From the seeds which are sown by others, it is the inheritors who gather the harvest of the fields they take possession of and it is their care which will produce feast of famine.
This commentary is not so much about John McCain or Sarah Palin. It is not so much about Barack Obama or Joe Biden. It is though a Drudge capture of the prophesy of what are the headlines of tomorrow which EVERY United States Citizen will face.
I can not stress that enough as uncivil people from Jeffery Toobin of CNN to unnamed bloggers still stuck in the mode that this is some hate game to vent in when this is in reality a world Americans are about to inherit where the stage is set where America can indeed cease to exist as a nation, because there are real people in Eurasia who have in motion nuclear and biological attacks on America in the coming cycle.
I do not know how to make these people understand that just because you vote for Barack Obama makes no difference to these Bolsheviks, Maoists and Islamocommunists. They will not let you off the 9 11 planes, because you have a Muslim name or bashed George Bush on a television show.
They have one purpose in murdering as many people as possible with as worse clean up as possible so people die for the next 50 years like at Chernobyl.
I do not use the language as scare tactics nor headline grabs, but for the purpose of attempting to gain the attention of those who think this is some in house fight that if they destroy Sarah Palin they will somehow win.
All they are going to succeed in is killing themselves as Drudge was hinting at what is coming and as one can read below, Joe Biden and Barack Obama's idea of policy is creating anarchy in the United States by infighting in trying to prosecute George Bush.

America suffered immensely from the Nixon coup set up by the globalists of that era and America suffered immensely from the Clinton impeachment. Whether Americans who have been chanting for the impeachment of George Bush will see it, America has suffered immensely due to that payback effort in it got numbers of Americans and Iraqi's murdered, it allowed Soros with the European faction to sweep in their money soaking operation in high food and oil prices and it set the stage where America is now nose to nose with Russia over Georgia and for what Drudge is hinting at in there is going to be an attack upon Iran which this nation will inherit the consequences of.
As the Clinton people are now supporting Gov. Palin as the above headline reads in agreeing the attacks on her are sexist, it needs to be stated Bill Clinton should not have been impeached but instead a quid pro quo worked out where he stopped doing naughty things and the GOP had it's policy put into place in part.
Iraq is also shown by Drudge to be over. America is exiting the Middle East proper to only forward bases.
It is vital to explain something here in what Iraq was about. Yes Iraq was about oil. Oil which Saddam was using to bribe and fund the communists of the world, including Bill and Hillary Clinton.
Iraq was about saving the US dollar. Iraq was about George Bush, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt and the Israeli state making it a kill zone for terrorists as a last ditch effort to weed out all those nations radicals and kill them so a real war would not be initiated to kill off 20 million furious Muslim males who were furious over not having a chance at life and only despair.
Iraq was about a beachhead to contain Russia and China in a coming Eurasian world war to make them attack there instead of where they are thrusting now into central Europe.
One can decide if at least a manageable US economy and it was not your loved one murdered in a terror attack which did not happen, but instead Iraqi's and American soldiers bled in their own personal reflections.
One though can no longer decide if the weakened United States and her President in George Bush has any options other than to pull the house down which the globalists in the Middle East created.
While too many people were using the racist slug "neocon" to blame the Bush Administration for what happened in the Middle East, if one reviews what the communist Jewish group who went right on military action in the Middle East, one finds they never intended Iraq to be what it turned out to be as it bled.
Donald Rumsfeld went in with small forces, because in that war plan America was going to liberate Iraq and then from bases assist the Iraqi military and government to immediately control their nation.
This all changed when Colin Powell who works for the Rockefeller globalists forced through the policy of "kill the terrorists in Iraq" and occupy the nation.
America was in no way prepared for that policy and Colin Powell knew it would blow up in the "neocons" faces and become the ruin of George Bush which it was.
All those politics and who should initiate the Plamegate coup to impeach George Bush, but Richard Armitage who worked for Powell and Colin Powell himself.
As something to note, who was the first person George Bush fired in his administration? Colin Powell for the honest reason he deliberately screwed up the Israeli / Palestinian work Bill Clinton had started, the Saudi Arabians were working on, Ariel Sharon was implementing and then in Iraq it needs no review of how that policy made the innocent bleed.
Whether one agrees or not, it was not until Condi Rice got Bush to implement the Surge against the same Powell clique advisers in the Pentagon and she started assassinating communists from Columbia to Syria that the situation started to stabilize.
It is not a sugar and spice world and it is not championed nor scorned. It is though noted who started this mess and it was Colin Powell, and, if one checks this black Zbigniew Brzezinski is currently joining the Polish thumper by supporting Barack Obama.
Think Colin Powell was a Republican? Not a chance as he set this up as a mole to make it come tumbling down.
