That though is all in the past as FORD now only stands for For Obama Retarded Drivers.
I see that the head of Ford is willing to work for a dollar to get a 9 billion dollar check of my tax money, but the way I see it that is 100 cents way too much for the debt Ford has saddled this nation with.
It has been the Ford Foundation which for the past 50 years has been advocating shipping American jobs to foreign countries, been advocating importing slave labor to feed the robber barons, been printing up propaganda telling Mexicans that America is their land and been taking America into Obamaland of pure Marxism.
While doing that, Ford has been making communist laborers out of it's employees by all the benefits they could never afford to give them, but paid them anyway.
Ford has been turned into sodomite central in it telling gay people to go commit sexual suicide.
In all of that they forgot the most important virtue and that was their job was to build tough old cars and pickups which would always start.
Oh and forgive the pet peeve of us g droppin' folks, but it drives us roll eyed to hear people talkin about "trucks". Them things people are driving are pickups. Semi's are what you see on the road with trailers behind them and trucks are what you haul things in with the box attached to the frame.
People are so ignorant now they don't even know what on earth they are driving.
The Ford family must be some kind of Michigan inbred now as even their football team is so inept they are hiring Daunte Culpepper. I actually wrote to the Ford family and laid out an entire revamping with naming names of the people who they should hire to run their Detroit Lions, but they must have been too busy and too arrogant to listen like the folks at Newsbusters to answer any emails I sent as they are just plugging along as losers still.
That is what Ford is in being a bunch of liberal losers. Their products suck. Ford owes me a Ranger pickup which one of their franchises ruined and then tried to stick me with a 600 dollar bill more in "fixing it". That is criminal and robbery and I wrote to Ford explaining that to them too, but without one reply I informed them I would never buy a Ford again.
The first rule in business is always make the customer happy, because once again in the forever internet there is a posting that says Fords are a bunch of costly repairs and no one should ever buy those worthless things.
Great business there wasn't it Ford, you got hundreds of people all saying the same thing and no one wants your crapper vehicles and no one ever will.
I will be kind Ford and tell you how to fix your idiot company so you won't need a dollar of a loan.
Make 3 models of vehicles immediately. Ford Ranger pick up with your old carburetor 289 special in it. Same engine in your 1966 model Ranchero and for a real blast bring back the old Fairlane in the 64 model.
Revamp with an injection molded body with a metal frame to protect the occupants and that core will satisfy your American market at the price of under nine thousand dollars a vehicle.
Back to reality, I witnessed Ford's chief cheerleader today in Nancy Pelosi looking like Queen Nance and her bugle boy in jeans, Hisself Obama with a wonder of wonderful leadership.
Nance wants billions more in "funds" which no one can afford. She wants to dump all that money into unions to build bridges and fix potholes at 12 bucks and hour cheap to 75 bucks an hour expensive labor.
Hisself was acting like he is President again with Gov. Rendell of Pennsylvania. Hisself was really inspiring as he stood there pointing at chairs with Rendell who couldn't give him and answer either which one Obama was supposed to sit in.
To help Mr. Obama out, I will solve the great problem for Democrats today and hopefully forever.
Mr. Obama when you play, act or are a President, you get to sit in the middle chair. When there are 3 chairs, the middle chair is in the middle between the other two.
If there are 4 chairs, have David Axelrod either add a 5th he can sit in on the end and that solves the royalness question of which bee sits in the queen Obama chair.
That though is the better idea, none of which Ford has and none of which Obama is tough enough to comprehend.
That also is probably enough wasted space on the worthless Fords, the shiftless Ford family and the in need of a brain scan Obama all these liberals have jumped into the back of to drive yellin' Peggy Noonan "Hoorah!"