Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I is so in love with hisself Obama

There is only so much of this Obama luv that I can take. I started my day off feeling quite well, but after reading Lawrence Kudlow's fawning CONservative panting concerning his meeting with Birdie Obama, in how Kudlow couldn't even eat as he was so enraptured by the brilliance of the Obama one.......

I simply am left nauseated.

I have no idea what it is with humans in they meet a chameleon, the chameleon has read a bit of their work, so he can provide Jeopardy answers, and all of a sudden Obama is Obama one to a bunch of supposedly educated people who are instead Obama struck.
I will reveal a little intelligence agent format which mentalists utilize non stop to bluff their way through life. It is the measure of Confidence Men or Con Men who have plagued disgruntled wives getting them into bed to dykes prowling around teenage girl havens who present the conversational bait, set the hook with a lead that touches the person and the rest is unimportant as the person is awe struck about how much this person knows about me.

All this requires is a second level of understanding and I will explain.

Lawrence Kudlow, Birdie reads your column and flatters you. Obama already a Marxist knows very well the capitalist system he is about to get rid of for the Chinese communist management system he was praising in interviews.
So Kudlow replies, Obama make as reaffirming comment, all the while like Ted Bundy bathing his target in the aura of good will, and in a few minutes Larry Kudlow becomes a puddle of mush awe struck about how much Obama knows.
Kudlow would scoff at Television Preachers, agree with the Amazing Randy that all clairvoyants are frauds preying on people, but lock Kudlow in a room with his compatriots who are all positioning for Obama's attention, and the stage is set for auditioning as the school girl when Jock Manly the basketball star looks her direction.

I have lost a great deal of respect for Lawrence Kudlow, because even Lawrence Sinclair who knows all of the Obama anatomy was not taken in by the Obama scam. That is the difference when one has a street education and are constantly around people playing the edge as Mr. Sinclair was. He knows the venue and doesn't get rattled when Obama bats his big eyelashes at him.
No word though on squirming of Peggy Noonan who was there or how glad David Brooks monkey in his pants was glad to see Birdie.

Where this observation is going with this, is while Obama was neutering and spaying the shill CONservative press, there were real issues occurring with absolutely no policy from anyone, except this blog in dealing with the major issues which face the United States of America.

First, Sheik bin Laden arose from his hinterlands with a message of weakness and strength, once gain focusing on Birdie Obama.
As Mr. Obama has yet to slap on his Rambo pack and assassinate bin Laden as he promised the world that he would get him, I have some advice for Birdie in how to deal with the Sheik.

Sheik bin Laden has gone through a great deal from his quite Obama abandoned childhood of a foreigner in a Saudi land, his dreams of being Saladin, his hijacked credits for Afghanistan, and then his utter humiliation at being laughed at by the Saudi's, conned by Islamocommunist Zawahiri to attack America, and America then killing his loyal soldiers as bin Laden plead for them to die at Tora Bora so he could escape.
His soul has changed from the poetic to one of an older man with darkness in it.

Mr. Obama, unlike you, I won't brag and say things I do not understand the workings of. I could get bin Laden, China temperature, but I also could create in Sheik bin Laden an ally of the United States.
If Jimmy Carter can set down with a pedophile butcher like Yassir Arafat, then key contacts can set down with Sheik bin Laden and negotiate a deal where it is not his demands, but reality which he understands. I with select people could do this, but it must be done before Sheik bin Laden is blamed for another set of attacks which he is involved in and promising.
I will not promise though that Sheik bin Laden will survive as the Russians, Persians, Pak intel factions and Chinese would all want him dead, along with numbers of Europeans who are using his attacks to weaken America.
As stated, killing Sheik bin Laden is an easy operation even where he is. The strategic part for United States interests is dealing with him on his level, and incorporating the "like bin Laden's" who are all over the Middle East in creating an affinity with them for United States interests.

Then there is the Russian military now dictating that you Mr. Obama must apologize for American actions which disrupted Russia and NATO dialogue. As you have already been prowling about Europe in your rock tour apologizing for things, leaving Poland hang out to dry on the missile shield, the Russians now firmly believe they can roll you.
The current President of Russia, Medeved, is a reformer of sorts. He believes in long term alliances, judicial reforms and the historical affiliation of Russians with the Cossacks.

Mr. Putin of course is now painting portraits showing the world he is not just the guy who uses nuclear weapons on British subjects to murder them, but can create beautiful artwork for charity as he shuts down gas supplies to Europe.