Many very good Americans who were against the Iraq war were caught in this and still are. They try to make sense how things didn't work and then all of a sudden now seem to be working. The answer is they were betrayed as the Bush group was betrayed as this entire intelligence corp is the same one which pulled the coup on Hillary Clinton and is being led by Barack Obama now.
Americans were assured not 6 months ago that Syria and Iran could be bribed and made American assets by Zbiginiew Brzezinksi. The world we face today is Iran is attempting to start a World War III war between Europeans before the secular Olmert faction of converts strikes them between their benefactors in Russia and the central Europeans.
Syria has invited Russia into permanent military bases and who is getting goodies out of Russia, but the secular Jews betraying once again American secular Jews and Americans.
What that entails is a world where the western Europeans of France, England and the Dutch know fully well that an Obama White House is going to be stirring up a war on their east door devastating all of Europe.
They are sitting on immense Muslim militant populations who are going to bring Civil War across Europe, pinning down those states so Russia can advance in the east.
The umbrella in this is the nuclear one of Iran and this is why the western Europeans are committed to what they have been led into in a must strike against Iran by the only nation capable of doing it, and that is America.
The problem with Iran is not the Iranians and that is the problem with the Powell language of the CFR defining all of this. Iran has many minorities. The southern Arabs live in the oil region. In the north are Kurds and Beluchi while in the central region just like in the old Soviet system are a group of elitist Islamocommunist Persians.
This Kremlin in Tehran is the problem not for their nuclear ambitions, but because they are proxies for the Putincrats in a war against the west. They have their own agenda as they hate Moscow as much as they hate Tel Aviv. Their agenda is the Persian Empire reborn while other nations crumble. This is the Lenin revolution with a turban version.
In no one but this blog noting the above of who the culprits are, the entire problem then foments and the greatest danger in this is the Powell Doctrine of a "kinder and gentler war".
It was Colin Powell and Brent Skowcroft, James Baker who were telling Bush 41 to not wipe out the Iraqi military in Gulf War I.
It was these people who told Bush 41 that "Mr. President you do not want the world seeing the carnage".
Colin Powell saved the Iraqi military so it then could slaughter the Shia in the south who rose up and slaughtered the Kurds in the north. If one recalls in this, Saddam tried to assassinate Bush 41 afterwards due to the Powell kinder and gentler warfare which left Saddam in place so all the world bankers could rape that nation of it's oil and money under the UN.
If one reviews the history, one finds they left Gen. Schwartzkopf who is a fine man in charge of negotiating the entire Iraqi peace terms where he was suckered.
Who on earth leaves a general in charge of negotiations after a war is won? That is these globalists in action.
Mr. Powell has hidden under the GOP banner, but is the reason this entire scenario has become what it is.
He worked for Bill Clinton too and his entire entourage apparently had one purpose in so sowing these globalist ilk into the Pentagon, War College and State that they give policy which only results in wars blamed on Bush and now has his faced with pressure to "blow up Iran".
None of this leaves Bush 43 nor Dick Cheney without responsibility, but it does note that it is a little impossible to formulate policy when these globalists are leaking it to the New York Times and then implementing their own policy in Brzezinski under the Rand Corporation setting US policy.
The problem in this is simple. Colin Powell in his kinder and gentler warfare has so put into place a system that if George Bush does attack Iran, that the Iranian communists are going to still be there.
Flight TWA 800 was their response to an American strike. If President Bush 43 strikes Iran this time in this ludicrous kinder and gentler policy, the Iranians are going to take out New York City and do it with Russian uranium so it will be blamed on bin Laden and get of completely free.
That is why every American has got to stop focusing on George Bush and start focusing on policy and deciding immediately does America strike Iran completely to wipe out Persia or does America strike kinder and gentler which means New York will be vaporized.
I have not seen anyone other than this blog discussing the use of nuclear arms in what the Persian strike would consist of in an offshore platform which they have been practicing in the Caspian with missile tests.
The Persians with Russian assistance are putting the finishing touches on how to use nuclear warheads.
For a full explanation as follows as this blog seems to be the only nuclear use expert speaking:
Nuclear bombs are not the end all doomsday machine which morons would have one believe. Yes they are not something one wants to get caught under, but their chief workings are heat which generates pressure, which generates wind.
As heat rises and wind can be affected, one has to understand in what the Persians are doing is this is not Hiroshima sitting in a valley surround by mountains to create a concussion wave killing all in rice paper huts.
American cities are built of concrete, skyscrapers and asphalt. They are man made mountains, canyons and sheer rock floors. They are situated in such places as open plains such as New York or in a swamp in DC.
Dropping a nuclear bomb on American cities will cause crater damage, but as heat rises and the skyscrapers absorb wind, a terrorist is left with a fireball rising and a city not in ruins as the concussion has no mountains to bounce off of.
