Friday, July 18, 2008

An American President

As I watch Barack Hussein Obama parade around getting foreign policy
from the cast of 300, to his Bradenburg Gate speech, hopping over to the
Israeli state and into Iraq telling Americans they have to learn to
speak Spanish...........

I notice I have not seen John McCain in east LA or down on the border
either talking about border busters, but he too was talking to Mexicans
about being President.

Then there is Bob Barr who seems to like talking about Bob Barr, Ralph
Nader who seems to enjoy looking like Ralph Nader, Cynthia McKinney who
seems to enjoy just being paid attention to and Chuck Baldwin who just
enjoys listening to Chuck Baldwin.

None of the above has visited one US prison discussing the 2 million
Americans locked up for crime we have to pay for and deal with 2 million
people wasting their lives.

None of the above is dealing with human traffic in Mexicans, South
Americans, Russians, Chinese and Muslims pouring into the United States.

Not one has made trip to Gull Island in Alaska demanding those oil
reserves start pumping.

Not one has picked up a firearm praising the Second Amendment.

Not one has stopped by flood ravaged areas in Iowa to Kansas.

Not one has dropped by to check how the crops are doing in wondering if
America can feed itself.

Haven't seen one of them changing the bandages on a wounded US soldier

In all of this, I recall Gen .George S. Patton saying, "I would to God
that Ike was an American".

The people running for President seem to be more interested in being
President of the world than being President of the United States.
They seem to run this like some fashion show where character and record
do not matter, but you got to BOHICA to the foreigners and tell the
Americans to buzz off.

I would to God that we had Americans running for President.

The only person in this race who I believe is worth a tinker's damn is
Cindy McCain. She is accomplished, has character coming off her
addiction, adopted a foreign kid and actually does something when on the
world tour for hospital care for people and removing land mines.
Toss in she put up with John McCain and handles him and she is a
American you can figure out.

Perhaps I should rephrase the above:

I would to God that Cindy McCain was the one running for President.
