Long ago and far away, I have a manuscript written about Polish Jews in the days before World War II. It was given a good read by an agent I sent it to who then sat on it for a year without returning it to me.
After a big hassle and many hurt feelings, I got my book back smelling of cigarette smoke and smashed up a bit. I never again trusted any one in the publishing industry who have stolen my work and then didn't pay for it either.
That is one reason I know Mr. Obama is bogus in his million dollar book deals as that sort of thing just does not happen to people who are not connected.
The moral of many morals in my story was that a "standing army" is thee biggest danger to any society. Military people are trained to destroy things and legally murder people. They have no other purpose as that is their basic training.
Observe how the lower caste of the US military operates which I do not make public often as I do not like linking the trash to our fine combat military which is the finest in the world.
Our National Guard units are filled with whores and pimps. They deploy overseas and the units have women in there who are getting banged by 30 t0 40 males wearing uniforms. This is your transportation and other menial units, but they fully exist.
The flaps (US air personell) are nothing but a bunch of whores and pimps too. I can point to one such wife and husband now serving in Colorado at the base there who were leasing her out to a black non com in England for debauchery.
Look at the rapes which run rampant with the low class trash which the Navy drops off in Okinawa.
They are all black marks on the US military in as different of conduct as the fine group of Gen. Custer murdered by the Grant Administration compared to the drunken sloven malevolent trash of Reno and Benteen.
I love the United States Military of the combat Soldier. These people are the epitome of duty and honor. I tolerate at best in never speaking of the uniformed trash our fine Soldiers have to put up who are a burden to the United States and any nation this refuse is deployed in.
Soldiers though need things to occupy their time or like all Soldiers they will turn into uniformed trash. The uniformed trash either dopes themselves into oblivion like Vietnam or they nail the pooch as they do in Iraq.
The Europeans in the UN buy and sell children as sex slaves in Africa. The Russians rape and butcher citizens in Chechnya. This is what bored uniformed trash does.
This is why I have no time of day for Pentagon plans in deploying illegally 20,000 uniformed thugs inside the United States. These uniforms are trained to murder people legally. I do not want them with their black berets in my cities. That is why the founders were not agreeable to having standing armies patrolling the US as they just got rid of a British standing army which was beating, raping and hanging American British subjects.
You turn an armed military loose in the United States and sooner or later they are going to do the same thing they are doing in Okinawa to the civilians there.
In the above photo, the window dressing of National Guard uniform wearers at New York is laughable. In India, a mob of Islamocommunist terrorists simply walked up and shot armed security in that nation and drove off.
For a reality check you have 2 weekend warriors standing there with full auto M 16's. Some terrorists show up and cap a few rounds and the uniform wearers are going to fire back spraying 223 bullets into the civilian populace and glass store fronts with full metal jacket bullets in their 50 round clips.
It is absolutely ridiculous to have these uniform wearers standing there all thug like intimidating Citizens with black berets and black shades on, because anyone in their assessment would tell you any al Qaeda operation would just divert their attention for a few seconds and put a load of buckshot into the backs of their heads and then go about and do their business as they did in India.
That of course would be if the weekend warriors didn't run away and hide like the security did in India.
The United States is designed to operate completely with local elected mayors who appoint the Chief of Police who hires well regulated Police Officers.
To counter them our counties elect our greatest asset in this Republic in our Sheriff to protect and serve us.
As the chief counter balance to all is the armed citizen to protect their business and home.
This 20,000 group of uniform wearers will cost millions of dollars to feed, ship, clothe, train and arm. In the Israeli state as in Switzerland, the people (government) have a novel approach which costs a great deal less. They simply have the police force to protect and then have the populace armed to protect their own areas.
Who knows your city block better? You who knows every tree, shrub, light, neighbor, dog, cat and which relatives come and go or a black beret wearing uniform warrior who will shoot you as just as soon as anything else that moves as he just does not know.
There is absolutely no reason in the United States to be deploying uniforms here. The Pentagon and globalists use the trump card in "nuclear terror". Well I got news on that as there aren't going to be terrorists around in no nuclear crater, so what does there have to be 20,000 uniforms with guns taking up resources for and shooting civilians?
The correct way to handle this is as I stated. Make a grant program for all US Citizens to either get an AR 15 or some type of weapon of the 223 class, if they are not NRA safety approved make them get approval so they know how to use that firearm, grant them 100 rounds of ammunition and have a precinct or township inspection of all firearms once a year.
The added firearm sales will help the economy immensely along with ammo sales.
Next expand the local Emergency Management teams in LOCAL people in each state to deal with any natural or nuclear disaster to be headed by the Sheriff's and Mayor's offices.
It will all cost hundreds of millions of dollars less than this 20,000 force stomping about in areas they have no idea of and it is a fact you get a bunch of Citizens needing food or water, they will get testy, some uniform wearer will wash them down with a hose or decide to sell food for sex and the next you know is you have the Citizens shooting the uniform wearers and the uniform wearers blasting Americans.
That is the way it always happens, because these uniform wearers are not Combat Soldiers. They are as different as Custer to Reno. One regulates themselves and their entire staff and the other causes rapine and chaos.
I have been serious about this for years in there needs to be a welfare program as was originally espoused in the United States where citizens who can not afford guns must be provided for them for their own security and the nation.
This is a perfect opportunity for the Republicans to put on the table a cost effective alternative in trusting American civilians to do their own police work and tending to themselves as they know best.
I add to this my original economic program of disaster shelter grants of 40,000 dollars to all homeowners so they can care for themselves for several months and not have to rely on FEMA.
Building those shelters will create real wealth, bring stability to the housing market and start a 5 year economic bubble while making the United States more secure.
I trust our citizens to do the right thing. I do not care if they are Indians in the Dakotas. Black people in Harlem, Hispanics in East LA or white folks in Hattiesburg Mississippi. You tell an American they get a gun for the purpose of protecting their own home and local area with other neighbors to help out the Sheriff and Police in an emergency so they are responsible and every one of them will behave and not be preying on each other.
The only problems with riots and looting is when people all think the responsibility is some far off police without a name. Americans are very good people from gang bangers to some rube in Indiana. They will take care of their own and they will always work with local law enforcement.
The entire problem is people have had their rights taken from them and they don't have a stake in the events.
So I don't want any Obamacorp near me or my land of America. I want the Wisdom the Founders created in my local Police and my being able to police my own area with my neighbors. It is cheap, effective and it scares the bajesus out of foreign governments for all the damage every homeowner can do.
Keep your Obamacorp Mr. Gates and Mr. Obama and instead carry out the real policy in arming the American Citizen.
Our Soldiers are designed to kill American enemies and our Police are created to serve the Peace.
Let the slogan be:
A 223 in every closet and a loaded clip in every pocket. Amen