This is why the Iranians leaked the plans for their cone micro nuclear warhead for their Shahab systems which creates in it a MERV or multi head system.
These Persian communists are testing the ability of creating a mountain out of 2 nuclear warheads to bounce the concussion off of each other.
This is how they are preparing to attack the United States cities with 2 small nuclear devices detonated apart, at altitude so a concussion sandwich will occur in the center of a city, causing implosions, dirt and swirling which will then radiate out.
Instead of Hiroshima mountains, one creates the mountains using the bombs like two hand clapping together.
I will not go into directional needs, atmosphere and other elements as I have no intention of furthering murderous efforts, but in highlighting what the Persians have been testing in the Caspian which even the American experts have not figured out in Congressional testimony, I do hope those who monitor this blog will have the light of inspiration go off while still alerting the American people at large that an immense problem has started.
Either the United States is going to have to vaporize the Persians completely or there is going to occur a dual nuclear strike on New York City in response.
If Bush 43 uses the Powell Doctrine, then John McCain and Sarah Palin are going to inherit a vaporized New York City and a catastrophe which in a crippled America will be a certain start of a Eurasian war several years following.
If America strikes, our entire imported commerce will have to be unloaded offshore and ships will not be allowed nor air travel in specific corridors under the penalty of certain death as the Persians will strike back with nuclear weapons they possess.
They leaked the Dr. Khan micro warhead plans to show they had them and the Chinese sold the Persian communists an advanced processor 10 years ago which as of today could have produced 30 warheads.
A source I trust has stated, the Israeli Defense Forces have found at least 20 sites where Persian nuclear warheads are scattered. The problem is they knew of 25 and since that report they could have created 5 more.
I advocate in this not a national debate, but a national understanding. I in now way trust the Obama advisers as they have fumbled and all they have undertaken is making this a political mess they are attempting to gain power off of.
That is why I have certain disgust in Joe Biden's main concern are trials for George Bush which will rip the American nation apart and expose it to certain nuclear attacks, as that is the gem in this which is the ticking bomb. The Persians were attempting to sell to the FARC of Columbia nuclear weapons grade material for them to bomb America with in proxy.
So America is facing a certain nuclear attack within 4 years and Joe Biden is thinking this is a political game to keep power.
In looking at those hard facts with the sole advocacy of how to keep America from having a nuclear attack, it should be Bush 43 policy as this is the Europeans, Arabs and secular Jews problem, that they strike the Persians hard.
Dr. Khan was the globalist shill who started this mess out of Pakistan, so let Pakistan be the nation who bombs the Persian communists as they owe that to the world.
As the central Europeans are in business with Iranian oil, the secular Jews, western Europeans and Americans simply inform them that the central Europeans had better set up a canton government with the southern Arabs in their profits while America will assist with the Kurds and Beluchi in the north.
In this policy America out of Afghanistan can monitor and in cover operation mop up the Persian communists while in public good will can assist the remaining Persians innocent of this except in their not throwing out their own government to rebuild a cancerous mess not of US bombs.
These scenarios are impossible and built by the globalists to be that way as if one reacts America is attacked and if America does not react she is still attacked.
The McCain Palin ticket deserves to inherit a scenario where their policy of energy production, jobs, caring for the handicapped is what they are doing for the next 4 years instead of being blamed for Iran and having New York City a cancer hole for the entire northeast destroying the American economy.
The Obama Biden ticket wants to be involved in this and bomb Pakistan instead, while talking to Persian communists thinking they will understand if you just bake them a cake as a gift.
It should be the policy of the United States in the last months of the Bush presidency to make the people who started the problem and whose problem this is in the Middle East and Europe to deal with the Persians immediately so US cities are not vaporized under penalty that if they do not act and the attack does occur as this was Dr. Khan and other European power's fault, their cities will be nuclear ransomed in kind.
It is unacceptable which this nation is being forced to inherit. Put it on the nations who created it and force them to militarily clean up the situation they are responsible for.
In that, these states will not be so willing to profit without cost knowing it will be Americans blamed and dying for their deluded policies.
Bush 43 must have a new out of the box policy he has been hemmed into.
Pax Americanus tui commisio tui officium.
American Peace as their actions is their responsibility.
Let America inherit peace and let her leaders prosper her citizens in our own wealth creation enjoyed by our citizens while the world is forced to police it's own criminal mess.
That is what John McCain and Sarah Palin deserve to inherit.
If one thinks otherwise, then vote Marxist for Obama and Biden and enjoy your nuclear supper as the vaporization is going to occur in blue state metro areas and not in the red states as they have no high value targets.
The Obama voters, voting to their own nuclear death and for the United States to vaporize Muslims and a Eurasian world war.
The strange new world.