I sit here literally stunned after listening and observing a speech by John McCain which was preceded by a speech in an introduction by his wife, Cindy.
I honestly was a virgin in this in never having observed him before from a profiler working out who this person really is.
As readers will know, I was not enamoured of Sen. McCain due to his socialistic leanings and invested a great deal of effort in his defeat. At one point in compassion, I had informed him to simply retire, fade away into an ambassadorship where the American nation could remember him as a war hero as his campaign was so failing.
So in that glaring fact in dealing with John McCain on issues and not fainting in a crowd for Barack Obama, I base all that I do on logical conclusions in this assessment tempered by what I'm inspired to discern.
The first issue I will address is who John McCain is in politics. He is an American Secularist. It is important to note what an American Secularist really is.
They are not as modern twisters claim in being like Jefferson is now lied about in wanting a separation of Church and State. Jefferson wanted no such thing. His infamous letter oft quoted was about the government never establishing a religion the people had to follow.
Exactly what the Constitution deals with in people who love America are at liberty to responsibly worship God as they choose.
Jefferson wrote of God in the Declaration and the Founders all spoke of Him in the need for God's moral guidance to govern the hearts of mankind as they perform duties in government.
Here is the vital part in this to understand. An American Secularist believes all of this, but in a further step in their hearts they believe that the United States Constitution, it's government, the aura of every American form a secular religion "just under God" for the good of all mankind as the Pledge of Allegiance speaks of.
America has it's holy of holies in the White House, Capitol and Supreme Court. America has it's commandments in the Constitution. America has it's temples in Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln. America has it's icons of the Statue of Liberty and Mount Rushmore. This is what an American secularist is as America is a religion beating in the hearts of all her citizens.
It does not matter if it is Rush Limbaugh the nativist, Jeff Rense the agitator, John Kennedy the mobile patrician or Ronald Reagan the conservative. All are at their heart people who deeply are impassioned by the United States who love her and in this secular religion for the embodiment of the American Secularist, one people under God, believing in responsible liberty and justice for all.
I had not expected to find John McCain in this impassioned group, but he is there and he combines within himself exactly who he moulds himself after in Theodore Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan in their ideals of love of America, the champion of the oppressed and a vigor that all things American are good and they love her past their last breath.
This group above is of this breath of John Adams whose last words were, "Jefferson still lives".
In the speeches of Mr. and Mrs. McCain, I found compelling tells. Mrs. McCain has the habit of shaking her head slowly back and forth when she talks. This is not that she does not believe what she is saying, but in knowing the death she has seen in her personal life around the world doing good deeds it seems she has not come to terms with the monumental harm mankind has unleashed on each other.
Her real "No" when speaking was confined to things she was saying "no" to as her head then goes in small quick bursts.
In the first footage I saw of Mrs. McCain almost a year ago, I had termed her as she walked through the crowd a "stepford wife" as she seemed mechanical. The person speaking at the Republican Convention was anything but that.
She was a strong, positive and forceful personality.
Her most telling reads were in the affirmative in speaking that, "John McCain always speaks the truth", and, "John McCain can be trusted in leadership".
After 28 years of marriage for her to have no doubts in the least about him being President is part of a revelation which left me stunned in not getting the person a bias had expected.
I will couch this in having invested a great deal of time studying Democrats Bill Clinton, Joe Biden and Barack Obama who had patterns of not believing a great deal of what they were saying.
I had expected the same in John McCain. It did not happen.
John McCain believes everything he said in his speech. His one greatest tell is he grins after he says something which is his affirmation he strongly believes what he has just stated.
For the McCain world, his first strong affirmative was in a statement that, "Being an American like Barack Obama means more to him than anything else".
This is what I meant by American Secularism. John McCain believes there is nothing else in life than being an American is the highest calling and that title unites him to Barack Obama and gives them both status beyond compare.
