Saturday, June 28, 2008

Jewish Second Amendment

With the Supreme Court affirming the ancient right of English Common Law to the Biblical Laws which the US Constitution is based upon in the right of self defense by armed force in protecting one's property, home and person, it seems certain liberal Jewish groups from the Anti-Defamation League, the American Jewish Committee, the American Jewish Congress and the National Council of Jewish Women all are criticizing the right to arm oneself for self defense.

Their Jewish Second Amendment seems to read, A vassal people being necessary to be victimized by tyrants, elected governments and criminals, the right of the people shall be infringed to make them victims.

None of this modern liberal Jewish thoughtlessness deals with historical Abrahamic, Moses, Jacob nor Israelite or David action or law.

Abraham when necessary rose up, armed himself and all his family to make war upon peoples who were ravaging his family and neighbors.
Moses with his hand held high by Aaron led the 13 tribes into battle. One can also find this son of Levi avenged a married woman who had been raped by an Egyptian in the Book of Jashur.
Jacob's elder sons slaughtered an entire city when one of the men raped their sister Dinah.
The Israelites had many judges risen up to deliver them from Phineas, Gideon, Samson and Deborah who all made war with weapons.
David is quoted often, "Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me". In modern terms, David's rod would be a Ruger, his staff a Winchester and his sling which he killed Goliath with his rocket propelled grenade.

The entire Judean state is one of armed citizens pitted against armed military throughout the Middle East.
The Judeans of Gush Katif were beaten with rods by secular Russian Jews having their lands stolen, because of non armed resistance. The idea of being a victim, a person willingly submitting themselves to brutality is what modern liberal Jews advocate in complete contrast to the facts of Warsaw ghettos to the ghetto which they are walled behind now in the Jewish state.

Plainly put if the Judeans of Europe had been armed, there never would have been a World War II as the Nazi would not have dared invaded any state nor rounded up any German Jewish citizen.
Switzerland was not invaded, because Hitler was informed he would not have an army left to take on Europe. An armed people are a polite people and an armed people gain polite interaction from rude neighbors.

So none of this current Jewish liberal dogmatism makes a great deal of sense in reality, unless of course where most of this is coming from in New York and DC where you have wealthy Jews living in Trump Towers with locks, doormen, bodyguards, limos and offices locked, guarded by people with machine guns and all of your cocktail clubs are behind gates with security too.
See it is easy for a millionaire to afford a secure enclave with bodyguards who have machine guns like the well known Teddy Kennedy has, but what does the common citizen do when criminals are bashing in your windows and then bashing in your brain or shooting you and then raping your family members..........

Does one call 9 11? DC law already found by a liberal court that the government has no responsibility to respond in protecting you.

So the liberal alternative is to simply be a victim, allow your family to be brutalized in their last hours on earth and then all of you die.


Does that not sound exactly what liberal Jews constantly speak of in the holocaust which they say will never happen again? Allowing Jews to be reliant on the state for protection who will not protect you and in the end a Jew is brutalized to death?

Yes it is exactly what the ADL, NCJW, AJC are all advocating just like the Olmert regime in herding Jews behind walls in telling the defenseless to not arm themselves, but simply die in a holocaust II where a real 6 million Jews will die.

History indicates that the Israeli Jews of today should instead be given 100,000 missiles to fire into terrorist areas in response to the death they are dealing now. For every missile the Islamocommunists of Hamas fire, Jewish settlers respond with 100.
The same is vitally true in America in the Jewish community should be doing what they do so well in creating a cheap firearms industry which to arm their Christian friends and their Jewish brethern to protect themselves from the criminal thug.

Professor Gary Kleck once noted that an armed society is a polite society. Criminals simply do not attack communities where they know they will be shot.
Arizona several years ago had their police go out on strike. The net result is all the citizens knew they had to protect themselves and criminals knowing this quit attacking civilians as the thug soon learned there was no dialing 911, but instead the homeowner shot the intruder knowing the citizen had to protect themselves.

This lesson is repeated and proven continuously in all armed communities. The worst crime areas in any nation are the areas where criminals know the citizen is harmless..........or as liberal Jews want all Jews unarmed and just waiting to be victimized.

It is bigotry and elitism which liberal Jews have advocated this policy where they have the money for armed guards and are leaving poorer Jews to be fodder for crime. An armed Jew like all armed citizens is the best peace keeping force ever invented by God. That is why all free people have armed themselves throughout history.

A well regulated (TRAINED) Militia (ARMED CITIZENRY), being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

God bless America!
