Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Agents Ramos & Compean, George Bush's Political Prisoners

I want everyone to look at the above people, because they are families, just like you, just like your parents, just like your brothers and sisters, just like your husband or wife, just like your mom or your dad.

The top row is Border Agent Jose Compean, pictured next is his lovely wife, Patti.

The next row is Border Agent Ignacio Ramos, pictured next to him is his lovely wife, Monica.

These two fine Border Agents who were keeping each of us safe from illegal invasion, drug runners, human traffic and other sordid mafia mayhem, were "arrested" by our own government on the words of a drug dealer, who later was shown to be a liar.
This case got so bad that after these two fine Americans convictions, they were endangered in prison and a judge reviewing the case scolded the prosecutor handling the case.

These two agents are George W. Bush's political prisoners. In respecting these families privacy, I will not reveal how I know them, but these people are genuine, good, sincere and the finest of Americans. They do not belong in prison and it has been shabby, unPresidential, unAmerican, deplorable and ignoble for President Bush to allow these two innocent Americans to be imprisoned.

I will note that today, Barack Obama's, Secretary of Treasury, Timothy Geithner, has been outed for tax evasion over numerous years, was involved in a sordid nanny gate tax situation with some type of foreigner, and in all of this has broken the law far worse than Agents Compean and Ramos ever have, and Senators like Democrat Max Baucus of Montana and Republican Pat Roberts of Kansas both were still backing Mr. Geithner, when he did far worse than what two Americans did not do, but are sitting in prison.

This is thee definition of unAmerican in making political prisoners out of ones own Citizens!

I'm not going to ask for letters to George W. Bush and I will not ask for letters to Agents Compean and Ramos. I will instead ask for prayers for God to move President George W. Bush to uphold the law as he has not done in investigating the illegal dealings of Bill and Hillary Clinton, the illegal dealings of the French and Germans in bribes from Saddam Hussein and they myriad of crimes connected with Barack Obama which has allowed him to usurp the office of the President of the United States.

Lowell Ponte pondered several years ago if the Mexicans had some kind of blackmail information on Jorge el Busto, in his college days if he had gone to Mexico and somehow gotten involved in some serious crimes with photographic evidence for all the world to witness as Mr. Bush in his policy has been absolutely without comprehension concerning Mexico.
His policy has Mexican illegals, Mexican mafia and Mexican troops shooting and invading the United States and the attempt to murder our Border Agents without one deal of support for any of them.
I could write off Mr. Bush doing all of this for the cronies of the construction industry and the California fruit and vegetable mafia making billions of dollars if it were not for the horrid treatment of all of our Border Agents in putting them into jeopardy along with the flagrant acts of war which Mexico continuously inflicts on the United States. Mr. Ponte perhaps is correct in Mr. Bush is being blackmailed and it is a filthy orgy of Mexican history which is harming two fine American families.

So Fred Beadle Barnes can make his top 10 list of the good things about George W. Bush and others can make note of his accomplishments. I have defended President Bush often when the fringe was attacking him, and, I have spanked Mr. President when he tried foisting Harriet Miers onto the Supreme Court.
I will though no longer wait in patient silence for President Bush to do the right thing concerning Agents Ramos and Compean. President Bush has pardoned drug dealing scum the past month and other horrid creatures and yet he allows these two Americans and their families to languish in the worst of conditions, imprisoned in your own nation.

This is an honest lowest of low marks in the legacy of President Bush.

Mr. President as a personal appeal to you sir, get off your butt and start acting like an American and a Texican, and do not allow these two innocent families to be punished.
I do not care what your reasoning was or is. If you are being blackmailed, tell it like it is, and move on, even if it was criminal. Prime Minister Obama is not about to be sending you to Mexico for trial and Americans will understand numb nuts things that happen at Spring Break.
If this is just politics, then is making people Political Prisoners in their own nation, and is completely beneath you.

I really do not care the reasons Mr. President. I care about these families and I care that you do the right thing as someone who carries the name of Christian.

I was in prison and you visited me is a quote from Jesus. In 1999 to 2000, you told the people who would vote for you that the first thing you ever do in assessing any situation is, "What would Jesus do?"
President George Walker Bush, Jesus the Christ would not leave two Americans in prison who are innocent nor traumatize their families one minute longer, no matter the personal consequences to Himself.

Mr. President, you do not want to face Jesus in judgement and explain to Him why you did not pardon these two Americans.

Mr. President, you don't have to pardon them, just issue an order to keep them imprisoned in their homes, at their own jobs and living their own lives, because there is no way the taxpayer should be out 130,000 dollars a year keeping Agents Compean and Ramos in prison.
Set them free, set them to work in the jobs they are qualified and do the right thing Mr. President.

Free Ramos and Compean now sir.

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