Saturday, July 19, 2008

They're going to put me in the Movies

This is all so distressing that Lawrence Sinclair has been proven right again.

You see, the Obamaniacs who have been criminally harassing him as of this week decided to stalk, harass and criminally invade the privacy of people who have been blogging on Lawrence Sinclair's site.

Larry Sinclair

Mr. Sinclair pointed out if bloggers simply ignored them or as some have done in reporting this criminal behavior to the FBI that they would just all go away.

Showing once again Mr. Sinclair has been right about Barack Obama and his operatives all along, the attacks seem to have gone away.

For Lame Cherry this is most distressing as you see by the above photo of the lovely Charisma Carpenter, I was all ready to have my agent contact her agent for a lovely day of shooting guns for charity.
Readers will recall that I had casted for Hollywood a movie on the Larry Sinclair story, called Brokeback Obama, but how will Hollywood ever make a movie if the Obamaniacs have to be in bed by 8 o'clock and not able to come out and play as Mommy is home on Saturday and frowns about having the FBI show up that door.

Yes, the best I have gotten is more spam as webcrawlers picked up my email and have been sending me Nigerian money scams and today and oriental guy pretending to be Billy Gates little brother tried to get me to email him my passwords.

Even yesterday when this was all so exciting, some lurker was hacking all the bloggers on a 17 to 23 minute cycle for 2 hours, then they had to as Mommy came home, eat dinner, get bathed and their jammies on and could only harass people until Mommy said, "Bedtime", they did though at least get it down to a 20 minute average in hacking by all that practice they were doing.

This though is now all so distressing. As how will I ever be able now to face my best friend, Tom Dickhead Daschle, who is Barack Obama's personal political adviser in how to be sedate, boring and boring.
Dickhead as he is known to all his friends who have driven on the Tom Daschle Super Highway in that barren waste of South Dakota which is now even more barren as a massive asphalt, oil soaked, super road cut through wildlife habitat and cars are smashing turkeys, deer and songbirds into roadkill.
How can my best friend introduce me to Barack Obama without a James Bond Hollywood movie or at least my testimony like Ted Koppel dark masking that CIA agent over Val Plame to pave the way in the introduction.

What is Dickhead going to say? "Oh BO, this is the Lame, he was the one on Lawrence Sinclair's blog calling for the FBI to protect you in finding the murderer of your friend, Donald Young.

That introduction sounds more like a grey bar hotel shower scene about Body Odor which Michelle Obama said in her husband stinks.

Mr. Sinclair could at least prove himself wrong in this Obama investigation at least once for the sake of the lovely Kiran Chetry.
Picture this, the humble Lame, who never likes talking about themself, has both girlish and boyish charms, who even labored over naming this blog after themselves as it was so showy, but who better to name a newsbreaking site over, but the great, spectacular and shy Lame.......
Picture that, all being salvaged as hotstuff Kiran Chetry of skirts cut to Tennessee fame, crossing her legs and asking me all sorts of questions no one is listening to as they are all looking at her legs.
In this way, my movie career would be salvaged........I mean my introduction by Dickhead to Barack Hussein Obama, as being a champion to Truth, Justice and the American Way, as the entire world would have seen me with Kiran's lovely legs and they would be certain I would be a star.

Heck, I bet Barack Obama and the Obamaniacs would even want their picture taken with Lame, now portrayed in a movie by Patrick Wayne.

Oh, though there would be no limo rides, no snorting coke off of Barack's knee, no smoking of crank, no hotel rooms and no sodomite activity. Just wonderful me, the protector of Barack Obama in calling for the FBI to become involved when his so called "supporters" were like Keith Olbermann, David Letterman, Jeremiah Wright etc... were all keeping silent.

My star awaits, Chrisma Carpenter's big guns await, my best friend Dickhead awaits, Kiran's legs await and Barack Obama awaits to be dazzled by humble me.
Ooopsters, time to end this and check my mail for hack attacks as maybe the Obama girls are up and looking for my password instead of watching cartoons.

I'm ready for my closeup now, Ms. Chetry.