This blog was the first and only foreign policy advocate to not just deal with Russia, but explain how one deals with Russia. The key in this is simple in building a Slavic alliance from Poland, Ukraine, the Baltic states and key southern states in Romania, including Georgia into key Balkan states.
Forget NATO in this alliance, but make it a well funded trading zone capable of it's own power. Trade with it to prosper it to build it's military and let it be the buffer zone in dealing with the Russians. NATO can structure operations with this eastern European alliance and within 10 years it will bleed enough revenue out of Russia, that Russia will be incapable of dealing with the Chinese in the east, the Muslims on their southern flank and the Slavic alliance who have been beaten up by French, Muslims, Romans and Russians for thousands of years.
Build the thing Birdie or your Zbigniew Brezinski is going to have you placing more US forces in harms way which will lead to a US Russian war.
Create a buffer zone and let those people defend themselves.

Lastly in this lesson which Lawrence Kudlow could only be pleased about tax cuts for the upper crust, it was pleasing to note that the United States military has gotten on board with this blog in predicting Mexico will implode, which will cause a horrendous security issue for the United States in 120 million illegals pouring into America by 2012.
The current human traffic and Mexican slave labor which helps your union construction thugs and companies, along with all your other campaign donating slave holders is not working.

So I will tell you Mr. Prime Minister this, along with your followers as I informed the CFR. The United States for national security must go in and buy up the northern Mexican states. The money can be seized from these communist foundations like Ford.
In this real pro American teachers, physicians, law enforcement and businesses will be put into place to establish in the Mexicans a Republican form of government and not this mob rule democracy all of you leftists chant on about.
This free enterprise zone will be as Ronald Reagan tried to develop in other areas of Latin and South America as equal trading partners for US goods. This will keep Mexicans in Mexico in prospering them there and end the implosion of Mexico which is about to start.
The advancement of wages in America and Mexico means less friction and the illegal narcotics trade sanctioned by both governments will diffuse as it is safer to earn a good wage milking cows than eating bullets from a drug dealer.

This Mexican state platform can then spread south to include all of Mexico and build into the Latin American states advancing them.

The same solutions can be implemented in Africa where you have Susan Rice trying to set the stage to dominate their in a new colonialism and into south Asia where your mother's microfinance is about to enslave those people forever.

Those are the things these CONservatives should have told you, but you didn't look for Conservatives as you picked your marks to accomplish exactly what they did in all being Obama struck in thinking you are brilliant. I know what you are sir, you are a 10 year old boy who learned how to survive when your mother abandoned you. Your survival technique is to mimic those around you and to reflect their emotions. You found out early that you do not even need 3rd level information to get by with most people in your bluff. That is why you think most people are stupid and why you were pouting when John McCain took you to level three as you do not know how as an intelligence operative to function at that level.

If you really want results Mr. Obama, then take up the solutions and stop the bribe, kickback and Kudlow factor as while you will get through your degrading policies, you are going to be ruined by them.

Ask yourself Birdie, do you really want to be Jimmy Carter wandering around being a fool 30 years after you held the presidency, kicked out of office and selling yourself to rich Muslims? The same Muslims who your entire policy structure is designed to punish for what they humiliated you to in Indonesia?

The adults in the room know what you are pulling and are not going to be taken in. I saw your expression as you entered the CONservative house in being caught in the malevolent expression of the kid being discovered he was entering the coke dealers house.

Your worst enemy who you are in love with is yourself, Mr. Prime Minister. Your worst asset is Rahm Emanuel who will antagonize Congress, who in the end will be your worst problem as they are already preening in the light of their power, jealous of the attention you are getting and looking toward 2010 elections where they will screw you over and blame you just so long as they remain in power.

Take the advice Birdie which this blog has been lecturing you on for months, because your only solution to the erosion you are experiencing daily and the wicked world planning your fall is Conservative principles based in God.
The same things George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, Benjamin Franklin and John Jay laid as the foundations of this nation.

Obama and Obama jr. hugging, along with the monkey in your pants to Lawrence Kudlow are not going to fix this. You need adults Mr. Obama and your guest menu has been effectively void of them.


Kudlow wets Noonan's panties over Obama

Shiek bin Laden, Birdie's biggest fan

Mexico's implosion

Putin the painter, does he use Polonium 210 based paint instead of lead

Heating Europe on socialist hot air freezes people