Sunday, July 20, 2008

What the Russians are

I/R In response to a bestcyrano posting by Gaither Stewart on Thomas
Paine as they never get anything right.

It sounds as if Mr. Stewart like all "experts" jumped in the cherry pie,
pulled out a cherry and declared it a tree. By this, I mean to explain
he takes a segment of Russian history and claims it as "all Russia".

Where in this understanding is the sons of Japheth? Yes "Russia" is thee
Noahide branch of Japheth, a very hardy, brutish and forlorn people in
their various branches.

They were very much a backwards people for centuries until a band of
Israelite exiles of the Royal Scyths who had settled in Sweden went up
river, and due to their red hair were named the "Russ". These people
conquered and advanced the masses in culture and society.
So one has to be proceed with care what Russian he is dealing with as
each tribe and that mingled Russ with the Ashkenaz "Jewish" element
which was secular or communist is what Russia has always been.

Mr. Stewart, leaves out the fact that Russia was not just sitting like a
monk on an ice block for all of it's post medieval history. If one
bothers to look at a place called Alyeska or Alaska as it is known, it
is but an example of Russian expansionism and colonialism.
Catherine the Great was a busy little empress in waging wars and bed
time in expanding the Russian empire. It was this vision which implanted
into the Bolsheviks or communists who still are the Putincrats of today
for a Russia from Dublin Ireland to Moscow Russia.

Mr. Stewart seems to have forgotten that little expansion into
Afghanistan which created that mess there by the Russians for their must
dreamed of "warm water port".
As stated, the west for hundreds of years knew exactly what the Russians
were up to and it is the reason Frederick the Great to Napoleon to
Hitler were killing Russians as the Russians were indeed always coming.

My blog has broken many stories and I will place an exclusive here. No
one has ever questioned just why on earth Stalin would allow the
slaughter of so many Russians in the defense of Stalingrad.
The common leftist answer explaining it was "because Stalin had no guns
for his troops".

Yeah just like he had no bread for Ukrainians when he starved 40 million
of them to death.

If one examines real history, you find that immediately after Stalingrad
the Russians created a massive push and had plenty of munitions for the
soldiers then. The leftist will try and tell you that American arms were
then starting to flow in, but Stalin already had the armament. Just like
food in the Ukraine, he chose not to distribute it as he did not trust
his remaining generals that well.
Where were the other generals? Oh Stalin had slaughtered them too.

So before one buys into great patriotic wars and 25 million people
dying, one had better start figuring out that the same Stalin who
slaughtered his military officers in mass, is the same Stalin who
slaughtered Ukrainians in mass and is the same Stalin whose policy was
to murder a great part of his "untrusted military" as policy to use up
German munitions so the "cleansed" army then could go rape every infant
to grandmother in East Germany creating a bastard race to "forever end
that Christian German Lutheran problem".
The same German Lutherans who were the catalyst which brought down the
wall as it was their protests and marches which freed Europe with the
Catholic press, Reagan morality and Saudi money.

Ignoring these facts is the cherry tree pie of modern flat world
dimensional looking at Russia to Muslims as a figment of an era.

In a conversation I had with a Serb, as I too deeply admire the Slavic
peoples, he was not concerned about America nor England, but he was
watching mother Russia slowly gobble up Slavic resources by buying up
industries with their oil money.
He was watching the central Europeans uneasiness in countering with
their own economic thrusts.
This Serb was absolutely correct in seeing his beloved Balkans were a
coming firing line again of epic proportions as not NATO nor America
were a problem, but it was going to be the ancient foes of European
empire matched in a deadlock with Russian Empire.

That is the war that will be part of a broad war after the Middle East
regional flare up sets the stage for the Eurasian War.

As I have blogged, the Islamocommunists of Iran know oil is running out.
The Russians know full well they have 20 years and their oil will be
gone. (This is why Putin is trying to steal arctic oil and everything
else to build his Bolshevik conquest of Europe before Europe bites back.
The Chicoms know time is short and they will have to march their 200
million man army out soon or it will eat them.

The stage is set for Eurasian world war as none of these Eurasians can
wait out the central European banking cartel as their resources will run
out and then it will be some Napoleon in a banking suit owning,
controlling and making subjects out of the area east of the Urals.
It must be correct as even blogging on this for 2 years, it was noticed
the Lyndon LaRouche site was using my key phrase of "Eurasian World
War". Wonder where they got that.

This cursed group of children who never have learned to play well with
others have drug the western Europeans and Americans into 3 previous
world wars. They will drag the west into another world war in the next

It all gets tiresome and old this blaming America for everything and
those looking to Russia as some innocent. Putin has started the next
nuclear war by using Polonium 210 in the murder of a British subject. It
will only be a short time before assassination is the political answer
in Slavic states to gain leverage in leadership.
That though will spark the war which Russia has been building for in the
last decade with it's massive nuclear arsenal expanding, it's carrier
navy, it's nuclear proof underground cities and it's soon reborn
mechanized corps meant to sweep into Europe and into the gut of the
Middle East.

Just take a peek at Russian battle plans and they call for the hemming
in of the United States by China to have America dispatched at their
leisure. The plans call for the southern warm water ports in the entire
annexed Arabian and Persian states. the plans call for a 3 pronged
thrust into Europe.
The northern thrust to remove Scandavia. The southern thrust to smash
Turkey, cut off Italy and pen in Switzerland as the anvil for thee
thrust which matters into the Baltic, Poland, Bohemia and that prize
Stalin was after, the Rhine with the Ruhr Valley.

Gen. George S. Patton saw all of this Bolshevism threat and when he
tried to get the 3rd Army and the German corps to start a war, he was
murdered as Ike Eisenhower was listening to the European cartel who were
leading him as the cartel wanted all those Russian resources to bank on
and oil which they got while Americans went bankrupt fighting the Cold War.
Truman did the same thing in China when MacArthur was fired as he wanted
to vaporize the communists and free China to be a Christian people.

Russia is no savior. They had their chance to reform and their brutish
people chose an iron fist again and Putin as czar will lead this world
now into a catastrophic war.

That is why George Bush primarily is in Iraq as while the pundits have
been whining blaming him, he has been fighting a war 10 years from now
trying to keep it from spilling into the European heartland and into
India where billions will die as once this kicks loose no one is going
to stop until all the WMD's are spent.

One doubts Georgie will get credit for trying to keep America, Europe
and sub Asia safe by containing the communists, because too many will be
just worried about finding something to eat each day.
That though is what has been going on and those who abandoned George
Bush have now the burden that the old Brzezinski Doctrine which created
this entire mess is back in the Democrats and the "controlling council"
setting policy in the Administration as Cheney has been marginalized.

Wait for it people, because the day will come when you will long for the
day that the neocons are in power as Brzezinski is going to lead the
world into gambits where Iranians will vaporize New York City, the
Middle East stores of American munitions will be lost to enemies and a
real WMD war will engulf Eurasia.

Ronald Reagan had it right when he said, "The Russians are Russians". He
had it perfectly understood and it was not a compliment.

Hope that clears up the bear's share in this Russian drama of historical
fact, present and future.

God bless.