"Our thoughts and prayers are with the young woman for her to make a speedy recovery, and we hope that the person who perpetrated this crime is swiftly apprehended and brought to justice."
Excuse me Federal Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald, are you listening please to this? Barack Obama ORDERED his campaign workers and supporters to go out and get into people's faces.
Since Barack Obama issued that order, people's homes have been shot at, cars keyed, an older woman in New York had her McCain sign taken, broken and was beat over the head with it.
This young Lady, Ashley Todd, while working as a volunteer in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania had a knife held to her throat, robbed and when the Obama supporter found out she had McCain stickers on her car, punched her, knocked her down and then carved a B into her cheek as he towered over her.
A 6 feet 4 inch Obama thug, mirroring the brutalization which Obama slapped Hillary around, by Obama's example has now taken it to the streets to beat on a white woman too.
The worst of this is on the Pittsburgh news site where the pathetic Obama trolls are saying this was self inflicted or coming up with it was Sarah Palin in a witch outfit.
The disgusting seared souls of the Obama campaign not having one ounce of compassion on a young woman brutalized and they turn around and savage her again.
This is but another example of the criminal jihad that Barack Obama has unleashed on the citizens of the United States.
Obamaniacs have on the order and blessing of Barack Obama have terrorized United States citizens. The FBI has refused to do one thing. The major companies have sheltered these thugs who they employ from Google who currently is screwing with my blog to Yahoo which censors Obama mail and Microsoft sending Nigeria phishing scams ALONG with the Obama campaign allowing their maniacs to sign up citizens like myself to their mailing lists to be harassed.
I'm not interested in BS statements like are coming out of Kenya or Zimbabwe by Islamocommunist thugs beating up the electorate. I'm interested in criminal indictment of Barack Hussein Obama telling his maniacs to go out and get in people's faces and brutalizing them.
The blood of this is on the right wing media hands from FOX, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity etc.... who were alerted this criminal genesis was starting in the terrorization of Lawrence Sinclair and didn't raise public awareness.
This blood of this young Lady is on Campbell Brown, Keith Olbermann, Katie Couric, David Letterman, Conan O'Brien, Craig Fergeson, Tina Fey, Chevy Chase, Charlie Gibson, Brian Williams, Charlie Rose, Mark Halperin, David Brooks, Peggy Noonan and whatever else Gov. Palin political rapist trash who have been brutalizing her setting the standard for this Obama thug.
This blood is on the New York Times and Bill Keller for the savaging of Cindy McCain this past week!
Mr. Fitzgerald, PROVE you are who you say you are and conduct a Grand Jury investigation and hand indictments down on all of these people who have made a sport of savaging women for Obama following his instructions and bring justice to this young woman as so many American have been savaged by this ilk that none of us has gotten anything but ignored by the media, the major corporations and then been terrorized by the Obama camp.
How do you like it David Letterman? You didn't get Bristol Palin's fetus to hang on your wall, but you sure got a young girl beaten and carved on just the way you beat up on Sarah Palin and carved on her.
Mr. Fitzgerald. JUSTICE, bring this nation justice as you have Obama's own recorded thuggery sending his maniacs out to attack people and you have all of the above savaging United State's citizens.
Lawrence Sinclair was illegally arrested by Beau Biden and Joe Biden in silencing Lawrence Sinclair was later awarded the Vice Presidential position under Obama.
JUSTICE, Mr. Fitzgerald. Indict Barack Obama as he is responsible for hooking all these social retards to be hooked on Obamics which has them carving on women and beating them over the head.