Yes I realize that Mr. Biden is a sucker puncher from the old east coast blue collar types who likes the dirty tricks in any fight of real men, but he got suckered himself when David Plouffe and David Axelrod somehow got him and Junior Biden to make a political prisoner out of Lawrence Sinclair.
For that, Joe was to receive the Vice Presidential nod. The way it played out though in the end it looked like Joe was doing his best to make sure that Barack Obama never got hisself elected.
His statement of fact that America would face a nuclear showdown if Obama was elected was his last effort to get himself extricated from this mess, a mess which had Hillary Clinton telling him she had the evidence on what he did to Lawrence Sinclair and she would use it to put him in prison.
The Obama people have not lost a bit of this Biden maneuvering. They also felt the cool breath of Mrs. Clinton reminding them that she has a load of impeachment and imprisonment evidence on Mr. Obama.
So there has stood Joe Biden like in the photo above, hands folded, looking furious as a cat in a cage and looking in fact like in the balance of all events that as Mr. Sinclair was put into prison, now Mr. Biden is facing the biggest and worst prison of his life as the nobody Vice President no one wants around.
Perhaps it is fitting in the cheap shots Joe Biden took at Vice President Cheney, that now he is facing almost Lyndon Johnson ridicule on the heals of Richard Cheney being thee most powerful, influential and presidential Vice President in United States history.
Dick Cheney no matter what the lies of the liberals try and make things out to be was a man who transformed the Vice Presidency like no one ever has in position. He was the man sent out to rattle world leaders and whip them into line for policy of George W. Bush.
Contrast that now with Joe Biden who was said to have been brought on for foreign policy issues.
Mr. Obama has now chosen Gen. Jones, kept in place Robert Gates who is a very astute foreign policy adviser and added Hillary Clinton, which means he has in place Bill Clinton.
Consider that reality in room of Mr. Hisself President who in that role is a 900 pound gorilla in the room now has 4 other 900 pound gorillas in the zoo, and, there sits Joe Biden.
What is Biden going to do? Give his opinion on the military? Jones is that voice. Gates is defense policy and security and the Clintons are tweedlee and tweedloo in covering all the bases in been there, done that and keep your mouth shut Joe.
Biden has been cut out of the entire job by his not being as experienced as all of the above.
Where can Biden turn?
Health care? Not a chance as Tom Daschle is there with Teddy Kennedy as the experts.
Finance? Yeah Joe is going to talk to Paul Volcker to the new robber baron globalist Sec. of Treasury and be as light weight as he is in the defense and state room.
As President of the Senate, Joe Biden has absolutely no place there as Harry Reid and the Democrats need no tie breakers and want no executive type in their Congressional fold.
So what is left? State funerals? Bill Clinton will be all over them.
Peace talks in the Middle East? That is Hillary and Bill.
Biden can't even be the green Vice President as Al Gore is beached there as the walrus dusting himself in the sand.
That is what a prison cell looks like and that is exactly what Joe Biden will be fooling himself into doing for the next months if Obama keeps the theft up of the Oval Office. He will get up, pretend the President values his opinion at meetings until the meetings get fewer and as Joe gets mouth slapped by the people who are the gorillas in the room.
The surest sign when the break comes will be in Biden announcing he has some issue like a first lady does with cleaning up billboards or riding elephants in India.
For that I feel sorry for Joe Biden as he honestly would have been 100 steps better than Barack Obama and he told the world that in body language at the Democratic National Convention.
The above photo of him is one of sadness and that feeling of depression that comes after anger in realizing as he looks on President Hisself that Joe should be standing there and he is absolutely castrated and Hillary Clinton has his testicles hanging on the wall.
Joe Biden is the steer, gilt, geld and capon of the Obama administration. He is window dressing Obama poses on stage or in a chair next to him to make him feel included until that time even Barack Obama will have had enough of the guy like Bobby Kennedy and Jack Kennedy sent Lyndon Johnson out to pasture.
It must be horrid for someone of Biden's abilities to watch this show from his cell. He can watch Hillary cackle and laugh with the raucous Bill, knowing very well that Mrs. Clinton very well if this lasts this long in 2011 will announce she and Bill have been betrayed like Robert Kennedy did and will be running for the nomination in 2012.
After all, how can she not be President as Barack Obama chose her as the best foreign policy leader in the world as his Sec. of State.
Joe Biden then will have the wonderful job in economic collapse, dollar default, terror attacks, erosion of American power etc.. etc.. etc... have the job once again telling the American public that mahdi Obama is the guy we all still need to follow deeper into the chasm of oblivion.
What a wonderful vengeance Mr. Sinclair has had on Joe Biden without lifting one finger as the very people who instigated Mr. Biden into his scheme have now imprisoned Joe Biden in a bigger cell he will never escape from.
The Vice President is at home in the Naval Observatory. Perhaps Joe can get himself a telescope and take up stargazing as any man of his cut is not going to stomach sitting around as Obama candy for the next 4 years in literally being thee disappearing Vice President no one remembers.
Elbridge Gerry, George Mifflin Dallas, William Rufus de Vane King, Levi Morton, Alben Barkley, Joe Biden jr..........
Oh and in the above picture, that little girl standing off stage in being a nobody, that is who is standing to Joe Biden.
Great company he is already being kept in.
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