceful intentions.

This pretending nothing was taking place was the ruse which everyone knew certain everything was going on. The parlors of London and the salons of Paris were filled with consternation, because the sealed and unopened letters which the Russian Admiral in New York held, and hinted at to American Admiral Farragut, contained orders that if the English or French made any moves against the United States, what would follow was a declaration of war and Russia would attack both European powers. This was not going to be limited warfare. London and Paris understood that this was going to be a world war from the Hindu Kush to the Rio Grande, the Russian American alliance was going to crush the colonial powers in the east and the west.

The British were very not amused in all of this, as they listened to thee American toasts and speeches.

The North British Review put into print what  the British regime was doing a gut check on, and what was behind the Civil War.

"The Hand of God" is the almost American barbaric faith which is shaping America. Americans must do what Providence intends them to do for the world at large.
How natural it is for these quasi religious phrases to come from the conquerors of a vast new continent, stored with wealth! What else could be expected of the Anglo Saxon pioneer than, having set his dominion on one hemisphere, he should move to others? Upon fresh American soil the germ has indeed germinated and it is now shooting up heavenward with tropical force. Citizens of the United States are born with a giant ambition to their brains, and almost the first syllables they lisp have a sort of trumpet twang, as thus, 'Here I come, ready to grasp a scepter and to rule the world."

Beyond the common phrases of "RESTORE THE UNION" and "MAINTAIN ORDER", the Northern leaders mumbled in parenthesis of a future universal empire for the United States. The same world domination was "a darling ambition with the coarse minded  and ignorant masses of the people"

London interpreted the message in this way, "Canada is to be governed from Washington, the British are to be expelled from on both sides; Russia also is to be driven back across the Behring Straits. 

London was correct in American outlook and policy. The Chicago Tribune editor, John Medill had written his brother this direction for America, "With the South squleched, the next job of the Government at Washington would be to take Canada on the North and Mexico on the South".

The Russian and Americans came to amiable terms in the purchase by Secretary Seward of Alaska from Russia, but the British were involved in intrigue and gained the mindset of the ruling class to keep Canada when it was the United States to possess. President Abraham Lincoln after suffering humiliation in the Trent Affair during the Civil War by the British attempting to start war with America, consoled himself with being a prophet in telling others, "Once the Civil War is done with, America with power will arise and we will repay the British who are our enemies with the ultimate humiliation".

Now you know why the British had a hand in murdering Abraham Lincoln and you can find London's prints all over Russiagate as they have been plotting against the United States along with other "allies" for the entire history of America.

The Russian Naval Officers were the toast of America. They held festive gatherings and raised funds for American causes. First Lady, Mary Lincoln toasted the Russians at a dinner and the Europeans went into a meltdown over it. The British fumed in their parlors in London over "Abe Lincoln's" threats of war, who once poled a flatboat down the river and now as Jupiter was terrifying the world power of England".
It was a far different London than two years previous in having a Confederacy attacking the Union, Britain in Canada ready to make war, the French in Mexico outnumbering the United States 3 to 1. Now their intrigue was shattered and Old Abe had outwitted their debt scheme in Lincoln issued his own debt notes to fund the war, instead of borrowing from the Rothschild bankers in London and Paris.

When Russian sailors got drunk and arrested, Judges set them free. When whores robbed Russian officers of money, the police got their gold coins back.

That is the history of the photo of Americans and Russians above. That is why these Normans, Bulan pawnshop keepers and Frogs have overthrown Russia, thrown Germany into two genocidal wars and bled America and the Colonials of their best men and treasuries. This is what President Donald Trump faces today and what the entire Ukraine war was geared for, to keep Moscow and Washington from cementing the bond which the Czar and President Abraham Lincoln initiated.

The world would have had peace with a Russian, German, American alliance, throw in Japan and the east would have held too.

If President Donald Trump can found a gathering of the Saxons of the Rus, the Saxons of America and the Saxons of Germany, these betrayed and peoples set upon for genocide will form the foundation of the Golden Age to come.

Nuff Said
