Monday, January 12, 2009

Supreme Court Denies again..........duh

The Supreme Court once again denied the basis of a case based upon legal walls designed for the courts to not enforce the laws they do not want to enforce.

I posted this on America's Right, but as I do not know if the webmaster will post it in comments, it will be posted here as a record of how to deal once again with the British subject subject of Birdie Obama.

As pointed out, all of these cases are based upon incorrect proceedings as the courts will hide behind "standing" or other bogus terms as Barack Obama for a majority of racists in America and those guilt ridden yet over slavery for their own psychopathy reasons "is" their catharsis, their cleansing, of all transgression in their thought, word and deed.
Harry Smith bawling on CBS and outing his racist parents is but one of numerous examples on the right and left for the reason Obama is getting away with a big fraud, because apparently the Justices have their own racist laundry they are cleansing in Obama's halo.

As I have pointed out, the way to deal with this case which no one proceeding with this will be humble enough to take on is to base cases in the British Nationality Act of 1948, which enhanced the original act and was supplemented in 1965. Mr. Obama and Mrs. Dunham Obama are both subject to the 1948 Act as they are under it in it makes them both perpetual British subjects. There is no expiration in it and only a public renunciation which is legal will negate British citizenship.

I have pointed out that Mrs. Dunham Obamas passport application is available to anyone with her death certificate obtained legally. This application will show "intent" in her going to Africa if Birdie Obama was born there.
This "intent" is what builds cases so real subpoenas can be issued to get at the real evidence in Barack Obama's passport details as he stated he was in Pakistan and if no US passport was issued or if he did not travel on a US passport, it means he was a citizen of another nation.

There are all sorts of legal meanderings which I have shared with the people doing these cases to obtain Mr. Obama's passport data which is the only data which is viable, because Hawaii was issuing birth certificates to illegals and a birth certificate proves absolutely nothing, except if evidence is produced Mr. Obama is a foreigner, a usurper, then the Hawaiian certificate is another 20 years in prison on fraud.

So the key in this is the British Nationality Act of 1948 which Mr. Obama is born under. The courts being required to render verdict on this is what the cases should have been filed under, because Mr. Obama admits he is British and therefore without expiration, he is British under the 48 Act as it is perpetual.
As I have pointed out the War of 1812 was fought over this very subject of zeal of British Law arresting Americans or former British subjects on the high seas. The courts must affirm or deny British Law as the Supreme Court has been caught quoting foreign law the past decade and this makes ALL things Barack Obama open to court challenges by individual citizens.

File under 1948, then the courts in dealing with their own Ginsburg and Breyer "rulings" based on foreign law are subject to being challenged, and in that, the United States Supreme Court will have to hear and issue subpoenas for Barack Hussein Obama's passports of American and Indonesian orign, Stanley Ann Dunham's various passport applications and an investigation into if she has British travel permission out of Canada to fly to Kenya, and the root of the facts in Pakistani and Kenyan visas with Indonesian passport data covering all of Mr. Obama's travels and that of his mothers.

One files cases to get at the data needed, but must file a case which is formed to make the court do your work for you in the case.

All of these people should know this who are involved in this. Make this United States Supreme Court deal with it's rulings and that is how one breaks this open to settle it.

This scenario gives the Justices something to hide behind in international law rulings and for those who understand these things, Justice Scalia has allies on this court in numbers to bring this international law citations challenge to the full court for a hearing.
Then let the liberals in Ginsburg and Breyer stand in the last years of their sitting to be recorded as the people who turned American law to British law. In knowing liberals, including Souter, they will flee from such a thing tarnishing their legacy and in fleeing that, they will abandon Barack Obama in this usurption if proven by factual records.

This could have all been addressed in December when this was brought up and sent to those involved in this and none took it up.

I hope it dawns on someone to couch these suits effectively as it is already to late for a socialist John McCain, but will leave a leftist Hillary Clinton as President of the United States when Mr. Obama and Mr. Biden are negated due to fraud.

Stop focusing on the nuances of the law in "friends of the court" to "centiorari" and start making the court work to achieve one's end. That is what Henry Waxman did in lambasting tobacco and how liberals have established law like infanticide as a right.
