The Georgian arena lies in the North Caucasus Military District.
For those unfamiliar as most are with "Russia", in 1991 Boris Yeltsin realigned all the former Soviet districts into new Military Districts. The North Caucasus just happens to be the area which saw the scorched earth policy of the Chechen "wars" where these divisions shelled cities for months and never accomplished a thing.
The district is complete with air, army, naval and marine units that stretch from paratroopers to bombers.
What everyone in this missed and will throw a vast clinker of a wrench into the thought this came out of the Bush Administration is the fact that on July 30th, the main forces of the 58th Army of the district with units of the 4th Army were conducting a massive exercise that stretched to include the Caspian naval forces, Chechnya, and something people might recognize now in North Ossetia.
To put in plainly, Vladamir Putin had the entire district on warfare notice and the entire world knew it who follow such things. The exercise was suppose to be completed on August 9th, but on August 8th the tank columns moved out of North Ossetia into South Ossetia, and, with reinforcements coming in by train now inside Georgia.
The August exercise was preceded by a mid July exercise in the Caucasus which included the elite 7th and 76th Airborne divisions. So in reality, the entire district has been on alert for at least 30 days practicing the same kind of warfare which was implemented in South Ossetia.
The exercises were to combine artillery, air and ground forces to isolate and destroy armed bodies of resistance.

Into this strange mix, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov made Colonel General Gennady Troshev commander of the unified federal group in the region again for the period of three months which ended just as the Georgian campaign began.
Troshev had been relieved of command in December 2002 for refusing to take command of the Siberian Military District.

On July 30th though, he issued the following statement: " We are ready for any kind of big event. Many ask when a large scale attack will be. I can say that we are capable of conducting large scale military operations, but in spite of military conditions we also take into account political conditions. We monitor processes in Russia, in the world, in the Caucasus and in Chechnya. That is why we will act in such a way that will be beneficial for us and when we will decide that we need to act."
Mr. Umarov and his forces saw a major operation was being planned, but what he did not know was that it was going to be turned on Georgia and not his insurgents.
It is difficult with so many different ethnic groups for outsiders to keep track of all the stans, Slavs, Muslims and whoever are in discontent in what is "Russia". People hear sometimes of the canker of Chechnya and now are finding out about the ulcer of Georgia, but there is a host of cancer lesions erupting all over the North Caucasus Military District.
For example, the secessionist area of Transdniester on the border of Romanian speaking Moldavia was trying to unite with Bucharest and not be left out in the Russian Federation cold. There are quantities of people not thrilled with the Kremlin and being "Russian".
The reason South Ossetia is important to Russia has nothing to do with Georgia, but has to do Vladamir Putin has a huge problem with Muslims in the area and needs the Orthodox Ossetians to try and counter balance them. It is much simpler than waiting 18 years for drunken Russian men to raise families with brutalized Russian women.
The people on the border Soviet states have been pawns in this as Moscow has been leveraging for footholds in Orthodox areas of Latvia and Lithuania for "it's Russian minorities". This is Kremlin policy as areas on the Georgian border like Ingushetia and other Muslim sectors are revolting like Chechnya.
Which brings the commentary to how this started in a Russian enclave beach with tourists having their body parts blown off.
For those who point at Zbigniew Brzezinski as the puppet master or the Rothschilds, there are still on the ground former colonial servants like Poland to Latvia who do not need herding to take up the Georgian cause as they remember the Russian brutality.
That is why this blog was pointing out and warning all parties in this that Russia had a massive terror and separatists group already in the North Caucasus. Right now it has several million Georgians with access to Russia and reason to assist the people fighting against Vladamir Putin.
The Ukraine knows very well it will be next. The Baltic states realize their fate and Poland knows as the oil blackmail of the Kremlin sways the socialists of France, Germany, Italy and Greece that they will look not to America nor western Europe, but for ways to assist and progress a civil war against the Kremlin.
I have warned of the Eurasian World War which is coming, but now far too many are appointing it as a bandage warning of all scenarios. This is not the case.
Various groups desired Russia to invade Georgia. Russia desired to invade Georgia for it's Orthodox populace to try and balance the horrendous problem of Muslims within Russian borders.
If Russia stays in Ossetia, it will have several million armed snipers on it's front, a mountaineer group of terrorists hammering it's supply line, Chechnya on it's flank and appearing ever more frequently this backed group of terrorists blowing up Russian tourists.
Whether this is more failed Brzezinski policy luring Russia into places it was already going and taking credit for it, is a matter of time for this group of socialists to brag about. The fact remains though that Vladamir Putin had a North Caucasus region crumbling in disease inside Russia and instead of finding a way out, he instead opened a new front in Georgia to match the front in Chechnya which is expanding.
Mr. Putin did not need another cancer on his body of Russia, and, he would not have had it if he had kept his hands off of Ossetia trying to find a quick fix for his Islamic problems by annexing Christian warriors.
If John McCain tomorrow announced that the people east of Toronto Canada would all have American passports and be Americans in order to deal with the influx of illegal border busters from Latin America, it would not be a surprise if even Quebec was willing to gain independence if Canadians started shelling US "peacekeepers" in Montreal.
Of course, America would strike back, but it is the analogy of the complexity people are writing about, debating and passing judgments on.
America would have no business in Canada and Russia has no business in Ossetia.
Georgia though ethnically cleanses South Ossetia and Russia cleansed it's areas of Georgians. Other districts will have the same refugee misery inflicted on them, because this new Russian Front is here to stay.
It will though not stay in place. The Russians will take this into the Balkans in this Islamocentric combat, and then, that will be the advent of the Eurasian World War as Putin's Ashkenaz brothers move south to gain control over North Africa and take Jerusalem and he will not stand for that, but the irony is Mr. Putin created this Russian front willingly and is helping form a central European military and economic giant.
A minor war in the Middle East will conceive this child, but Russia will birth him, the anti Putin who with Vladamir will drag the world into world war.
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