Perhaps love triangle is a bit of an overuse of the term in love, but it is what the media would deem a modern spat, and spat it is.
Since Lawrence Sinclair has come forward with his charges, he has suffered from a blistering attack from Barack Obama's other lovers and yes his other lovers are the third part of this triangle which are not being examined as Sen. Obama and his staff quite adeptly had the Larry Sinclair story buried again, but the Obama supporters keep thrusting this story into the spotlight and into the lights of the FBI as they are now breaking laws in their scornful pursuit of Larry Sinclair.
PHD's have written books on the modern liberal mind being someone who attaches themselves to a powerful person to feel empowered. Hillary Rodham Clinton is the most classic example of this in attaching herself to Bill in order to gain a position among the power elite.
What though is occurring in the current pursuit of Lawrence Sinclair though does not fit the normal leftist mindset. This is something much deeper in that of a scorn which people who are in love with someone tries to drive off all rivals.
This has not been considered that the outrageous attacks which are criminal against Lawrence Sinclair and others now involving the FBI exhibit a psychopathy of people out of control to an extent they are not thinking rationally due to passions.
All of this started with the Obama Girl who literally sexualized the Obama campaign from their venue from day one. If one reads the current world tour of Barack Obama, it is deemed a "rock star" tour by the media all across Eurasia without the crowds of Sting or Bono.
The hints of the forbidden in this love of Obama percolate all through the drives of certain male and female supporters whose main vitriol is aimed at Lawrence Sinclair.
The question then formed is why attack Lawrence Sinclair in the manners being accomplished which would be a disaster for Barack Obama when reports will start surfacing that government employees are breaking the law hounding Mr. Sinclair and those around him?
Of course such attacks could be blamed upon Clinton supporters who still hope to snatch the nomination for one of their white candidates, but in time these people who are known to not trace back to the Clinton dirty tricks operatives but all come to the strange bedfellows of Barack Obama.
The one thing which is the center of this is Lawrence Sinclair having an intimate relationship with Barack Obama. This infuriates for the reason stated above that both male and female Obama supporters are jealous to a fever pitch in trying to drive off the lover in Larry Sinclair for the hoped for fantasy these people keep kindled that they too will one day be the Obama girl or Obama boy.
Lawrence Sinclair is one person and a rather ill person at that. He poses absolutely no problem to anyone and yet by typing a few words he has an avalanche of leftist bloggers erupting the Obama / Sinclair tryst all over the internet.
None of what the supporters of Barack Obama are stating has one thing to do with politics. No support for a gay male and no support for a gay male who has been treated worse than prisoners at Gitmo.
The entire attack on Lawrence Sinclair is personal and deals with a jilted lover syndrome of the love triangle.
Strangely Mr. Sinclair has stated he wants nothing to do with Barack Obama and therefore he is no longer competition, but yet the attacks continue on in criminal intent in what is the emotion of jealousy.
As noted as this plays out, Lawrence Sinclair is not going to bring Barack Obama down. The Democrats of the Clinton / Gore wing of the party certainly might be the ones to give him a push in Denver, but the main problems for Barack Obama are the jilted lovers who are driving this story afresh each day.
Lawrence Sinclair's blog is now receiving traffic from around the world. The same nations who were at the National Press Club and are paying attention to this story as the American press ignores another John Kennedy to Bill Clinton sexual problem which always erupts when people get into the White House.
It would be better for the entire nation if the Barack Obama love triangle would be settled now by the FBI, the national press and for the Obama lovers, because politicians have a nasty habit of using people like Susan McDougal, jilting them and then they are the one's ending up in prison even if they were asked by the campaign to "tamp down stories" but they are the ones ending up in court, not Bill Clinton and it will not be Barack Obama.
Senator Obama has already proven he will cut his supporters off. He has promised in announcement after announcement he is going to usher in George W. Bush's 3rd term in expanding all of the Bush policies.
These supporters now attacking Lawrence Sinclair and hundreds of others have got to understand they have already been shown the door by Sen. Obama, or, come to the conclusion they should have been voting for George Bush twice for president and all their blogs were wasted in attacking him as they are going to install Bush 44 par dux in 2009.
No matter what the Obama supporters do in acting out, they are not though going to gain Barack Obama's love nor attention again. Lawrence Sinclair is not their problem nor are the people carrying the story.
Senator Obama has received their vote. He will attempt to receive enough delegate votes for nomination and then his real lovers of Keith Olbermann, Katie Couric, Chris Matthews, John Roberts are the ones who will be cuddling up in the Lincoln Bedroom as the supporters peer through their frosted computer windows wondering why their love treats them like Larry Sinclair is being treated.
There is a Bible verse in the Psalms of not putting your trust in princes nor in the sons of men. Trusting in any politician gains one nothing and these politicians only love themselves. It is their psychopathy and they know exactly how to smile at the ugly boy and girl in the corner like Cindy Sheehan, tell them what they want to hear, make them feel special, use them and then discard them.
Ask yourself, the last time you saw Cindy Sheehan with the Democrats who were pimping her around DC? The reason you do not see her anymore is because she had her purpose to chisel at George Bush so Democrats could gain Congress and now Democrats are expanding the Bush wars while Cindy has been dumped by the side of the road.
The Obama supporters are jilted lovers of the same ordeal which they are going to wake up to some cold morning. It may be the FBI knocking on their doors arresting them and hearing Barack Obama publicly denouncing their actions as criminals or it may be a staff of White House attorneys as the Clinton's employed for their problem supporters like Kathleen Willey to harass the Obama supports, in much more effective ways than the Obama people are carrying out illegally now.
The frosty naked dawn always happens though to those in love with lust filled fires of those who would be king or a closet queen.
Jilted lovers in politics always get left holding the subpoena.
Ask G. Gordon Liddy, ask Susan McDougal.