They had absolutes in the promises Grampa John told him as he bounced him upon his knee that the things that were would always be and that a greater sacred destiny was ours for the world was filled in those who were not adept at governing and the few who were born to it.
The situation was comforting for while wars came and wars went, economic times went boom and bust, there was Grampa David who was approaching the age of patriarchs and somehow looking like a gentleman of 60 still at the helm and all was secure in our world.

They though had that problem of picking up the rags like running Central American operations for the CIA out of Medina and with that came the loads of coke and all those folks who just couldn't be civilized in people ended up under trains in committing suicide.
The great dream was in them like the Kennedy's in having one of the family in the White House and Grampa David enjoyed seeing one of the fam actually get elected beyond Governor.
Sure the family covered up in our press all the quirks of Bill, but goodness, it was done for all the politicians, press and capitalists who work for the family so why not Bill.
That though was the problem in Bill just couldn't control himself. I suppose it was being stuck in that little state and not having access to the money, but he had the power Grampa helped him with and power is so much more intoxicating and satisfying than money. I mean the Kennedy's have money and they are.......well no more than Bill Gates, just more of those not like the family who are kept around to handle the politics or the computers.
Bill though just had problems. He was running around getting himself blackmailed by the Chinese and then the bribes, selling weapons technology to Russia, taking all that money into Swiss accounts from the money skimming from Saddam Hussein and all those dead bodies showing up from the outside help.
I mean really, you hire the people who hire the people to do the deeds. You don't hire the thugs so they end up leaving the dirty laundry in Fort Marcy Park.
Gramps didn't have a problem with the European family then as Saddam was pouring in billions. Sure the Taliban had cut opium supply, but the money everyone was laundering out of Iraq was enough to keep the shortfalls in drugs from really mattering as the Golden Triangle was still producing.
The problem though was Bill pardoned Marc Rich and called attention to what was going on. Sure Gramps could keep things off the press, but that internet was pouring stories out linking all what was going on. Fortunately the family have all the right and left workers to keep the stories where it is best for the reputation.
Then things got a bit out of hand. Those Bush people who Great Gramps had given a helping hand.......I forget which one of our accountants from the old country his Grandfather was working for here, but they had to go and win the election from that daft Al Gore.
I mean Gramps gives him his start in life, grooms him, pays for him, has Bill pick him and make him the oriental bag man and he can't even close the deal in 2000 when he is handed all the major states.
Of course, the Bush people had to retaliate on Saddam using those communist Jews turned militants in neocons. That is what really got the European family's attention as it cut off their money in Saddam's working for everyone.
The Europeans and Gramps decided right then that George Bush was going down like Nixon. That guy cost the family a fortune. Sure the Europeans picked up the slack in the massive opium trade reborn in the colony, but there is nothing like easy crude currency in the banks which dictators never get their hands on again.
That certainly all blew up though as Gramps hirelings in Plame and that idiot husband Joe Wilson were supposed to cover up the French cohorts had refined a pile of Niger uranium for Saddam.
All that money was sitting in France and all that weapons grade uranium was sitting in Iraq to really make a mess for all. No one was of course concerned about prison, but it would have cost a great deal of money covering it up and the Rothschilds were in no mood to spend more money then as Putin just kicked them out of the Russian oil fields stealing their oil.
So they baited Bush, but he wasn't like Nixon at all in not going near the story so to impeach him like Nixon for tampering in an investigation.
Two years and all they got was Bush elected again over that absolute dolt John Kerry. Things were just not up to the old days in people doing quality work. I mean Dan Rather gets the forged papers and those internet geeks figured out it was fake in a few hours.
They did get Alberto Gonzales though and made him pay for protecting Bush, but goodness, one goes after a President and all the help can get is a latin.
I don't know if it was just because Al Gore sold his soul that Gramps just was not paying attention as it was sort of a drama that had been worked out in all the Democrats who were going to run for 2008 would be all so worthless that when the convention came in Denver they would beg Al Gore to save them.
I have no idea who signed off on that Richard III play, but Al promised to deliver for the family so deliver a drama it would be for his ego.
Sometimes I think all the mind warping having been carried out and genetics has just done not benefited as what the family has now is so dope skewed it is like a Dan Rather day at the office asking Kenneth what the frequency is.
Somehow though no one was watching Bill any more than normal in his blonde manifestations when some Canadian got him going on a grand adventure. No one was paying any attention for goodness sake as he was a president for 8 years and that woman worked for us in keeping William in line, but there he went into Asia and took a 10 million dollar cut out of some oriental nation's uranium deposits and sold them to the Chinese while the Rothschilds were trying to obtain them for fennigs.
The call was not long, but it was to the point Gramps received reminded that as no one is allowed to take things without at least giving the family in preeminence a major cut. Bill though took the whole operation for a miserly 10 million dollar cut.
As he is family, there had to be an example made and as Al Gore was already our operative, it was decided the correct humiliation was to have that woman loose to that black man.

It was though suddenly not that amusing as even though that woman was married in and an employee, watching her be informed she either tossed the nomination or the Europeans would have her in prison on money fraud and ruin them with all the sex tapes in the library reminded all that Grampa David was only in service here.
The entire situation just got out of hand after that. Obama could not get anyone to vote for him so it prolonged Hillary's humiliation and then after Iowa they found out Edwards was copulating with some bizarre woman so someone blackmailed him to the ruin of Al Gore. It was as if all was against Gore as the weather broke cold for his global warming vote and Obama was allowed with the second city cartel to actually take the nomination.
The family felt absolutely humiliated in having this go on even if Bill deserved it for messing up once again.
Now though this is a situation of epic proportions. That woman was redeemed after Bill was sent into exile in Africa, but leave it to Bill to be over there and tell the world Obama does not qualify Constitutionally for the White House.
Those Europeans are even more concerned on minorities in power as one just does not see the black help leading in Europe. It is one thing to humiliate the Clintons and have Gramps deal with it in having the Chicago syndicate trying to supplant the family, but it is another thing even for the European family to actually have Obama in office showing up in receptions all across Europe. He might be nice for those Germans as an exotic toy to admire, but one hardly lets the help eat at the main table.........and goodness, those Chicago people deal in pork bellies and other menial things farmers do. One just can not have that type in the temple. It is like........well like inviting a Bush to dinner and they would not know what the desert spoon was from the coffee spoon.
While Gramps is running the show here, I do realize the established ones of Europe have set their agenda, but one can not have Barack Obama in charge of anything as he is a walking impeachment scandal. Then what would one have, but Republicans all red state hay in their pants at dinners.
Perhaps Grampa David can salvage this in showing Obama back to whatever beach he was plucked from and even though that woman has paid for Bill's indiscretion, it should be Al Gore who is given the nomination. Yes call it pettiness, but put him in the race so he will loose again so at least family will be placed in the White House in 2012 as it would be enjoyable this time watching Al Gore loose as he would finally go away.
Why these people all want that silly office playing like they have power. It is much more satisfying being allowed to sit on Grampa's divan quietly watching him perform the rites.
Grampa David though will deal with this as he always does in accepting the judgment of the Europeans for Bill's theft, but it was disquieting for the grandchildren to be reminded that in the garden of evil and good that even Gramps is not the royal priest sitting on the first pedestal.
Kinfolk and Obama Marxist cheerleaders. What has the family come to.