Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Hillary Hamrod Clinton

I was wondering if people ever considered how many of the children of Joe and Rose Kennedy, that this odd couple ever dumped by the side of the road?
Sure they lobbed the brain of that one girl and hid her away, but she was always part of the family no matter what.

I remember my beloved Uncle, my namesake in fact, showing me about his ranch decades ago with me not acting too interested as he once told me, "You know you never want to act too snoopy in life".
In that, he had purchased a herd of black baldie heifers. I will not go into details explaining their attributes, but in observation I learned something of his new purchases which were a telling lesson in life. If one buys for example 20 animals, one gets them in a bunch of buyer take all.
One does not get to pick and choose the fancy from the lower grades. You get a "cut" and you take it for all the good and bad in it.

For example in a 20 herd average, you will get maybe 3 fancy animals, 3 rangy big animals, around 10 which are so so, and, usually 4 which look like they should be on someones grill.

Looks though are deceiving as in most cases cowmen soon learn it is some ugly looking critter who couldn't win a 3rd place ribbon at a 2 cow 4 H judging contest, but it will be that cow which turns out the best market calves year after year.

My beloved Secretariat, the greatest race horse of all time was fathered by a plug stud, who just happened to produce for years the greatest racing horses each season. That horse was ugly, looked like it should be pulling a cart but in the end it had something in producing winners when Secretariat never did at stud.

Guppies, F-16's, cats to people all are the same in some lines produce consistent winners and some do not, but one just can't toss a 40 million dollar plane away nor more than one can drown a Kennedy girl, because her brain wasn't working. Instead you take the bunch as it comes and with the good and bad in it, make the best of what is.

In that, Hillary Hamrod Clinton is currently being crowned empress of the Department of State. Mrs. Clinton is someone I would never choose for any job, because William and herself, have just been so base in their public actions. There was in Hillary and Bill a great void. Mrs. Clinton for her own psychopathy in being a Goldwater Republican jumped ship and found solace in a sex abuser in Bill and in turn she went after Richard Nixon with a lying venom which she was caught at.
Bill due to his horrid home life had a nasty violent streak which often enough surfaced concerning his mother, on other women when they were helpless. Bill Clinton never was on record for beating up whores, but he would pounce and abuse respectful women in submissive situations much to his discredit.

Both Hillary and Bill were involved in CIA operations, with Hillary actually laundering CIA funds through Rose Law. This coming close to power and money caused horrific problems for Bill and Hillary. They took bribes from Saddam Hussein via Marc Rich laundering funds and it was Bill's "get that one more million" in his screwing over the European Rothschilds in stealing Asian uranium from them, which caused Hillary the presidential nomination for which she had to throw the primaries in utter humiliation.
The Clintons as selected to office in the 1990's were not ready to be near anything of power nor position. They would have done much better running a chicken ranch in Nevada for a financier skimming profits.

They sold out America to Russia, were blackmailed by Muslims, committed treason in all the technology they transferred to China including the nuclear football codes and basically were bad for American morals.

With those facts, it might surprise people that I view a woman I would never vote for as America's best hope in dealing with what Barack Obama is maneuvering America into.

The Clinton's have grown up a great deal. Bill was downright brilliant when he was telling the truth for the first time in his life during the campaign concerning Democrats in Congress and world events. Hillary having had her wings plucked is not acting like the shrew she was and actually is measured in not pulling things, but in her own interests for success is seeking to find a path for America which is successful.
So as I survey, the Obama herd rounded up in the White House which now has a Treasury candidate who does not pay taxes and hires illegals to run his house, with no one of intelligence at Intelligence, Daschle knows nothing of health care running that, and with Henry Kissinger in global love with new world order Obama, Hillary and Bill Clinton are the only critters in this pen which actually can produce something for America.
Sure, you aren't going to turn you back on them as they would bunt you, but in knowing the pen you are in, the Clintons are about the best bet. Nice guy Panetta just might be something in the also rans, Rahm Emanuel, if he stops trying to kill everyone in a vendetta and pushes through legislation not Marxism, he can amount to something too as the culls like Daschle moo about waiting for Nancy Pelosi to tell him when to produce milk.

