It was the difference of night and day or hate and love.
For the entire Hillary Clinton speech Mrs. Obama had the most bizarre expression on her face. The only thing I can equate it to is if you have ever been to Africa and had a lioness jump into your compound to either kill a goat or a porter and as she is standing there over her kill, the torch comes on and right before the professional hunter ends the mayhem, it is that look in a big cat's eyes of pure fury and hatred of the human knowing they are about to be ended when they are lord of the veldt.
That is the expression I saw on Mrs. Obama's face. She hates Hillary Clinton. She was terrified Hillary was going to say something in exposing Barack Obama before a national audience and she wanted Hillary gone, gone, gone, because she knows in this world Mrs. Clinton is the alpha dog and the Obama's are no match for the firepower Hillary Rodham Clinton holds.
It was almost childlike the way Mrs. Obama exploded to her feet as Mrs. Clinton ended her speech in being so relieved that the ammo Mrs. Clinton had loaded in her weapon only went click.
At that point was the first time that Michelle Obama smiled for real in delight.
As an assessment, Hillary Clinton said all she had to. She actually gave about as good of speech as she could in sounding like the robot she does and prepared the way for something no one seems to notice to have happened on Wednesday evening.
Mrs. Clinton went before the convention in Denver and threw out all the rules and made Barack Obama the nominee.
This was brilliant on Mrs. Clinton's part and first assessment is, "Hey when a ship is sinking you get out of the way so not to be blamed or pulled down with it."
Hillary Clinton on Wednesday set the stage for the toppling of Barack Obama and she is not going to be blamed for it when it comes. The one certain is that Mr. Obama is not going to be sitting in the White House in 2009 as President and Hillary Clinton knows this.
How onlookers can "know this" is the event which happened when Bill Clinton took the stage. I mean no insult to Democrats at the convention, but one can just look at them and see what dupes they are. They want so much to believe Obama is their messiah that they are all standing around grinning trying to make themselves believe it.
They don't believe it though and for all his flaws this group was full of unction for Bill Clinton, but so wanting it to be the Bill to have them save them one more time.
It is not so much as the comfort level and love Michelle Obama had for Bill Clinton in glowing and smiling while Mr. Clinton spoke which was very interesting as Bill has slapped her husband around with racial slurs, but it was the fact she was comfortable with the big boss man in Clinton.
Read what one wants into this, but Michelle Obama is fearful of Hillary in another woman beating on her weak husband, but she thoroughly enjoys Bill Clinton being a racist giving her Barack his come uppance.
Michelle Obama is quite contemptuous of her weak black husband, but she adores the whip Bill Clinton employs on him. Much is made of jungle fever of white women and black men, but Michelle Obama has plantation lust beating in her heart for massah Clinton.
In Bill Clinton, onlookers can find out really what the Clintons are about as it is not what Bill says, but it is his "tells". All people have them and once Bill gets going into a speech he breaks into gestures what he is really thinking.
He has four infamous signs with his hands.
1. When something touches him he lays his hand on his heart.
2. When he speaks of a matter he wills to implement his hands spread out.
3. When he is making a point that bony finger comes out pointing in lecture.
4. When he is driving home his core belief the infamous fist comes out with that thumb and he bobs his fist up and down.
The only thing Bill Clinton loved in his speech was globalism. He absolutely with his hands encompassed the topic and wants the United States not leading the world, but a member of group.
He has one more tell beyond the looking down like all do when he lies. His favorite is to roll his tongue into his cheek just before he is really going to screw somebody over in a gotcha by complimenting them and calling them the worst thing since VD.
He did this in his speech right before he nailed John McCain.
The tells though were very interesting in Bill Clinton is such a pathological liar he will literally nod his head directly in the affirmative when he does not believe it. One has to understand this though that this condition of Mr. Clinton is so practiced that it takes on a robotic motion like a little kid caught with his hand in a cookie jar telling you he is not lying with a direct affirmative head shake.
Mr. Clinton did this twice in his speech. I will deal with the second time as it reveals what he was really thinking the first time he did it.
The second time Bill Clinton was telling the Democrats that 3 times was not the charm in electing John McCain. Mr. Clinton then said, "No thank you".
The problem is his head was moving in the affirmative.
Now why would Bill be saying, "No" and his head was really saying he believed, "Yes elect John McCain"?
The answer is the same when the forceful head bounce was first shown in his telling Democrats, "Barack Obama was ready to be president".
Bill Clinton when he is telling a whopper that means the most important political power is at stake, he over nods his head.
Bill Clinton does not believe Barack Obama is ready to be President and he believes that John McCain should be elected. The reason in supporting John McCain is so Mrs. Clinton can run for the White House in 2012.
Mr. Clinton does though when the stakes are just normal conversation will break into normal human "tells".
I was really surprised when at the end of the speech he broke into negative body language.
When Bill Clinton was telling the Democrats that America should always be the "place called hope", he was shaking his head no. Bill Clinton in his core does not believe there is hope for the United States. That is really striking.
The second time was at the end of the speech as he was wrapping things up. He was mentioning Joe Biden's wife. At that point, he was speaking of her in one sentence on her being a good teacher.
Bill Clinton's head was negative in movement though. For some hidden reason, Bill Clinton does not have a high judgment of Jill Biden.
With that we have Michelle Obama torn between two Clintons.
Torn between two lover, feelin' like a fool
Lovin' both of you is breakin' all the rules
Torn between two lovers, feelin' like a fool
Lovin' you both is breakin' all the rules
Mary MacGregor 1976
As a post script:
For the record, Joe Biden in his Wednesday night speech in body language dislikes Barack Obama and John McCain in equal venom thinking they are both mental retards.
In his mind, Biden is the only brain in the room ever.
For the most outstanding Biden "tell" at the end of the speech, Joe Biden was informing Democrats that Barack Obama was a leader, but his head was going forcefully negative.
Biden only broke into the heavy affirmative afterwards in yelling at the audience that it was "his time, Obama's time and America's time".
Joe Biden knows Barack Obama is an empty suit and in his mind has already staged a coup that he will be running America for this hob.
Perhaps that is why Barack Obama made the Freudian slip that Joe Biden was "ready to be President" when he announced him, because Barry knows he is not ready, and, Bill Clinton and Joe Biden have judged him not ready.
Happy Days having a circus like this.
(If you can watch the video and see for yourself, it is in plain sight. Watch the body language as that is where the honesty is.)