Saturday, June 28, 2008

Iran Declares World War

In the TelegraphUK, Major General Mohammed Ali Jafari of Iran declared
that Iran if it's nuclear facilities were attacked that it would move to
cut off all oil flowing through the Straits of Hormuz stopping 40% of
the world oil supply.

This is a declaration of World War and with this the west should crush
these ants as recently deposed United States Air Force commander termed

This is Iranian thinking and when they have more than a handful of
nuclear warheads they will indeed cut off the supply of oil to the west
and with Russia remaining, they would of course stop oil supply too and
rule the world.

It is past time these Iranian Islamocommunist terrorists be obliterated
in the means they have chosen. They have chosen nuclear weapons, so the
west should eliminate the central core of Persian thugs with their
terrorist Qud Forces and leave northern Iran in the hands of the capable
Kurds and southern Iran to the tribes there creating autonomous states.

When one is speaking of destroying the entire economy of the west by
cutting off oil supply, that is no different than threatening nuclear
bombs as it is the starvation, slow torture and mayhem of obliterating
every soul from Tokyo to Sydney to Spokane to London to Brussels to
Berlin to Ankara.
Hundreds of millions of people and dozens of free nations have just been
declared war on by Iran. It is past time in waiting for them to act out
with a more nuclear complete umbrella and it is time to cut off the
Islamocommunist regime and kill it, take control of that oil supply
under the United Nations and use the oil revenue for feeding and
propsering the former Iranian peoples instead of spending billions on
nuclear warfare.

Iran has chosen this. Let the response be swift and complete, so none of
these terrorists will survive to lob their dozen nuclear warheads into
Tel Aviv, London, Paris, Berlin or New York.

Nuclear thugs must be dealt with by the means they have chosen to send
the complete message once and for all if you pick up a nuclear stick you
will be vaporized by a nuclear stick.

No more walking softly, use the big stick and use it completely for the
safety, security and literal lives of the men, women and children who
have just had murder extolled upon them by another Persian thug in Major
General Mohammed Ali Jafari.

Let the punishment fit the crime.
