Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Obama's People

I was wondering if word got out that Barack Obama was making it easier to kill black people if that would cause the NAACP to protest in any way?
What if it was revealed that Birdie Obama's spokesman, Robert Gibbs, said Birdie was going to make it easier to kill all liberals, do you think that might cause a problem?

That is why I just do not understand this strange traveling rock tour of Barack Obama's people telling the world they are rescinding "Don't ask, don't yell" in whether homosexuals can serve in the military or not.
I have never understood why homosexuals pushed so hard for Bill Clinton to initiate this policy for gays to literally get their heads blown off in violence.

Is not this the definition of a hate crime?

Who in their literal right mind would want to make it easier to get stuck in the military where you get parts of your body blown off or else get blown in little pieces so those you love will have a nice flag with a bag of you to bury.

That is what Barack Obama, that strange political Gen. Shalikashvili and all these homosexuals have made it a death long nightmare to stick gays in the military where they get killed.

Now reason would dictate that if liked homosexuals so much, that you would want to stick rednecks in the military instead who vote right wing to kill them off in combat, instead of dumping a voting block into the dumpster as while dead Democrats frequently do vote in elections, it is really easier to have lives ones doing it.

In Mr. Obama's personal relations with homosexual males, Lawrence Sinclair has revealed Obama likes to dominate in being serviced. The other black homosexual, Donald Young, did not reveal a great deal as he was murdered which no one seems to care about.
From Mr. Obama's actions though, it seems he really doesn't care so much about gays but instead cares about sticking them into the military to rid the world of them.

This all needs to be looked at in just what on earth is possessing these people to go charging into situations which are certain death and those who are backing that certain death.
There is a known fact that gays feel isolated, so that might be the draw for them to join a group they can not be kicked out of. There is a known fact that numbers of gays are miserable and numbers of them engage in high risk sex for the purpose of catching a disease which will kill them or a sexual partner who will beat them to death.
That is why this blog uses the term "Don't ask, don't yell", because in too many homosexual encounters it is not about sex, but about two people, one who is seeking to dominate and punish someone for being gay as they want to be punished and one who is submissive in seeking to be punished for being gay.
One has to only been to enough parks or clubs in major cities to see the risky and vocal behavior acting out which is quite disconcerting in seeing or hearing people abuse themselves which is not in the least healthy.

In stating those facts, Birdie Obama is the last person to be making it easier for gays to die and gays who are pushing this are the last people who should be allowed to push for it to be easier for gays to die.

There are those who have run from the gay issue concerning Lawrence Sinclair on the right like Noel Sheppard and Warner Todd Huston of Newsbusters who have refused to address any of the Obama meanderings like all of the Newsmax media types. This blog will not speak to their reasons, but whether one understands gays or whether one thinks that if enough of them dying off will solve the problem they are uncomfortable with, is not the issue. This is an issue of human beings in a number of cases who are depressed and confused, who in normal human compassion should not be let near situations where they are shipped far away to a foreign land, isolating them more, where depression will increase and they might just decide to take a bullet which is how depressed soldiers commit suicide and come back a dead hero.

This is not an issue of rights to serve a country. One does not have to reveal all sorts of personal information to the military, so gays should not be so pressed to as they are in society to define all they are by a sex act. Celibate people don't run around telling the world they are not having sex, so there is no reason for anyone to have the Hugh Hefner syndrome in defining themselves by sex.

I judge this a moral issue of gays in the military. A military unit is designed to kill other people. It is not the Boy Scouts and it is not a Gay Pride Parade. It is a situation where 20 people work together to slaughter people who are not them.
That is the purpose of a soldier. Anything from soldiers posting idiot blogs for McCain or Obama in politics that disrupts that cohesiveness makes it an entire danger for all 20 Soldiers, if there is a problem within the unit.
Making a unit a sexual unit, where one Soldier might make advances to another Soldier of the same sex which is unwelcome or welcome, will cause deadly problems as the unit will then either not function in harmony or the unit will function where the homosexual couple will look out for each other and let someone they do not have affections for die to protect the more compact unit.

That is why women in combat units do not belong for that same disruption, and, as historical facts do prove out, the opportunity for enemy soldiers to get the opportunity to capture female soldiers for sex, will drive them crazy in actually making them more driven, where one bullet might stop them previously, 10 might be necessary. Research historical records or ask someone who has had to contend with enemy units hyped on opium or some other local concoction and then listen as they inform you how they had to literally blow the lunatic to pieces as they would not stop.

This isn't a world where you wear your pretty wool based MOD sweaters with the mates or are clinging to a Ma Deuce as your hand freezes to the barrel at 30 below. It is a different world for those who have decided to serve in various military under various flags. The 7.62 x 39 kills all the same as the 5.56 mm, but it is the people in the unit whether hunting as a sniper or on patrol in a unit who are there not working out suicide ventures nor defining themselves by sex who are defining the situation of whether they come home or play somewhere they are not supposed to be playing that day.

Until someone stands up and asks, and receives a definite answer in this as to why Birdie Obama and political gays are trying to make it easier to kill gays with all the shame that factual assessment should bring, this Bill Clinton political payback for political gay groups deluding themselves into thinking this is an accomplishment when it is another form of terminating gays, this asinine policy belongs no where near the military.

A Soldier's job is not sex and a gay person's vocation in life is not to get themselves killed.

Until the day that Birdie Obama comes out of the closet and confesses what he did with Lawrence Sinclair and Donald Young, he has no business anywhere near a gay military issue as he is guilty of putting his own family in danger from unsafe sex, and, there is no Presidential nor moral reason, he should be deciding whether gay people die easier in the military.

Address the issue people as this is your military and not a social club.

My compliments to the pictured Obama People above, Robert Reich, James Jones, Eric Holder, Tom Daschle Bill Ayers and Birdie Obama. What a happy crew.


Obama the gay killer