Saturday, July 19, 2008

Maybe it is everyone else's Sex Scandal

Ed Bradley the award winning journalist of 60 Minutes filed one last story that was the best of his liberal career in it exposed the horrendous witch hunt of Prosecutor Nifong against some white males of Duke University as innocent to claims of a black woman she had been raped by them.
Ed Bradley took this upon himself before he died in doing the right thing.

Where though are the voices now doing the right thing?

Charlie Rose, Ed Bradley's friend and fellow 60 Minutes alumnus, absolute silence in no interview with Lawrence Sinclair.
He though does have Barack Obama supporters on and George Bush bashers like Neil Young on to rant about nothing.

Clarence Page, the lofty African American journalist who demands complete ethics in journalism.
Complete silence from Clarence Page in his columns and appearances.

Lara Logan of 60 Minutes, apparently she has been too bush in her own sex scandal committing adultery and getting pregnant in the process.

Marcos Moulitsas and Arianna Huffington, both the spokesmen of the new media and Democratic party in championing gay rights, championing the rights of blacks and informing all everyone else does not have the answers.
Not one peep from either of these rich bloggers.

Rep. Barney Frank, sodomite supreme of the United States Congress. Being so desperate for attention he once had a gay sex partner dupe him while the sex associate was running a gay whore house out of Rep. Frank's office.
Barney Frank, always vocal, but in this complete silence.

This all has a discerning mind pondering something as Barack Obama is telling the world he is going to give George W. Bush a third term in continuing the entire Bush Doctrine of the past seven years and expanding it that perhaps this has nothing to do with why these people are not exposing the Barack Obama sex scandal.

Perhaps it is about all of these people in government, corporations and the media who are desperate to cover up their own sex scandals.

This blog posted the facts of Madonna's brother's book how her crowd all bashed gays. This blog was banned from Huffington Post for exposing that Lee Woodruff, wife of ABC anchor Bob Woodruff was on that site advocating handing out Penthouse and Playboy to sexual predators as treatment.
This blog has eluded that all of these people from Bill Maher to Rush Limbaugh to Sean Hannity to Keith Olbermann all know the water cooler gossip of which sponsor, executive, partner, associate or fellow traveler has been getting the intern stoned to rape them, is on assignment or vacationing often to the Asian pedophile centers and they all know about the rumors of pictures and video of people in sex acts from their own groups.

Perhaps this is all like Lowell Ponte postulated months ago in the reason George W. Bush acts so crazy over Mexicans is the Mexicans have photos of him from his college days down in ole Mexico where young Bush did something pretty bad and they are blackmailing him.
I had always considered it had to do with Bush 43 cronies in big business needing cheap slave labor, but maybe the way these perverts all seem to have viagra in their pants or some married man's baby in their hopper it is the entire mass is covering up for sex scandals their bosses are in or they have been in which would ruin them all.

It shouldn't have to fall to some backstreet Asian paper printing stories exposing the problems of the United States.
It shouldn't have to fall to that type of press reminding Americans how much of a disaster JFK, RFK and Bill Clinton sex disasters that were known before and covered up how America is still convulsing from the effects of sins covered up.

These matters must be investigated by the people who claim to be journalists like Ed Bradley was. This American nation requires for it's security to know who Barack Obama is.
Lawrence Sinclair deserves his Constitutional rights to not be trampled upon by an Obama out of control machine.
Donald Young in his family deserves justice in arresting who or those behind is murder.

The press tried this before with Bill Clinton in covering up the sex their own reporters were having with Bill and his attacks on other women. It was a disaster and what they are all covering up now concerning Barack Obama and the syndicate behind him is going to be a disaster in 2009 for these United States of America.

America has real problems and this nation can ill afford to go through years of impeachment or a President selling this nation out in blackmail the way Bill Clinton operated.

America can not afford a nuclear 9 11 and America can not be carrying out Barack Obama nuclear response on the Pashtun when attacked.

It should not have to be Ed Bradley dying and having to face his Maker which goads a reporter into covering a story. It should be their job.

This blog repeats, It should be their job.

Do your job!