This belief transformed him as he related in being broken after a savage beating in Vietnam. Mr. McCain was typical of Navy pilots in brash, cocky and independent. When he was shot down with broken bones and left to die in solitary and only removed once it was discovered his father was a 4 star, he was put in a cell with 2 other POW's who literally had to feed, clean and keep his 100 pound body alive.
This was the first physical breaking of John McCain.
He would take beatings and always come back smiling to let the other POW's know he could take it.
From experience, I know the method of systematic affliction used when captors intend to break a person mentally. In Vietnam, the Cubans actually appeared along with the Chinese methods.
A method of torture found in breaking people was jacking a persons body with limbs behind until the joints pulled loose, whereby a human was then hung from a meat hook by that rope and the Soldier would be bounced until tears, snot, foam, urine or excrement was forced from the body in endless agony and screams. The captors would break a Soldier and then keep on until one was literally insane in a phobia and keep at it until the still calm would come into a person's soul and nothing was left as the body's pain system had burnt out along with all emotion.
That mental breaking is what John McCain admitted to and after being shut back into his cell it was the tap tap tap code of the alphabet the POW's worked out which another POW who had been broken told John McCain,"It was alright. He had done all he could. Now it was time to get back up and fight for the United States again".
As this is my blog, I do ask readers to forgive the following digress. I take great offense in Mark Halperin of Time magazine as I reported on Charlie Rose laughing and calling Senator McCain's choice of Sarah Palin "insane". Offense, for the very reason there is nothing funny in any POW no matter what they did in having been broken with witnesses to prove it as it is akin to Mark Halperin going into a trauma ward in a hospital and telling a woman she is a whore for being raped.
This blog has termed John McCain, Dr. Strangecain, as he in the past he seemed to love the atomic bomb a bit too much, but it never once stooped to dealing with what was afflicted in his experience to use it against him.
The Vietcong might catch a cherry GI and the Apache woman might carve on him all night spitting local tobacco into his eyes which they had sliced off the lids to make him "sing" all night for the Soldiers on the hill, and then, in the morning cut off his male parts and tell him to run for the wire as he bled to death in great globs of clots running out him, but that is one kind of terror implemented with reasons and John McCain was broken by another long term terror.
That break in him caused him to cling to God and the one virtue who became his religion in the United States. It is his recurring theme in the speech in he wants a fight and is going to Washington to do battle.
His affirmative head responses indicate he completely desires to do this battle for individual Americans against big government, special interests and the elite.
When 3 protesters attempted to disrupt his speech, he simply smiled and told the crowd to, "Not to mind the ground noise and static". Petty situations like that do not phase him.
The crowd was very interesting as at the beginning of the speech, they were cheering for the things John McCain was saying he believed in in Conservative issues.
Midway through the speech though John McCain became quiet and personal in relating his life story and why he wants to be President in not being born to it to save the world, but to accomplish a selfless giving for Americans.
The crowd became transfixed in what was akin to a revival meeting in intense listening of how a person got saved from the path they were on. I had never experienced anything like this in a speech which was almost mirror image of Sarah Palin's ability to be one of the people in speaking to them. This was the ultimate confirmation of American Secularism in love of America and a citizen saved by her.
By the closing of the speech, John McCain had transformed the group Sarah Palin offered to him the night before as his group and the smiles were sincere on Mr. McCain's face to the children's faces awaiting to meet him as he went into the crowd.
In the end, the crowd was cheering for him.
John McCain sincerely believes in the affirmative he will win this election. He wants Sarah Palin there for her reforming, toughness and ability to assist him in this fight.
He is going after Congressional members in exposing them on pork barrel spending and he is not going to give the 700 billion dollars in foreign aid to nations who hate America.
His point focusing on the Middle East oil and America creating her own energy to be free from that hate.
His fight though is not about the fight he wills to engage, but the value of what is important of what is being fought for.
His eyes glistened in the culture of life statements, linked to children which he shows a deep affection for like a doting parent. His stated policy is a complete roll back of penalizing families. John McCain is going to by tax breaks make it profitable to have children in families with a $7000 tax break for each child.