Birdie Obama though has already taken America into the dark corners where nasty things will happen and start unfolding soon. Joe Biden being a thug isn't going to save America from a nuclear terrorist attack, Hillary Clinton just might.

As it looks like George Washington, Theodore Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan are going to be popping up from under the presidential seal in the Oval Office, and, Sarah Palin isn't going to be sitting there nor Jesus the Christ, one has to behold the culls at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and make due with this hand the American people in majority forced on people who see it's faults.
The art in life is not playing a good hand well, because no one ever gets 4 aces, 4 kings and 4 queens. The art is instead taking jacks, tens and a few odd kings and seeing how you can with assistance play this hand against the Eurasians while convincing the financiers better ways to do business than economically raping Americans.

In that, reports are surfacing that George Will, Bill Kristol, David Brooks and perhaps even Rush Limbaugh were sitting down to break bread with Birdie Obama in Washington, DC to "tell him a better way".
Considering Brooks did everything for Birdie, except burping him after a Peggy Noonan feeding, Will is about as dependable as a Noel Sheppard parrot, Kristol is a token Jewish new CONservative working for the left and Rush seems like a man bored with life, I do not see how an Obama venture in patting all the right wing pundits on the head there to steer real right wingers to the global view, is any more believable he will listen to "conservative" ideas than Harry Reid would.
Birdie just tried to bribe the GOP to voting for his Marxism with 300 billion dollars in tax breaks, so he is not interested in substance. He is instead interested in putting on a show like Bill Clinton did in his oral fixation by parading a bunch of caught in the glamour headlight preachers who bought his line.

Barack Obama is a revolutionary Marxist of Trotskyite methodology, which means he believes in perpetual revolution to implement his agenda. Having Chicago steaks from Limbaugh's supplier while they all sit around smoking cigars talking sports ain't gonna make this Peggy Noonan a Church going Protestant. She is still gonna be a cussin shill for the globalists while talkin bout meeting the Pope in her "catholic" leanings.

When you are in the majority, you vote. When you are in the minority, you talk. When you don't have a horse in a pen worth riding, you don't sell the herd for glue or else you will be walking. You instead pick out the people who will in their self serving direction who will in the best way sort of 45 degrees meander in the direction you want and then you compromise in dealing the things which are close to what you desire. This is politics and not religion, and, it is politics, and, it sure ain't gettin married to Peggy Noonan for till death do us part.

That is what politics is. You do your best to muddy the waters in slowing things down in things you do not want implemented while being RESPONSIBLE in never, ever doing anything to hurt the United States. You bide your time, position and deal with people like Hillary Clinton as her star rising assists in the current situation from Obama's plunge becoming a free fall.

By this Hillary might just decide to be a Bobby Kennedy and run in 2012. By this success Hillary might be emboldened enough to push the 25th Ammendment in replacing Obama's Marxism with the Clintons rather Arkansas brand of deal makin politics.

Yes, I realize it looks bad when Hillary Clinton is the best heifer in the pen, but that blonde knows the Rush Limbaugh crowd assisted her in kicking the stuffing out of Obama when she was down.
That is one thing about the Clintons you can always count on in them stabbing you in the back, they are equally like elephants in they never forget if they owe you one.

Birdie Obama has already peaked. The world now closes in, including his own liberal press who are growing more upset with him daily.

I mentioned before, the day can come when Birdie Obama is so Carterized by his own Democrats, that he will run to the GOP for cover. A Marxist appointing pro life judges, signing in a welfare clause for gun owners who can not afford weapons of their own, drill baby drill and pump baby pump..........

That is a Marxist I could ride for a spell with Hillary Clinton running him hard to keep him honest.


Doc Kissinger rides again

Hee Haw at the George Will k ral.

Does he or doesn't he, only his Obama hairdresser knows if Rush was there.

Mickey Rourke, saddlin' up the tartie right and left shills for a go round