It is one of not of Mr. Washington, but one of Muhammed Ali knocking out Sonny Liston in the boxing ring thanking David Axelrod for his services.
In that is the fitting tribute of whose office this is in David Axelrod, the Goebbels of the Obama campaign.
One has to understand the meaning the meaning of the Ali fight in this man was once Cassius Clay, but he in the rage of the times abandoned who he was for radical Black Muslims. If you have ever spoken to Sonny Liston about that fight or happened upon the hints which have trickled out from his perspective, it was not one of Muhammed Ali beating Sonny Liston, but of Sonny Liston taking a dive as he was terrified of the insane Muslim thugs surrounding Ali who he thought were going to murder him.
That is why the Ali photograph is fitting for David Axelrod as Barack Hussein Obama is seeking to destroy not only the old black American struggle, but he is seeking to become the new messianic savior with the Muslim name in his own jihad on America and the world.
Mr. Axelrod is a wonderful enigma. He will allow information out on his Ashkenaz roots stating that his father fled the anti Jewish pogroms of Europe to gain sympathy, call attention the miserable marriage his parents had and note his father committed suicide, along with his next phase of a wife with medical problems and child with epilepsy he raises funds for, but one never finds any information on who David Axelrod really is.
In profiling him, he is child equal to his protege in Barack Obama being a child. The misery of his childhood caused him to seek outside and when he was taken to a John Kennedy rally, he was instantly stimulated to that being the narcotic which would fill his void.
As a young teenager, he would be handing out campaign buttons for Robert Kennedy.
This is what has been David Axelrod's life in trying to bring back from the dead the Kennedy's. He found an empty suit he could fill in Barack Obama when he met him as a communist organizer in Chicago precincts.
One can see the hand of Mr. Axelrod guiding a willing Obama to shed his "blackness" when the moment of ascention began transform him into being the adopted son of Teddy Kennedy.
The early Lawrence Sinclair operations all had the marks of the Kennedy machine in spying on Lawrence Sinclair, running a discredit operation using a porn site with the added bonus such a thing would offend Joseph Farah of World Net Daily and most of the right wing.
Mr. Axelrod and the Kennedy crew would fail and as his loyalty is only as long as the paycheck or Teddy Kennedy is functioning, Mr. Axelrod is seen shifting gears in allowing a Delaware operative in campaign manager David Plouffe to instigate a phase 2 in arresting Mr. Sinclair to keep him busy.

The operatives out of the photo in the one on the right with his legs crossed away from Obama and Axelrod notes he is not a firm believer in their union. The closed hand reveals a tension and dislike in it.
The operative on the left is relaxed with the association, but not open to it as his arms are trying to expand his sphere of influence being draped on the couch.
Mr. Axelrod is comfortable in slouching and with his legs apart is signalling he is the dominant male. He also notes a lecturing attitude in teaching the child how to play on the playground.
He requires notes to drive the points home as a prop.
Mr. Obama is the most interesting in his attitude is one of a child in he is placing his feet on the furniture rebelling. Notice though his legs are crossed and arms are crossed. Whenever someone is doing this they are in an uncomfortable situation. He is protesting knowing he has an alpha male beside him, and, if one notices his feet are crossed away from David Axelrod.
Mr. Obama is confirming all of the above including no intimate union between the two and having to give space and place to a superior male.
The dominant in the photo is David Axelrod of the four people.
Many people in politics speak of consultants in fighting the last war in campaigns and David Axelrod is so dangerous as he is fighting the next war, but that is not the case. The war David Axelrod is fighting is the war within himself as the little boy was searching not like Barack Obama to be president of some nation, but the little boy who wanted to find some Obama play dough and make himself his own Frankenstein out of bits and pieces of John and Robert Kennedy who would fill in the gaps of psychotic family.
Mr. Axelrod's father was a psychologist trying to find peace in his troubled mind in the world away from God. His mother was a leftist journalist rejecting all America was. They seperated when he was an 8 year old child and his father sought shelter in being a baseball fan until he commited suicide.
The end result was a child named David looking for idealism, because all the foundations he saw in his parents were causing misery so he attached to the Kennedy clan.
The problem with that though as it was his core David Axelrod could not leave it and grow away from it as normal people do. No, instead he like an insane person is expecting a different outcome if he just builds his Barack Obama out of the parts of his parents and the Kennedy's that somehow, ignoring the purpose of God in one's life, being a sexual deviant, hating what is America will make his Barack Obama not bring the same misery all the others have.
David Axelrod is so fused in this that he can not see his problem child, Barack Obama, throwing a tantrum in front of him and when Obama jr. gets his "prize", he is going to abandon, divorce, dump and leave little David again just like all the people he attached to.
The motives in this have nothing to do with the national socialism rhetoric which were behind Adolf Hitler no more than the Mein Kampf of Barack Obama. David Axelrod sent in a black Barack Obama to give a speech beside Adolf Hitler's favorite Prussian monument with the world knowing about black American Jesse Owen's treatment by Mr. Hitler and the way the Ashkenaz elite sold Jews into slave labor for the Reich war machine.
Who in their right mind would even do such a thing, but two deluded children who appear by their constant pyschopathy to be rivals at insanity. Barack Obama changes who he is daily and David Axelrod is beating on that Frankenstein clay hoping he can mould him to be that changling and no one will notice the monster in the political cradle.
All of that bares repeating, Heir Axelrod is attempting to make comrade Barack Obama the heir to his life which was snatched away from him at 8 years old.
This blog has been no fan nor supporter of John McCain and was the first to label him "Strangecain" in the light of Dr. Strangelove learning to love war and the bomb and morphing into Slim Pickens riding an ICBM to nuclear detonation, but the more one profiles Barack Obama and the cast of children, malcontents, psychologically fused and unbalanced types he has around him acting out, the more anyone strange starts looking sane in comparison.
The people drawn to leftism have been proven to have a psychosis and the people surrounding Barack Obama including himself are not just the shattered soul of the lesbian financier gathering wealth to soothe the pain to the fractured heart of the earth worshipper out loving trees because people might hurt them. No, Barack Obama has found exact people like him who are acting out by somehow gathering enough power to literally install a complete Marxist regime in the United States complete with infanticide to appease the gods of lust and a cult of pirates plundering what is left of the nation.
David Axelrod leads this and in knowing his controls and reactions it is akin to Joseph Goebbels whispering in Adolf Hitler's ear, "Ja mein Führer, können wir alle zerstören und jemand schließlich sein", while the brownshirts carry out jihad in approval.
The problem is David Axelrod and Barack Obama are as deluded and are implementing a scorched earth policy which will engulf the earth.
These two children should not be playing with matches nor be allowed to play in the Oval Office or they will burn this nation down.
Heir Obama, Mr. Axelrod's heir.