I found at one point something amusing in his speaking of energy independence when he listed a great number of things, he ended with "hybrid cars"and at that point tossed he tossed his head back as in saying, "I don't get those things either, but for the good of things we will get them".
That was the only thing Senator McCain didn't understand in the entire speech.
His negatives were focused on what he believed. Al Qaeda is not finished.
His second rare negative head shake was dealing with "my plans are ambitious" and yet he shook his head "no". Mr. McCain was not being deceptive, but in his mindset he views them something easy to accomplish and he should be even more ambitious.
As he has security information in the Senate, he affirmed that Iran is according to his information going to obtain nuclear weapons.
He made a distinction in being for the people of Georgia, but not naming the Georgian government. That is a message in he is not behind what started in Georgia by the leaders.
He views Russia as lawless.
In other affirmatives he states, he is not afraid of anything, literally.
He wants peace.
He knows how to lead America and obtain peace for America.
In this sequence he mentioned the POW's who he knew who died in Vietnam. His head went up and to the right in a painful memory he still can not face without anguish.
That is a core reaction.
The only other negative in his speech was when he was dealing with the work was "ours" to do in government. His belief is the system to fix things is not now in place in government and it still rests in the individual.
In the closing section, he compared himself to Barack Obama on the level being a man who was scarred and one who was not. In this he firmly believes Barack Obama is lesser than him and not of his caliber. This was met by his greatest affirmation in a grin.
John McCain is honest in he does not want any credit for serving. He wants to share any credit.
He was not his own man (negative), but he was America's after being broken (affirmative).
He thanks God for the privilege of serving America, America saved him and he will not forget her. This affirmation was strongly affirmed by a grin.
His entire essence was serving a cause greater than oneself which was the closing and he grinned again.
I had not expected any of this from John McCain. In politicians, one expects a politician. John McCain is not a politician.
I'm uncomfortable in revealing all I have as this is intimate in a person's complete religion of an American Secularist who was a "sinner" who took America for granted and only through the Prodigal road of torture in Vietnam he found the blessing in it transforming him in a broken body and contrite heart that America saved him.
This is pure in it's form and reckons like some refined perfection of the essence of the souls of Washington, Lincoln, Roosevelt and Reagan. For all of the nonsense of fake halos around Barack Obama, John McCain without meaning any disrespect at all of him was transfigured in people who know of the near death experience.
He died twice in Vietnam in body and spirit and the person who is John McCain now is equal to any who have related their's in going to heaven. John McCain instead remained in the hell of the Hanoi Hilton and found his redemption in America.
None of this is to discount his belief in God, but it is to show the purity which John McCain is an American Secularist. If one has heard the anthems of John Philips Sousa the incredible American composer, John McCain is playing in his spiritual DNA, Stars and Stripes Forever.
I will do something now in apologizing to John McCain for this intrusion as I'm uncomfortable in exposing him in this manner as this is beyond politics, but there is no line in him between the two.
The only excuse I give in not deleting this is I sincerely believe Americans should know these facts not to mock nor adulate, but to completely see this unique person in deciding if they will choose the John McCain and Sarah Palin ticket.
I was delighted in what I found in the honesty of Sarah Palin and am stunned by the complete naked expression of John McCain. This is like some Lancelot or Arthurian legend of only the pure of heart can pull Excalibur from the stone or take the sword of destiny from the Lady of the Lake.
I had not expected any of this and the difference between Obama / Biden and McCain/ Palin is literally night and day.
My one conclusion in after profiling John McCain is, if he had given this speech and people had known the intent of the person giving it in 2000, he would have been the American President for the last 8 years. There would not have been any contested Al Gore election and only the ebb and flow of history in another dimension knows what would have followed.
By analysis I found Sarah Palin fantastic and by analysis I found John McCain stunning.
I was not prepared for John McCain in being exactly who he states he is.